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Airports and BIM: A State of the Industry Discussion

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A small group of not-so-small airports have seized positions of leadership in the aviation industry as adopters of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and integration with geographic information system (GIS) and asset management. As part of that position of leadership, they’ve also taken on the roles of mentors and teachers for other airports, sharing their victories, their failings, and their lessons learned. We will discuss what these airports are doing to lead the way and what other airports are doing as they surge to catch up.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn which airports are adopting BIM and how they are implementing it
  • Discover how BIM adoption has benefitted those airports and what other airports have learned from them
  • Learn what role the FAA and other agencies have taken in getting involved with BIM
  • Discover where BIM is going next in the aviation industry


  • Brendan Dillon
    Brendan Dillon is the Manager of the Digital Facilities & Infrastructure Program for Denver International Airport. DEN is the sixth busiest airport in the United States and has developed a comprehensive BIM and Asset Management plan unsurpassed by any airport in the country. DEN’s DFI program manages over 120 projects at a time with a net value in excess of $2 billion. Prior to joining DEN, he had managed over $1B in BIM projects, including as the BIM standards coordinator for the design team on Denver International Airport’s South Terminal Redevelopment Project. Brendan is also the founder of the annual Airport Information Integration and Innovation (AI3) forum and is the founder of Red5ive Consulting, specializing in BIM deployment and integration for airports. Along with managing DEN’s Digital Facilities & Infrastructure program, Brendan still enjoys getting into the weeds with Revit, writing scripts in Dynamo and generally getting his hands dirty.
  • Mark Hughes
    I am a licensed Architect and an airport design and construction digital delivery expert and holds Masters Degrees in both architecture and civil engineering. A subject matter expert in the Global Aviation Business Line, I am fully conversant in planning, design and construction of buildings and civil infrastructure and have been a leader in the practical application of the digital delivery process in the Design, Construction, and Facilities Management industries. I am knowledgeable of the use of BIM by owners, designers and contractors and have guided clients in setting expectations and integrating Digital Delivery Processes for comprehensive program development resulting in integrated maintenance and management activities.
