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AU Class
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Dynamo—Everyone’s Doing It

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This session is not for people who are heavy Dynamo software users. This session is for people who aren’t programmers (visual or other), but from time to time may need to use Dynamo as part of their workflows. It’s also for people who have heard of Dynamo, or visual programming, but never thought it was something they could do (but it totally is!). It’s also for those who just don’t think Dynamo can help them in their everyday workflows (don’t be so sure). By the end of this session, you will have an introductory understanding of Dynamo. You will learn that Dynamo can be used to create geometry with parametric relationships, and that this geometry can then be pushed into a Revit software project or family using the Revit software database. You will learn that Dynamo can do more than just geometry. It can also help with everyday tasks like creating grids and levels, adding some trees to your site, performing an energy analysis, or even changing your text from sentence case to all CAPS. This session features Revit and Dynamo Studio. AIA Approved

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn about Dynamo
  • Find out some of the many workflows Dynamo can improve
  • Gain a basic understanding of the Dynamo user interface
  • Have fun


  • Avatar de Carl Storms
    Carl Storms
    Carl is a seasoned professional and Head of Community, Advocacy, and Technology at Newforma, with over 25 years of experience in Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AECO). Renowned as a BIM Crusader, his expertise in Building Information Modeling (BIM), Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), and Project Information Management (PIM) allows him to seamlessly blend innovation with practicality. Carl has a knack for simplifying complex ideas and loves sharing his knowledge through blogging, speaking, podcasting, and as an Autodesk Expert Elite. Beyond AECO, he gets a thrill out of unraveling tech mysteries and learning new coding, no-code, and AI skills. These new additions to his skill set showcase his flexibility and dedication to keeping up with the latest in technology. Approachable and always up for a chat about the latest technologies, workflows, gadgets, or hacks, Carl is a valuable resource in the AECO industry.