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- Learn about common drawing-automation structure
- Become intimate with designs
- Learn how to capture critical design information
- Learn how to improve design quality and consistency
- Thomas Fitzgerald• Tom has been with Autodesk Consulting since 2011, and specializing in the Manufacturing industry for over 25 years. His background has been focused on heavy machinery, defense, surface mining equipment, and material handling. In his role as a Solution Architect, Tom advises engineers and administrators to find solutions to their design process needs while helping them enhance their efficiency and productivity. Tom is an Autodesk® Inventor® Certified Expert, a Data Management Implementation Certified Expert and a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, as well as a recognized expert in the Autodesk iLogic community. Most recently, Tom has enabled customers to develop Web Viewer and Design Automation projects on Autodesk Forge.
THOMAS FITZGERALD: All right. Hello, everybody. How are we today? Excellent. This is amazing. I did not anticipate this kind of a turnout. Quite honestly, last year I did a class about just general design automation and how to build a simple product configuration. And when I decided then that, hey, maybe this might be a great opportunity to kind of extend that into some sort of drawing automation, I did not expect this. So thank you everyone for showing up.
So my name is Thomas Fitzgerald. People call me Tom. I've been in the manufacturing industry for about 20 years. I have been with the reseller channel, independent consultant for a little while, I've been with Autodesk for about seven years now. I've been CAD user. I've used all sorts of different CAD applications. CATIA, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, Pro We, Mechanical Desktop, AutoCAD, and then of course Inventor. Those of you that I've met before know we've had several engagements. And working within the manufacturing industry, working with Inventor, I mean, it's really quite a passion of mine and I've really kind of embraced it to allow myself to understand what it is that you as Inventor users really need and what you want to do with Inventor. So staying in touch with the functionality and what it can do and watch it evolve over the years. I mean it's been really amazing.
I went through some Microsoft certification. Got my Microsoft certifications a number of years ago kind of allowing me to understand a little bit more not just about end users in terms of what they do with CAD, but also the systems that support CAD. So being able to work with system administrators and understand that relationship between IT and engineering. And just in my free time, I like to pursue knowledge. I'm really big about understanding a little bit more about World War II. I'm a licensed drone pilot as well. Kind of really interesting being able to capture a lot of different footage that way. And I did a little stint in the United States Army back in the 1990s.
So once again, thank you everyone for being here. This is really quite an experience. So about today. What are be talking about today? Well, we're talking about drawing automation and everybody here probably is familiar with iLogic to some extent. iLogic's been around for a long time. Incorporated into the Inventor application back in 2009. Prior to that it was just an application, an add on to Inventor.
Bunch of guys up in Canada decided, hey, I think there's a need here to develop some sort of software for rules based design. Well, how are we going to do that? What are we going to do with it? Are we going to do it with SolidWorks? Are we going to do with Pro Weer? Are we going to do with something else? They chose Inventor. They chose Inventor simply because of what Autodesk represents. We have a large community. It's a lot of powerful tools. Why not invest in Autodesk? So they did, and now we have iLogic.
So I took this snippet off of online. So December 8, 2008 was when Autodesk acquired logic metrics, iLogic software, and started rolling it into Inventor. So it's been around for 10 years now. So those of you that have used iLogic before, thank you. It's been a journey, I know. But what I want to do today is talk a little bit about what we can do with it that maybe we don't really understand what we can do with it.
OK. So iLogic is one method, one way of incorporating design automation. So what is design automation? Well, it's a means to be able to take things that we typically do in a manual fashion and then use logic or code in order to process that information or do particular things. iLogic is a tool that allows us to do that. We have an interface inside of Inventor where we can generate and create different rules that we want to use to process information and do particular things.
One of the things to remember about iLogic, though, is that it doesn't change how or what Inventor can do. It only changes how we can do things with Inventor. So understand that, there's no magic wand here. There's nothing fantastic happening or things that shouldn't be able to be comprehended. I mean, it's just things that Inventor already knows how to do.
OK. So why would you want to use design automation? Well, there's a lot of benefits involved. Engineers get paid a lot of money and designers get paid a lot of money and we don't want them sitting around just doing data entry and plugging away at the keyboard and the same old, same repetitive mundane tasks over and over again. Let's allow them to use their brains. Let's allow them to use their experience and their knowledge to do things that's much more appropriate, much more valuable for the companies in which they work for.
So there's a lot of benefits involved. It allows us to innovate and be able to really take things to the next level as my class suggests and it allows us to increase throughput. And I think that's one of the biggest things about automating, particularly within design, is it allows us to do more with the people that we already have. How can we extend that? How can we get more out of that? Well, design automation is one of those ways to do that. So that's the how and the why.
Well actually, let me take this back for a second. So a little bit about design automation. So I'm going to show you something as a little bit of a demonstration. Now, last year when I did this class, it was kind of funny because I wanted to pack in a lot of content, and in order for me to be able to do that, I wanted to just kind of create all sorts of slides within the PowerPoint. Kind of overwhelm people and be able just to talk to it so I can get all that information in there. Well there's a lot of comments about the fact that maybe being something of this nature we want to do a little bit more demonstration. So I'm going to try to do more demonstration, less PowerPoint today, to kind of give you guys an idea of what it really looks like and what it's all about. OK?
So one of the first things here is about the design automation aspect of it. Let me get out of here, go into Inventor. So I built a product configurator last year as an Inventor add-in. So not iLogic per se. Leveraging the Inventor API allow me to then create a way to build an assembly just by plugging in a little bit of information.
OK. So one of those things, what I did is I built this add-in. And I have it up there. It's called LSC. You see it on the far right there. It's a little rocket configurator. Who doesn't like rockets? Everybody understands what rockets are and things like that. So I built this little interface all within the add-in. Now, you don't necessarily have to do it this way. You could just do this all through iLogic if you wanted to, but add-ins really give us a way to kind of give the user a great experience in terms of what they are already familiar with. Everybody knows that there's a ribbon across the top with different tools and whatnot. So why not streamline that? Why not allow end users to share that experience or have a common experience without being disrupted and what they do normally?
OK. So if I plug in some values, here is terms of what is my payload parameters? What am I putting in the space, and of course where am I going to put it? So once I have all these things defined, then I can go and select Accept. Actually, I want to go back here. Eight, four. I want that to be eight. There we go, and hit Accept. Once I plug in those parameters what I am doing in the background-- and I have the SQL Server instance that has a whole bunch of information and a series of database tables and it's perusing through there. It's searching through there to find all the parameter values that meet those particular conditions. And then from there we're allowed to select what kind of rocket we might want to build and go ahead and say Build.
And if I select Close here-- now, maybe you don't understand that very well. But essentially what it's doing is going out to a pool of parts and it's bringing them in and assembling them based upon different rules that I have within the add-in. OK. So nothing fantastic here. We've all seen product configuration before. OK?
So what if I want to build something a little bit differently? Let me think here. This is going to be 16, this is going to be 10, and this is going to be 100. And instead, I'm going to take this all the way to the moon. And what are my options? Well, the SLS heavy. So I'm going to build this instead just so you can kind of see. Now, within that same assembly, I removed all the components that were necessary and brought in other components, constrained them together, leveraging the normal behavior of Inventor in terms of building assemblies. So once again, just a simple little product configurator.
Now, once we have that in place, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to save this assembly and I'm going to give it a name. I'll just call it SLS Heavy. And I'm going to save that. OK. Now that I have that, let me pop over here to my PowerPoint, present that once again.
So now that we know what design automation is, as opposed to an end user going out to their directory, finding all the sub components that they might need, bring them into assembly, constraining them altogether, well we can apply logic to make that happen. Well, the next step. Now that we have the models, that's one thing, but where's the real value? The real value is with the drawings, right? Those are the things that we send out to potential customers in terms of quotes, right? Or what about fabrication? What about manufacturing? Well they're going to need 2D documentation as well.
So this is the whole point of building up that drawing automation. So what is drawing automation? Well it's the means to take 2D documentation, develop some sort of logic to automatically create these 2D docs, these drawings. OK. What is necessary in order for us to do that? Well, if you know how to use Inventor, which of course is a critical aspect to all of this, is you have to understand what Inventor does and how it works in order to be able to leverage it.
If I was an end user and I wanted to start creating 2D documentations, well, what would I have to do? Inside of a drawing I have to define how many sheets do I want? What size are those sheets? What kind of views do I need? Within those views, are there certain components that are turned on and turned off? I want to be able to develop these views to represent and convey the accurate information necessary for manufacturing and fabrication.
Obviously a parts list needs to go along with. We need to know the cont or the quantity of different components that are involved within an assembly, and then of course, the all important dimensions and balloons. What are the sizes? What level of accuracy are we trying to convey within our drawings?
And then lastly, sketch symbols. Nothing more than text or different things that we want incorporated within the drawing. Maybe it has to do with different specifications or things like that. We want to make sure that we're putting those inside of the drawings as well.
So what does this all look like? What do we need to do? Well, what I'm going to show you here in a moment is what do we do after we configure the model? How do we save out a drawing? How do we create, name, and activate different sheets? I'm going to show you that within the code as well. How to create scale and locate views, how to control component visibility, how to create and manipulate the different parts lists, adding dimensions, adding balloons, and then adding and manipulating the sketch symbols.
So all of this we're going to do inside of iLogic rules. This is not going to be part of an add-in. This is not going to be anything special. It's just going to be iLogic. So what does that look like? Here we go. If I bring up Inventor here, let's make sure we're presenting, and end that. There we go.
All right. So now that we have our model, one of the first things I want to show you is how do we get that drawing? How do we get that initial drawing going? OK. So I created a rule and I'm going to crack this open so we can take a look at it.
Actually, you know what? Before I do that, let's walk through this. Do you guys want to see what this does first? I think that'll be a little bit more important to kind of frame the conversation per se. So if I right click on here I'm just going to run this rule. What it's going to do is it's going to ask me what template do I want to use? Just like if I was an end user. If I wanted to start creating a drawing of my assembly here, I have to define a template. So understanding and working with templates, creating those templates in order for it to use. Just going to use this template that I've created previously. And inside of this template is where I have the iLogic rules.
So we're going open that and then I'm going to get prompted, well, do I want to open it now? Now that I have it, now that I have it saved out, do I want to open it up or not? Do I want to start working with it? Yes or no? Well, in this case, I'm going to select Yes and it's going to activate that.
OK. Now that I have the actual drawing file available, now I want to start generating those things that I pointed out before. How do I create the sheets? What about the views, component visibility, so on and so forth? Well what I'm going to do is I already have the safe copy S rule, which I'll go into in a little bit here, but initially I want to start this off by starting to create some different sheets. And I have these rules kind of chained together in such a way to allow me to start doing that. So first thing I did was I generated a sheet. I scaled the sheet, I sized it, I gave it a name, and then I started placing the view. So it generated a few views, put in a parts list threw down some balloons and some dimensions, filled in some information while I have a drawing.
I mean, granted this isn't something that you're going to use for fabrication and manufacturing, but the concepts are right there. Everything that I just suggested previously I've done right there in that drawing and it didn't take very long either. And there's a few things that are happening behind the scenes that you may not even understand or even appreciate to some degree.
OK. So what does this look like? How did I get here? What did I do. Well, the first thing I did is if I go back over to the assembly from the context of this assembly, how did I go out and create a drawing? How did I do that and then create the drawing and then of course name the drawing and then open it up? How do you do that? So if I go in here and I edit this rule, one of the first things that I want to say about this iLogic or all of my iLogic rules that I've created is the simple fact that very rarely do I use the iLogic snippets.
And you'll notice as we go through the code here that you won't see a whole lot of actual ideological snippets being used. Everything that I do I leverage the Inventor API. Why do I do that? Well, simply because that's where all the power comes from. If you're using Inventor and you go up to the ribbon and you start pushing buttons to do different things like generate a view or lay down a dimension or anything like that, you're effectively calling on the Inventor API to do something. So why not leverage that within the automation as well?
The iLogic snippets will get you part of the way and it's really great to start if you're a beginner. If you really want to start understanding the context and the structure and the architecture of developing code, the snippets are great. However, they don't do everything that we want to do. Not only that, the snippets are just a starting point. That's not everything that you can potentially do with the Inventor API.
So why not go straight to the API and start using that? Well, that's a great suggestion Tom, however I don't know anything about the Inventor API. Well, if I were you, I would start doing a little bit of research. Me personally, I've never gone to any coding classes. I'm not a programmer, I'm an Inventor user. I'm a 3D modeler. That's all I've ever really done in terms of engineering. Everything I've learned here were from either other resources within Autodesk or Google, YouTube, other online learning sites to kind of give me a way to understand what it is I'm trying to do.
But like I said before, that's the most important part, is you have to understand what you want to do. If I want to create a sheet inside of a drawing, how do I do that? Well, personally I just go online and go to YouTube and see if anybody else has done something like that. And that's how I got started until I really started to understand what they're trying to accomplish. And then from there start looking through the Inventor API help, and things just really started clicking. They started making real good sense in terms of what I need to do.
So for this example right here of how do I go out and I want to create a drawing of an assembly that I've already created? Well, this is how we do it. You're going to notice a couple of things here. I create my first subroutine there. I call it sub main. And this is a good common practice to be able to organize. So I have a sub at the top and I have a sub at the bottom, and this allows me to do a couple of things like be able to collapse the code and organize the code.
I know that back in the day when I started creating different configurators and writing logic in iLogic, it was just this one big, long string of code, numerous lines. Trying to troubleshoot that, trying to debug that was nearly impossible. But if you organize it and you construct it in such a way, it makes things a whole lot easier, particularly things like indenting and spacing and commenting, adding different things in order for you to understand what's happening with your code.
You're also going to notice that if anybody's used iLogic, at the top I say if parameter configure eight, yes, then do something. OK. This is just a common thing in terms of instead of just typing the parameter and anything in the iLogic, if it's a recognized parameter it's always going to come in as a blue color. Well, I specifically call that parameter by using the parameter object there. OK?
Another thing, just a little bit further down there is shared variables. How many people know what shared variables are? Shared variables are extremely powerful, especially in the context of what I'm doing here. A variable inside of iLogic allows us to-- it's a placeholder. It's a means to put a value somewhere. OK. But a shared variable is not at the phi level, it's at the application level, which allows me then to set a variable and use it through numerous files within the Inventor session. I don't have to recreate that or I don't have to create it and then save it out somewhere and then recall it later on. It's right there within the context of the session. So it allows me to go from one file to the next to the next. And because that's exactly what I had done here, I went from the assembly and I want to transport or share that information with my drawing. So generate and create shared variables, set them, and then you can call them later on from other files. So very powerful to use shared variables. OK?
So further on down then, I'm not going to go too far into this. But essentially, those are the big things. I'm calling a file where I want to open it. I'm setting different variables and then I use those to create and then open this document.
So this is a big one. Used message boxes, feedback information to your users. There are some input boxes that you can create inside of iLogic as well where you can ask an end user for a value or to do something. Not just feed them information, but require information back and then use it through your code later on. OK? So in this case, I'm asking, would you like to open up the drawing now? If they say yes, then I'm running a bit of code to open up that file that I just created. If they say no, it does nothing. So yeah, very simple. And then of course if there isn't one to create from, it's going to throw up a little bit of an error to let you know something's happening.
And you really should do that. Being able to generate the code and make it do something is one thing, but being able to generate the code and then of course have some feedback for your users is going to be even more helpful. And you notice down here I have another function. So now one of the things that I always try to enforce or suggest rather when working with clients about developing code is use common code writing practices, use subroutines, use functions. Being able to apply some variables to this function, have it churned through that, and then have some sort of result from it that you can use later on. Very, very powerful and you should use that as well.
Also, it allows you to call on these functions through various different moments throughout the code. You don't have to rewrite it every single time. Redundancy is a huge thing you want to try to avoid inside of when writing your code because what happens if you have to edit it? Now instead of adding it in one location you have to add in numerous locations. What if you miss a location? More debugging to do. So if you can condense your code, use functions as much as you possibly can, this will save you a lot of time and a lot of overhead. And if you do start debugging and you do start understanding where there might be problems, you know exactly where to go. This one function is where my problem's at.
So from there, now that I have that drawing I know how to open up, now I want to start creating my views and everything else associated to my drawing here. OK? So through the other rule inside of the assembly, I'm actually calling on this first Save Copy As rule inside of the drawing. So this is really where the power's at. This is what's actually doing the work in terms of I've set a bunch of shared variables in terms of the drawing name, the assembly name and what I want to call it. I'm going to pass it here and then now I'm going to recall that information and then use it in this lower function to not only save the assembly, but replace the reference because anytime that you create a drawing it needs a reference. You have to have a reference. If you don't have a reference, how are you going to generate views inside of Inventor?
I mean you have to understand these things ahead of time in order to start writing out your code. OK. So I have this file, I've replaced the reference to the assembly that I generated earlier, and now I have my starting point. I have my drawing, but there's nothing there. Now I need to configure that, OK? So what do I do? Just as I stated before, if you know how to use Inventor you know the logical steps in order to create a drawing.
Step one, sheets. I need sheets. So what does this rule look like? It's nothing more than defining how many sheets I need and what those names of those sheets might be. OK. And there's a lot of different things that you can do, a lot of different best practices, like creating arrays or collections. So if you need to create a drawing set that has 50 sheets, no problem. You could do it a number of different ways. You could do it where you create an array and then you start populating that array or collection to make sure that you're accommodating the number of sheets that you need. OK?
I've seen people use loops in order to do that and then they have to define how many or the count of those. But what if you don't know the count? What if it's a variable in itself? Maybe in one situation you need five sheets, another situation you need 10 sheets or so on and so forth. There's a number of different methods you could do to accomplish that. One of those is to create a collection or use an external data source. This is something I had talked in last class last year about external data sources and working with design automation is sometimes you have a bulk of information or a mass of information.
Now, writing all that or hard coding it within the rules can be challenging. Not only that, it's really not user friendly. And if you need to make changes or if you need to be conditional about it, it's not really the best way to do it. But using an external data source is a great way to do that.
Example of an external data source, an Excel spreadsheet. Everybody knows how to use Excel. You just start plugging information in rows and columns, you make a connection through an iLogic rule, and then you can feed that information or consume that information. Another external data source, XML files or SQL databases, Access databases. There's a number of different ways that we can store information that we might need to call on later on. In my rules here, I'm using Excel spreadsheets.
All right. So what sheets do I need? And then if you start becoming familiar with the Inventor API, you're going to understand that we use a lot of enumerators or enums. I've seen instances where you can call in a numerator by name. Most of the time I try to use the code that's associated. And this is all defined within the Inventor API help as well. OK?
So what sheet size do I need? In this case, it's going to be a D size. I just know that because I know that. But 9, 9, 8, 8 is D size. And then if you hover over that it's going to give you a little bit of information, hovering over things in iLogic.
How many people are using Inventor 2018 update two or newer? All right. So more than half of you. This is good. If you're not already using in Inventor 2018, at least get Inventor 2018. And update two allows us to do basically like IntelliSense, where if you hover over code inside of iLogic, it's going to give you some hints as to what you should be doing or what that architecture might look like.
In the case of a call here, I'm not doing any calls. Well, right here. So I want to get the active document object in order to do something with it. Just by hovering over it it's telling me that this is a read only property that's going to give me the active document from the document class. So it's getting the active document. That's step one. Let's get the active document and then we can start manipulating it, OK? So it's these processes of understanding the steps necessary.
So I have some comments here kind of explaining exactly what's happening. Add number of sheets and then name them, delete sheet colon 1 because I don't need that initial sheet anymore because I've just created new sheets and I've named them. So I'm going to get rid of sheet number one and then I'm going to activate the main sheet, throw down a border, throw down a title block, and then I'm going to the next rule. So this is what I mean about chaining them together, is I'm doing a particular function, I'm accomplishing something, and at the very end now I want to go to the next rule.
Other methods that I've done in this situation, what if there's an error? What if something happens when I'm trying to create that sheet? Do I necessarily want it to go to the next rule, which is add views, if I haven't really accomplished what I want to do initially? No. So sometimes you'll want to throw down some error reporting or checking in order to make sure that everything is satisfied first before going on to the next step. OK? In this case, this is a fairly simple rule and what it's trying to accomplish, and the possibility of error is next to nothing. So I don't have to worry about doing an error checking or conditioning in that respect. And then after that I'm going to go and start adding my views, OK?
So what does ad views look like? So I'm going to open up this guy. And this gets a little bit more complicated. As we know when we create views inside of drawings, being a human being doing it, being able to see that sheet in front of us and understand its width, its height, things like that, appropriately and accurately locating them and scaling them, how do we do that? We do that from a visual standpoint. Well, code doesn't have a visual standpoint. So you've got to define every little thing. OK?
What are my views? Where are they going to be located at? OK. So this guy right down here I created an array or a collection of points, four of them to be exact, of where those four views are going to be located at. Above that I've defined some variables and some values that basically take the sheet height and the sheet width regardless of what it might be. If it's A size, if it's D size, whatever the case, I'm going to take that and first I want to do some sort of calculation against it so that way I can make sure that the views are always in the same location relative to the sheet size. OK?
So that's some of the first things I'm doing. And then once again calling on those shared variables because I want to share those throughout my rules to make sure that I'm using consistent values and consistent information. OK? And then from there I'm going down here and I'm setting some view styles. What if it's shaded? What if it's wireframe? What if it's neither? What if it has hidden lines? I want to be able to represent that. Once again these are going to be through the enums.
And then after that, then I want to create the view. So I'm setting a whole bunch of variables, I'm collecting all this information in terms of what I want to do with the views, and now once I have those I want to generate those views. So I'm just doing a loop, a four loop, a four next loop. Start with number one, go to number two, then three, then four. So I've identified some conditions. If it's number one it's going to be a base view. If it's number two it's going to be a projected view. If it's number three it's going to be a detailed view.
Each of those have different requirements. Once again in the Inventor API these functions clearly outline what those requirements might be. In terms of my base view, what's my model reference? Just as if I was an end user and I wanted to create a view I have to select-- that dialog box comes up and it says, well, what view do you want to create or what's the reference? So we have the model reference, we have a point, we identify the scale based upon the calculations I did further up in the rule, view orientation and view style.
Some of these are requirements and some of them are variance, or rather they're not required. So if they're not required, sometimes you don't have to do that. But if they are required or if it's something that you specifically want to detail within your drawings, then obviously you want to include that within your functions here. So add base view, add projected view, add a detail view, so on and so forth.
And then after that I'm going to go and start creating the parts list. So in order to create a parts list inside of an Inventor drawing you first have to have something you want to create a parts list from. Generally that's a view. So that's why it's the next rule to go in place.
Below that I have some other functions here. What if I want to recreate this? Well, if I want to recreate this I have to tell Inventor, OK, delete the views that are currently there so that way I'm not layering view on top of view, on top of view, on top of view. You want to make sure that you're cleaning up after yourself as well. So having a delete in there somewhere on occasion you can create it as a function so that way you can call at different times. You don't have to have it within the code string there every single line. OK?
And then, of course, how do we scale it? So I created this function down here that I can pass information from all the views through this in order to be able to determine what the view scale should be relative to the sheet size. So once again if the view name contains ISO in it-- so if it's an ISO view I want to do something a little bit differently than some of those other views. So I'm on to scale those a little bit differently, OK? And if we go back to the drawing here you're going to see that.
This ISO view is slightly smaller than the other views. I just have it in there as a representation. So I have a conditional statement in there that says, well, if it's the ISO view make it a little bit smaller, but the other views I want much larger.
OK. Component visibility. If I have something within the view that I want to turn off-- I mean, guys, this rocket example is super, super simple. I understand that and I know that a lot of companies out there, the products in which you guys create and the views that you need to generate, there are lines. There's geometry everywhere. Some of that you want to represent, some of it you don't. So turning on and off different components within those views is going to be absolutely necessary.
So I have some things here and I'm not actually doing it within this example, however this is the code to do that. So I'm identifying what views I want to affect or manipulate, and then from there what I did here is I created these two variables right here and I call them Name Check Value. So basically I'm populating a variable. It's a string variable that says, OK, later on if I turn through the views and any of those views contain this information in it, then do something with it. If it doesn't, then don't do something with it. So it's a way for me to create a variable to do a check against the name.
And as I go down now I'm going to go through the different sheet, I'm going to go through the different views, and once I find the views that I want to do then I'm going to turn off the visibility of those occurrences. So I have to loop through the assembly that's associated to the view, go through each one of those components. Now, what if it was an assembly that has sub assemblies and what if those sub assemblies have other sub assemblies and then finally down to the components? Well, then you're going to have to do a little bit more complex of a loop, so that way if we find components within the context of an assembly that have sub occurrences, go through those sub occurrences, those different leaf nodes in order to find those components that have the appropriate name or meet the criteria of the name check values that I've created up there.
If they meet those values then I'm just basically turning them off. And that's what I'm doing here. So set visibility to that occurrence. If it meets that requirement then turn it off. It's that simple. So just like an end user. I mean if you task an end user do the same thing, they have that knowledge inside of the head. We need in their heads. We have to provide that knowledge to the code in order to understand that, OK?
Adding a parts list. This one's a little bit easier, adding parts list, because the requirements they're fairly simple. As long as we have views we can create a parts list. And Inventor does that some of that heavy lifting for us. Some of our settings indicate hey, if I'm going to create a parts list automatically put it in this upper right hand corner, automatically attach it to the border. So it does some of that work for us where we don't have to define nearly as much of that.
So in this case, the first thing I'm doing is if there is an existing parts list, let's go ahead and delete that guy. That's why I had that try catch there. If there isn't, of course, then go over it and then we're going to create it based upon the drawing view number one. Now, you can define it based upon if it meets a criteria name. In this case, I always know that the first view that I put on this sheet in this drawing, it's going to utilize that in order to generate the parts list.
OK. And then where do I want to place it? I'm going to place it in the upper right hand corner. If not then I'm going to create a 2D point. If there's no border then I'm going to place it somewhere. So I'm expecting there to be a border, but if there isn't a border then where do I want to locate it in that regard? Once I have that all done, then we're going to go on to the next rule.
Are you guys seeing a common pattern here in terms of how I'm writing this code? I put everything into a sub, a main sub, run all that and then call on different functions, as I want different things to churn through or calculate or do anything along those lines. OK?
Reorder bomb items. I created this rule as an example for a different customer that perhaps as I start changing my assembly, it's going to update my parts list. And one of the things that happens is sometimes those item numbers get out of whack. It's not all sequential like I want it to, or perhaps there's different components within the parts list, the different rows. I want to move those around, or maybe depending on what's in the view, I want to turn those things off.
OK. So I'm just doing a simple re-number here. So I'm getting the drawing document, getting the parts list, and then I'm just doing a simple re-number. And then of course once I re-number it I'm going to overwrite those in the bomb. Remember, the information that comes with the information that populates the parts list and the balloons inside of drawings comes from the bill of material, right? So we have to affect the bill of material to have the drawings automatically update in that regard.
Now that I have that parts list, I have everything good to go, now we come to the big ones. These are the hardest ones. Now, whenever I talk to customers and they want to start automating drawings or do things like this, everything that I've talked about up to this point most people really understand. I mean it's common sense in terms of how to generate drawings.
The hard part is placing the balloons, placing the dimensions, because as an end user it's very simple for me to say, OK, I want to place a balloon and then point it to some object or entity within a view, and Inventor does that work for me. But if I'm not an end user and I'm not selecting it, how do I tell Inventor to point to an entity? How do I tell it to point to a particular component within a view? Is it 2018, 2019? If you're using the latest Inventor, we have an ability within Inventor to right click on some geometry inside of a 3D model and then assign a name to it.
And has anybody seen that, that functionality assigning names to faces, edges, things like that? OK. So that's very, very important and somebody indicated to me earlier that, hey, that's a really cool feature. It's brand new. We weren't able to do that before. Well, not really. I mean the ease of use to be able to do that hasn't existed before. But it's leveraging a common concept that people have been using for a while, particularly in terms of automation. And that's assign attributes, assigning some sort of tag or a label to geometry within an assembly so that way we can call on that later on. OK?
And so that's what I've done here, is I have inside of my model here some faces and if I go into the rule here, I have some edges that I've applied some tags to and I named these tags Balloon as I've highlighted right there. So essentially what I'm doing in this rule is I'm going to the assembly that makes up that view and I'm just iterating through every single component within that assembly. If that assembly has some assemblies then I'm going to go through those sub assemblies. If those sub assemblies have components I'm going to go through those.
And on every single component I'm going to look to see if there's a tag on any geometry in that component that has the name Balloon. If it does, give me that face, give me that object. OK? And then from there, then I can say, well, because the fact that I know that they're Inventor faces I'm going to say give me that face. And then another thing that's another concept it's the simple fact that that geometry exists at the part level. That geometry doesn't exist inside of the assembly. Inventor assemblies are nothing more than reference components. There's reference geometry. And in that is inside of the assembly.
We're all familiar with this. If I go into a assembly, drill down to a sub component, make some geometric changes, it automatically updates. That's because it's not in the assembly, it's just a reference. So how do we get that reference inside of the assembly? Well we've got to create proxies, OK? So now that I have that face I'm going to create a proxy of that face, I'm going to look for a particular entity on that face-- in this case, a drawing curve. --and then from there I'm going to put that into a collection and then use that in terms of my positioning.
So what I've done here is where do I locate those balloons? I have to locate it relative to something. So what I'm doing is I'm getting the point that has the tag on it, and then from that point which I've identified as midpoint I'm going to create a 2D point inside of the drawing that relative to that midpoint plus 1, minus 1. You're going to have to play around with these numbers to understand exactly where the placement of everything's going to be inside of the view. But I've just kind of hard coded some things in here to make sure that they kind of look the same.
And then interesting thing about balloons, though, is when you add different points-- so in a balloon I can place a balloon leader where I want it to attach and then I can also create other points if I want to have that leader kind of extended out at different angles and things. If I want to go around things I can create different points. So you have to create a collection of different points of how it's going to be attached to the geometry as well as where it needs to be located in terms of the drawing views.
OK. So the key thing to remember when doing that is you must add this point last, the leader attachment points. So all the other points that you might apply there are basically where the leader's going to be at, where the balloon itself is going to be at. But where do I want to attach it, what geometry? That's got to be last, OK? And once you do that, then you add that to this collection and then you take this create or add balloon function with all the points in it and then you just churn through it and then it creates those balloons. And that's kind of why you see the balloons all on the left. They're all kind of at the same angle, the same distance off the geometry, because we're using the same calculation relative to its attachment point.
So the big one, dimensions. Everybody always struggles with this one. So I've done a couple of things. And there's a few things that you can do in this regard. You can use attributes similarly how I did with balloons to do dimensions, however I found it a little bit more valuable to create work points. Everybody's familiar with work points inside of working within both in components and in sub assemblies.
Generating, creating work points, is quite easy. We can create them. We can move them around. We can name them, which is the critical aspect of it all. If you go and you create a whole bunch of points and all sorts of different components and you give them logical names, you apply some sort of naming convention to them so that way you can call on them whenever you need to or find them within the context of an assembly, it's going to make your process a whole lot easier.
So what I did here is as opposed to hard coding and all the different dimensions that I might need-- because there's going to be conditions there. In some case, I may want four or five dimensions. Maybe in a different situation, I might want 10 or 20 dimensions. So because this once again bulk information or mass of information I've used the next turtle data source. In this case, it's an Excel spreadsheet.
So there's a number of different methods in order to do this. But one of the things that I found is if you go and you populate an Excel spreadsheet, how can you tell Inventor when to stop? Read row one, read row two, read row three. How do you know where it ends? Well in this case, instead of doing a four next loop, I do a do loop. So do until some criteria is met and then stop doing, OK?
So in this case, I'm doing a do loop where I'm going to go through all the rows until it finds an empty row. So that's what's happening here. So loop through until you find an empty row and then stop the process. So the really cool thing about this is my code is now relatively ambiguous. No matter what I have in my Excel spreadsheet, if I have one dimension defined or if I have 50 dimensions defined, it doesn't matter. It's just going to do it with as many rows that are populated within the Excel spreadsheet.
So if I go into my data set folder here and I just crack that open just so you can kind of see, it's fairly simple of what I've done here. It's nothing more than telling Inventor where to start. Where's my start point in terms of the name of the work point that I want to use? Where's my endpoint? What view is it applied to? What sheet is it on? What's the orientation of that particular dimension? Horizontal, vertical?
And then I cheated a little bit. I used a Dim text x and y in order to locate where I want that dimension on the sheet. So instead of guessing where it might be, now I'm actually manually inputting where those dimensions should be based upon the actual geometry. So that takes a little bit of tinkering with, if you will, to be able to make sure that it looks the way it should. But in this case, just setting up this simple little format makes it a whole lot easier.
OK. So if I need more dimensions I just add another row. Give it the information that I need, plug it in there, and then the next time I run it it's going to work. So that's what I've done in regard to dimensions. OK. So loop through that Excel spreadsheet, find that information. So row one it's going to collect all this information and then it's going to call this function that I created called Create Linear Dimension.
But before I can do that, I have to go and find the point. So that's what I'm doing right here. So because every dimension has a start point and an end point I have to go and find two points for every dimension that I want to create. So I created a four next loop that just does one and two, drill down through all my occurrences, find Dim 0.1 and Dim 0.2, and then bring them back and then I'm going to populate them or feed them into this other function called Create Linear Dimension.
And then of course a little bit of error handling here. If there isn't anything I want to be able to feedback to the end user, hey, those points don't exist. So I'm not going to do anything, or I couldn't find those points. So that way now the end users prompted if necessary, or use it for debugging actually. In this case, this is what I did. In case I forgot to place a point where I needed it to be inside of the model, now I'm getting some sort of feedback to make sure that I have to handle that.
OK. Once all that is satisfied I can create my linear dimension. And this is where it's really doing a lot of the work. So some really interesting aspects of creating dimensions inside of the context of a drawing is the simple fact that we're going to be calling points that live in the model, OK? So one of the things that we have to do is if we bring a point from a model, how do we convey that from 3D space to 2D space inside of the drawing?
So there's a little bit of magic that's happening there in terms of once again developing those proxies. So I have some proxy work points because I want to pull it from a component, bring it up to the upper level assembly. But once I have those points at the upper level assembly, what I do here is I create a center point, or center mark rather. So I find that point inside of the model, where is it in the drawing view, place a center mark on top of that, and then instead of actually attaching the dimension to the work points I'm attaching the dimensions to the center marks, OK?
So I create center marks on those work points. Add by work features is that function right there. I'm going to apply it to proxy one on a particular view, and then I'm turning around and I'm turning those center marks off. So now they're not in my drawing, but the attachment points of the dimensions are there, OK? Then I'm creating some geometry intent, bringing that across to feed that into my linear dimension function here, and then of course if it's vertical-- because once again I could use this enum to define my dimension as being vertical or horizontal, but that's not very user friendly. So as opposed to that inside of the Excel spreadsheet, I write in horizontal and I write in vertical, and then I just do a check against it. So if it comes back vertical, use this particular enum. If it's horizontal, use this other one.
Once I define all that, I have my point where I want to place my text, and then I feed all that information to my add linear. Where's the text going to go? Where's point number one? Where's point number two, and what kind of dimension is it? And then come back and then center the text. So regardless of where it is I always want it centered. So I'm going to go back and center the text on that dimension.
So that's how my dimensions come in vertical and horizontal. That's how they know which view to be attached to and that's why they're all perfectly centered. It's simply from adding in those little bits of code.
OK. The last thing is, of course, adding a sketch symbol. In this case, I didn't really fully work that out in terms of chaining that as part of the other rules here. But if I go and I just run that rule you'll see, you betcha it works. It placed it. It put it exactly where I wanted it to go. And the interesting thing is this is a prompted entry sketch symbol. So it's a dynamic sketch symbol. I may or may not know what information needs to go into. So I have to feed that information to it in order for it to say what I want it to say.
Let's take a really quick look at that guy. So I've defined some variables here in terms of a string value. I've already showed you in some of these previous rules that I could potentially grab that from an Excel spreadsheet or some other external data source if it's in a SQL database. Maybe you have a business system out there that has all this information in it. You can legitimately create some sort of mechanism to take information out of one database, put it into an intermediate database or some other external data source like an Excel spreadsheet, and then pull that information into populate your sketch symbols. There's nothing to suggest that we couldn't do something like that.
In this case, I'm just hard coding those string values, and then I'm using that in order to just run this little guy right here. Sketch symbols add. So I'm adding the sketch symbol and then it has its own requirements in terms of what's a sketch symbol definition in terms of name. So this is a name of this symbol that I want to use.
Where is it going to be located via x, y? Does it have some rotation to it? Not all sketch symbols are perfectly horizontal. Some of them might be at a particular angle so I can define rotation. What's the scale of it? Manually if you ever placed a sketch symbol, one of the options is to let you know what scale is it going to be so I can scale it if I want to. And this O prompts strings, which is an array. It's a collection of different string values which I've identified up there as some value number one and some value number two. So you can add all that to a collection of string values. And then this function, the sketch symbol add function, is going to then apply all that information.
And really, that's all it really takes. Everything else you're just going to leverage the normal behavior of Inventor. Like as an example, in the lower right hand corner, this label here, I'm just pulling in the file name to populate a title block or a pseudo title block in this regard. But guys, that's all it takes. And these methods are exactly the same no matter what. You're going to have to incorporate all this information similarly if you're doing a small project in terms of your drawing automation or an extremely large project with drawing automation.
So let me go back over here to my PowerPoint briefly and kind of finish this up. All right. So that's what we've done here in terms of what needs to be done. These are, like I said, the same concepts that you're going to have to do no matter what scale of your project might be for automation. OK. Some things to be advised of in terms of model preparation.
Attributes. Attributes are those things that I was talking about in terms of tagging different faces and edges so that we can call that information later. I use that method when doing the balloons, OK? So for ballooning that was really a good method. One thing I did find out as I was going through that process was with the rocket assembly, you'll notice that most of those faces were cylindrical.
So if you define a tag on a cylindrical face, how do you know exactly where that is relative to the view that you're placing? Is it a front view? Is it a side view? If it's a cylindrical face, where does that attachment come from? So I cheated. So I created an extremely tiny little cube on that face that you can't see, however it has a flat face on it. From there I applied my tag to that little flat face and now I'm looking for that attributed face. So in the model you can't see it. It's extremely, extremely tiny, but it worked.
So that's one method that I found. Maybe there's better methods out there, but that's a good one. The second thing is work features, and I mentioned this before too. Work points. You can use attributes for applying dimensions if you want to. I found it to be easier to use work features, work points in this case. In all the classes that I've ever conducted or any of the training that I've ever conducted I've always really expressed the value of work features. Every model that you use, part model, assembly model, we have an origin folder, those work features in there. Get used to working with work features. They will make your design process a whole lot easier.
And then best practices. I said this before, really come to learn the Inventor API. There's a lot of different information out there. This guy named Brian Ekins did a whole bunch of work about the Inventor API and some information about creating different add-ins and what you can do in terms of the Inventor API. There's some blogs out there that you can look at in order to understand more about the Inventor API.
And then rule structure lastly. You'll notice that my rules that I created they're organized based upon what they do. OK. It's always better to have a lot of small rules when you're working with iLogic than one big massive rule, because think about this. If you're triggering a rule based upon, say, a parameter change, do you want that entire rule to run every single time if all you're trying to do is update something else? No. You're going to inhibit performance, you're going to get a really bad experience with iLogic, and you're going to go do something else and you're going to hate it.
So create your rules in such a way where you structure them based upon function like I did. If you want to create a sheet or create a balloon or create a dimension, that's how you organize your rules, OK? And it's a lot easier to manage and troubleshoot if necessary.
OK. So questions. If there are any questions there is a microphone right here in the center. You can step up there and ask. If not, then we have about two minutes left. I think I did a pretty good job in making sure we've consumed all that time. So please feel free, questions.
AUDIENCE: Are the example files going to be available for us at all?
THOMAS FITZGERALD: The actual models themselves?
AUDIENCE: Yeah. What you had up there, the code and possibly the models.
THOMAS FITZGERALD: Man, that might take a little bit of convincing. I've been working with iLogic for 10 years now ever since it came out, and I've always had this thought that we should share information. That's what we're all here for. There's no reason for me to come up and start developing a whole lot of information and just keep it to myself. Maybe 40 years ago that was a great mentality, but nowadays it just doesn't work that way. We're in the age of sharing information.
So by all means, after this class if anybody wants the models, I'll try to make them available as soon as possible. And if you want to consume them, you want to use them, go right ahead. Now if you downloaded the handout that I created off the AU site, all the rules that I have that I showed are in the handout, the last few pages. So that way you can just do a copy/paste if you want to, see how it works. It's a good way to get started. OK.
AUDIENCE: When creating your parts and your sheets, do you find it easier to have one part per sheet or to have multiple parts per sheet, or multiple drawings for every part, or all the parts in the same drawing?
THOMAS FITZGERALD: OK, that's a good question. I think companies have a different thought on that. Like say, for instance, if I'm a company and I'm creating some structural components that have a whole lot of different steel shape members associated to it, doing a one to one drawing per part scenario, I mean you're going to create a whole lot of drawings.
So if you look it from that perspective, yeah, maybe I want to create a number of sheets within a single drawing and have detailed views all over the place to kind of represent. There's nothing to say that you can't. It's really matter of personal preference. But most companies nowadays they do a one to one. I have one part, I have a drawing for that one part. Particularly if you're using some sort of document management system like, say, Vault, makes things a whole lot easier in that regard as well.
AUDIENCE: So when you're doing your balloons, are you traversing the whole tree structure or are you just doing leaf nodes?
THOMAS FITZGERALD: I'm going through every single component within the assembly. So this brings up a really interesting point. What if I have an assembly that says 5,000 components? I mean that's obviously going to impact performance far more than if it only has five components in it. So that might necessitate a different way of rather not structuring, but how you're going to place the attributes or work points that you might need. And you might want to do things in such a way where as you traverse if you find that have or some assemblies that have a particular name, maybe you can skip those.
Like, say, if you create something that has a whole bunch of internal components, you may not want to dimension to anything internal. But if you apply a common naming convention or a popular naming convention or something like that, you can actually eliminate searching through particular sub assemblies and components and just get to those external components to speed up that performance. Any other questions? If not, thank you very much. I appreciate your time.
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