Principaux enseignements
- Learn how to form and maintain lasting relationships with prospective and current clients
- Learn how to identify and improve areas of communication with clients
- Understand how to approach and identify issues with dissatisfied clients
- Learn how to change 'problem' clients into advocates of your firm
- Curt MorenoCurt Moreno is the owner and editor of Kung Fu Manager, a blog that is focusing on management and IT in the design world. He is an active freelance content creator for clients such as the Autodesk, Inc.; Hewlett-Packard; and other corporations, large and small. He is former member of the board of directors for Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) and he’s an award-winning Autodesk University speaker. He has written and spoken on topics revolving around the CAD profession, management issues, presentation topics, and customer relations for more than 11 years, and hopes to broaden his reach. Moreno currently lives in Houston where he is the IT Manager for a Texas-based engineering firm. He is a public speaker and trainer and enjoys spending time with his dogs. Visit his blog at or follow him on Twitter at @WKFD.