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Beyond Roads and Buildings: Point Cloud Feature Extraction While in InfraWorks

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Let's dive into the complete process of creating an .rcp file while in ReCap Pro software and importing the point cloud into InfraWorks software, and see the step-by-step process of creating both a usable InfraWorks surface but also extracting features from your point cloud using both the new point cloud terrain and point cloud modeling tools within InfraWorks. The point cloud modeling tool is like your description keys in AutoCAD Civil 3D software, but instead of 2D blocks you'll get 3D features like power poles and trees automatically inserted into your model. We'll take you step by step through the process to help save you time.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn how to create an .rcp within ReCap Pro
  • Learn how to import an .rcp file into InfraWorks
  • Learn how to create a surface from a point cloud
  • Learn how to extract features from a point cloud


  • William Neuhauser P.E.
    William Neuhauser, PE, is a civil engineer for McKnight & Asc. Inc. out of Nome, Alaska and Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Prior to this, he taught civil techs at a local College, and prior to that he worked for a few North Dakota and Minnesota civil consulting firms for about 10 years as an engineer, CADD guy, CADD manager, and supervisor (better known as a jack-of-all-trades). He was also one of the first AutoCAD® Civil 3D® ICE certified experts. Past and current softwares DCA, Softdesk®, LDT, C3D and now Infraworks.