AU Class
AU Class
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Advanced Meshing Techniques in Simulation Mechanical

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In this class we will go over how to find and fix problem CAD geometry to get a successful mesh. We will also highlight some of the advanced meshing tools within Simulation Mechanical software.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn how to identify problem CAD geometry
  • Learn how to fix modeling issues
  • Learn about surface imprinting between solids and surfaces
  • Learn about mesh size controls


  • Michael Fiedler
    As an enterprise simulation specialist at Autodesk, Inc., Michael Fiedler helps to provide proactive and reactive support in the area of simulation to Autodesk's Enterprise users. Michael obtained his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, and he worked with locomotives, steam turbines, and sheet metal hydroforming prior to getting involved with finite element analysis (FEA). He has been helping FEA software users via technical support, training, and web content since 1999, and he has been with Autodesk since 2009.