Principaux enseignements
- Learn how to render an image in 3ds Max Design software using the mental ray engine's daylight system
- Learn how to render a photorealistic image of an object in a studio setting
- Learn how to load an HDRI image to use as lighting and background for your object
- Learn how to adapt your scene for both the iray and mental ray rendering engines
- MLMarion LandryMarion Landry has over 17 years of experience in Architectural Visualization, working with a range of software including 3ds Max® Design and Showcase™. She has worked for various architecture firms in Vancouver, BC and on numerous projects from concept design to high-end visualization. As a Technical Marketing Manager for Autodesk, she focuses on the creation of technical demonstrations and workflows with 3ds Max® Design and Showcase™. She also contributed in the writing of multiple white papers including: Daylight Simulation in 3ds Max Design 2009 (Getting started and advance), Using the Autodesk Civil Visualization Extension for 3ds Max Design and AutoCAD Civil 3D and more recently Easier mental ray rendering for designs workflows. You can follow Marion's technical advice and tips & tricks publication on her YouTube channel and on twitter. She also answers technical questions and offer supports on The Area Showcase forum.