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A Look into the Autodesk Fusion 360 Crystal Ball for Data Management

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Join us as we explore improvements that we've made in research and development in the area of data management for Autodesk Fusion 360, from Fusion 360 software's canvas, to Fusion Team, to the Manage Extension.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn about data management improvements that you can take advantage of while creating and editing designs within Fusion 360.
  • Learn about data management improvements for data authors and consumers alike within Fusion Team.
  • Learn about new advanced data-management capabilities in R&D with the Fusion 360 Manage Extension.
  • Learn how the improvements under development impact APIs.


  • Avatar de Jeremy Lambert
    Jeremy Lambert
    Passionate about product design and manufacturing, as well as the processes that are used to manage the product's lifecycle.
  • Avatar de Abhinav Singh
    Abhinav Singh
    Product Owner, Fusion Data and Collaboration