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BIM Strategies for Cloud Collaboration and Data Management on Airport Projects

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Airport design necessitates collaboration between numerous teams with a wide range of skill sets generally coming from various locations. This requires well-established strategies and methodical use of tools and technologies for a successful delivery of a large-scale project. This session will present strategies for utilizing cloud collaboration tools such as Collaboration for Revit, BIM 360 Team and Fusion Team (formerly A360 Team), BIM 360 Glue software, and BIM 360 Docs software in order to help teams communicate and collaborate effectively in delivering a complex project. We will showcase San Francisco's $2.4 billion International Airport project as an example of utilizing these strategies to enable effective collaboration between more than 200 architects, engineers, and builders from Woods Bagot, HKS Architects, Gensler, and numerous core trades and consultants on this design-build project. This session will present Building Information Modeling (BIM) strategies for cloud collaboration and data management on airport projects.

Principaux enseignements

  • Discover BIM strategies for cloud collaboration on large-scale projects
  • Discover best practices for utilizing BIM 360 Team and Collaboration for Revit
  • Discover strategies for data management on airport projects
  • Learn strategies for workflow optimization for large-scale BIM projects


  • Pardis Mirmalek
    Pardis Mirmalek is an architect and programmer who's work focuses on the overlap of Design, Data and Technology. She has worked on diverse range of projects in NY, SF and Dubai. She received her master of Architecture from Princeton University and is currently working as the BIM manager for Woodsbagot-HKS Joint Venture Partners for San Francisco International Airport Project. Her passionate is utilizing technology for design rationalization and workflow optimization.
  • Fergus Hohnen
    Fergus Hohnen, Global Manager - Design Technology, Woods Bagot. -- Fergus has worked in the area of BIM, design and technology since studying architecture. He currently manages the Group Design Technology Team at Woods Bagot, working with amazing people and complex projects across the global organisation; partnering with teams to solve challenging problems with design and technology. -- Fergus's interest in architecture ties to a continuing interest in design, art, science, history, computing, gadgets and making things.
  • Sam Tahmasebi
    Sam has over 8 years of experience managing BIM in large scale projects in New York and San Francisco. He is currently theBIM Manager at Gensler San Francisco, managing and applying the latest building technologies, BIM and management techniques to create cost effective outcomes across multiple phases of the projects. Some of his project experience as the BIM Manager include San Francisco International Airport, New York MTA East Side Access, New York World Financial Center Entry Pavilion. Sam holds a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Construction Management from Columbia University.
  • Avatar de Lana Kotova
    Lana Kotova
    Lana Kotova is currently BIM Manager at San Francisco Public Works, developing BIM Standards, providing Revit training to employees, managing and applying the latest building technologies to the studio projects. Some of her projects experience as BIM Manager include Terminal 1 of San Francisco International Airport, Genentech office Building in South San Francisco Campus, variety of residential buildings in San Francisco and Bay Area. Lana holds Master Degree in Architecture from Belarusian National Technical University.