Principaux enseignements
- Learn how to build structural beams, including roof framing, using Dynamo in Revit
- Learn how to get and set structural parameters in Revit using Dynamo
- Learn how to speed up the structural modeling process in Revit by using Dynamo
- Learn how to create complex structural shapes in Revit using Dynamo
- Marcello SgambelluriMarcello has worked on many BIM projects over the last 25 years as a project manager, design engineer, and BIM Director. Some of the BIM projects Marcello has worked on includes the Sphere in Las Vegas, The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles - CA, the Ray and Maria Stata Technology Center at MIT, Tom Bradley International Terminal Expansion at LAX. Marcello is internationally recognized at one of the top BIM leaders and contributors to the education and implementation of BIM technology in the building industry. Marcello continually speaks at Autodesk University and the Revit Technology Conference (BILT) where he has received the 1st place speaker award for a record 18 times between 2012 thru 2021 between both conferences. In addition, Marcello provides training and consulting the the AEC industry. Marcello received his Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering and he is also a licensed Civil and Structural Engineer.
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: I am Marcello Sgambelluri. I am your host for today's event, for today. And I'm really excited because this is something I'm really passionate about. So welcome, everyone. I want to get to know everyone. My classes, my labs, whatever I do is very informal. So if you have questions, and we've got some awesome lab assistants here. I'll introduce you to each one of them. Jason, raise your hand. Jason? And John over there. As well as Carl Storms there. Right now they're passing out the data, the handout. It's kind of a consolidated form. Those are each of the examples will be going over today. You can keep those as a memento and if you like I brought a pen, I could sign them if you want.
So let's get going. We've got eight examples we're going to try to nail down in an hour and a half. So I want to get to know everyone. So how many people here either work in structure or have to model in structure or have to manage some entities that model structure? OK, good. So the only requirement I have in this class is that you have some Revit experience. We won't be going over the basics. OK? You don't have to have Dynamo experience, but how many people have Dynamo experience? Let me clarify. That means you would have to have at least have downloaded it, you would have at least had to open it, you would have to at least had to run a script, you at least would have had to save it. How many people have done that? OK, good. All right. So we will be going over some of the fundamentals, but then we're going to slowly, slowly, slowly get more and more complicated and we're just going to take off.
Today's going to be hardcore structure modeling. Dynamo for structure, OK? We're going to go over eight examples, like I said. Not everyone may apply to you, but there's going to be concepts that you should be able to pull out, head to your office, and hit the ground running. OK? So if you have any questions, feel free to ask. We've got lab assistants now and I know we've got a computer. So if there's a question for me, it could be anything, like, this is too slow or why do we do it this way or-- I don't care. You can heckle me up here. We're all in this together, all right? You raise your hand and you look towards me. If you have a technical issue, you raise your hand and you look back at the lab assistants. Got it? OK. All right. Very good. So what you have there, I'm starting this new format where-- are there extra sheets here? OK. I know it's a little small, but I'll be showing you-- you won't need these actually while we go along because I'll be showing the thing up there and showing them up there.
I started this new format called the Dynamo cheat sheet. And so here's the basic anatomy of the Dynamo cheat sheet. Each one is one contained page, one example, a few nodes, and away you go. All right. So this is how it works. This is basically the first example we're going to go over. And so basically what you got is you've got this Title Zone, of course. That's basically, what are you doing? These are the Dynamo Node Zone areas, that's where the Dynamo nodes are. And then these little descriptions on what each one does. And then we've got this Geometry Zone, kind of what's the resultant in either Dynamo or this will either say Dynamo or Revit or both. And then some notes and steps, like open this file. So this is just self-contained one page format. OK? That's the way the handout is.
This class has been in development for about 3 and 1/2 years and I've built up a big database of examples, so I picked these eight because I thought it'd be relevant to you today. And then these are the ones, of course, we're going over. We'll kind of hit them one by one. And then, just got to mention this, there is a data set that has an additional 85 plus examples in there. So we don't have time to go over them all today, but it's part of the dataset, it's in the handout-- not this one-- and if you want to try out what you have on some other examples they're all here. This is also the start of a document I'm going to create called Dynamo Cheat Sheets, so feel free to look at it and comment on it. Welcome everyone else. Make sure you find an open seat. Are there any other questions before we start? We're just going to hit the ground running. Yes?
This handout is on the AU web site. Also, what I'm going to do for everyone too is, I always hardbound my handouts and pass them out, but I thought-- because now we're doing this single page format-- I thought I'd actually print them out and laminate them in binder format and then you can open it up. As I pass this around, if you'd like, you can open up the binder and take a sheet. Take any one you want. Unfortunately, I'm going to start here, so maybe as it reaches toward the back you'll be getting some of the scraps. But anyway, go ahead and take one of these as you go along. But this is the handout as well and this is fully available and [INAUDIBLE]. So I'll start that one here, got another one here. But feel free to open up that binder and steal one. Feel free.
All right. So everyone ready to get started? OK, make sure you have Revit 2018 fired up on your machines. All right, we're good. There's some apps on there you might have to cancel the splash screen. I'm using my personal computer, so my data sets will look a little different. Has anyone seen me speak before? OK, so I'm kind of animated. I'm going to run up up here. And if you think I was animated before, structure is my passion. I'm a licensed structural engineer and that's kind of my day job, so I'm going to get really super passionate about this stuff, all right? So any structure question you have, anything you want to throw out there, just do it. All right?
All right, so this is the first example. We're going to try to find a total surface area of a structural beam. Eh, not so exciting, but it is exciting and I'll explain why. Can everyone hear me? I feel like I'm a little low. I'm a little light. No? OK, I'll yell if I have to. All right, everyone, fire up Revit 2018. And I don't have it fired up/ we'll keep an eye on the time. Oh, intro down to eight minutes. That's awesome. I'm trying to get my intros down a bit further. I've been averaging about 15 minutes, so if I can get it down to 10 minutes that's good. All right. So the data that works like this, we've got the main examples, those will be the eight we're going over today, and then the additional examples are the 85 or so that you can do in your own time. All right?
So we're going to be hitting the main example folder. So we're going to do, basically, just like we showed. Navigate to your data set, you would have to go to Your Desktop. So you open Revit and then you open the project. For you, you'd go to your desktop and hit the Dataset button. Mine's in a little bit different spot. So the lab assistants can help me tell you where to go there. It's called Dataset and there's this main example folder and the additional. Don't go in the additional, go into main. And then we're just going to go off the names. So this one is going to be Surface Area Beams. Beam Area Start, yeah? Beam Area Start.
So datasets [INAUDIBLE]
Datasets, Main Examples, Bean Area Start.
Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry. Dataset under Marcello. Sorry. Datasets, Marcello, Main Examples, Area Beam. All right. All right, good. I like the energy. I can feel it. I'm going to keep moving, the techs are going to help you get it up. Make sure you see this on your screen. Carl, John, Jason, you see this on everyone's screen? OK, ready? So here's the thing, over the last 3 and 1/2 years-- I've got everyone's attention? Over the last 3 and 1/2 years the most common questions I get is pretty much what I put into these examples today.
So one of them is, how do we get the surface area of a beam? You might not think that's a big deal, but surface area is actually a very big deal. Well, your first answer could be just go to Revit. Right? Forget about Dynamo. You click on a beam, can anyone tell me where the surface area of property is in the Properties window? Where's the surface area in here? Where is it at? Is not there, right? OK. That's an awesome opportunity for Dynamo to be useful. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Part of this lab is going to be, like, should I use Dynamo or I shouldn't? And it's going to be a personal decision every single thing you do in Revit. Everything? Yes, everything.
So I want to get the surface area. If the surface areas were in here, I would argue you wouldn't need Dynamo because you can run that off to a schedule, export, and away you go. Right? But it's not there. So then you ask yourself, I wonder if my friend Dynamo can calculate surface areas of solids? Question mark. So then you open Dynamo. Go ahead and everyone open Dynamo, it's under the Managed tab. Don't worry, we're going a little slow but we'll take off. Because I want to make sure everyone understands why we're doing what we're doing because that helps you in your office adopt things, right? How easy is it to convince a structural engineer to do something? You just tell them once and they do it, right, believe you instantly?
OK. So now that you've got all this wisdom and knowledge you've got to be able to support what you're doing. Like, why are you doing that? Well, then you go ahead and find the surface areas in Revit, right? Can't do it. But you know what that structural engineer is going to do, right? They're going to take this perimeter area and the length and they're going to run a calculation, right? OK. OK, fine. You do that. I'm going to look for Dynamo and I'm going to see if Dynamo-- fire up Dynamo, it's under Manage under Dynamo. I'm going to see if Dynamo can take a surface area of a solid. So go ahead and open up Dynamo. Maximize it, say New. Here's your working canvas. You won't have as many menus here as I do, but you will have a few there. Under Geometry, look under Geometry and look under Solid. If you look under Solid, scroll way down to Area. If you look at Area and you hover over it, it says, returns the surface area sum of all the areas of all faces.
So now you go, Dynamo has the ability to do this because it does basic geometry analytics. That's what I call it, basic geometry analytics. It does complex geometry analytics, this is basic geometry analytics. This is something you'll be doing all the time. So you say, Dynamo can do it so I'm going to use Dynamo to calculate. Do you understand what I'm saying? So let's do that. All right, so go ahead and drop that node down on there. That's kind of where we're going to end and I like to put the nodes where I end first so then I know how to work backwards. If you're new to Dynamo that's just a node, we call it a node. I call them boxes, but I'm supposed to call them nodes.
On the far left, that's called an input port. That's where you feed the data in. And then the output port's on the right. It says double because Dynamo a lot of time uses programming language nomenclature. Double stands for double precision, just means that it's a number. That's what you're going to get out. That's the power of Dynamo, you have abilities to pull out data and use it again for something else. Your add-ins typically don't have that, right? If you have an add-in that does something, you typically can't pull the data out to use it again. That's the power of Dynamo. Very powerful.
So everyone got that node down? Do you see that on everyone's machines? They need a big mirror up here for me to make sure they're on. They're good guys. All right, so they're also Dynamo experts. Why is that there? That already go around? Start pulling those sheets out. Take them. If you want them. Don't have to take them if you don't want them. I don't want to see them in the garbage outside. Ready? Let me explain one more thing. How we doing on time? OK, good. One more thing really quick. That says solid, OK? That is Dynamo geometry. So we can't just feed an element in there because Dynamo does not know what a beam is.
That's Revit language. OK? It knows what solids are, it knows what arcs are, it knows what planes are, in terms of geometry analytics. So a solid is Dynamo geometry. So mission one is to select all the beams, convert them to Dynamo geometry and feed it in and watch the match. So we've got to select all the beams. There's a lot of ways you can do it. There's a lot of ways you can do it. In the handout I actually show you how to take select by family types. So let's go ahead and select. All right, so let me show you how this works. OK, so that was geometry. Now any time you want to do anything with the Revit database you go to which menu? Anyone?
Which one? Yell it out.
Revit, yes. So you go to the Revit database folder. And then if you're going to select something in Revit which one do you go to?
Selection. Awesome. OK, good, we're on a roll. Now, a beam is a loadable family so you'll need to pick family type. We're going to pick all the types of that particular beam and that particular beam is a W 12 by 26. So we need to go to All Family Types and then we need to pull this down and find the W 12 by 26. We're using imperial units today. Also, what's cool is this will show you every loaded loadable family and your project. Don't you think that's kind of cool too? Right? I do that all the time. Is that Revit? I don't know. I don't scroll through that family browser down there. I actually pull this node out and just run my eye down this list. And then close Dynamo and say thank you. Because that's what Dynamo is, it's your buddy, right? OK, good.
So let's see. Here we go. Now, we only selected the type, we didn't select all the instances of them. We only selected the type, yes? OK, so we have to select all of the types that are placed in our project. So then you go to this one called All Elements of Family Type. It says All Elements, All Elements or All Instances. There you go. And then these little pull down buttons will show you that you have them all select. You got it? OK, now here's a quiz. Can I just feed this right into there?
No? Why not?
Because that is speaking one language and that's speaking another. Right? So we've got to use a universal translator, kind of like the one they had in Star Trek. All right? So that they could talk to each other. Well, the Dynamo developers were happy enough to give us a node to do that. There's a basic one and then there's one for solids. So we'll use the one for solids, but let me just show you for now, the basic one would be under Revit under Elements, under Elements again. You all with me? And then you see this one called Solids down here? You need to see it again? Revit, Elements, Elements, Solid. Now, the reason I use menus all the time is because most people just type in what they want, but then they don't get a feel for the context of where it's coming from. So if you know that it's coming from the Revit folder and it's an element and that you want to do a generic something on an element and you want to do a solid, then you kind of have the logic of where it needs to go. So we're going to be doing menu pull-downs for a while. But if you didn't see where I went and you want to type in Element.Solids on the search bar up there or right click into it, you go right ahead and have yourself a good time. But I'll be going through the menus for now.
So this says Element Solids. That technically should say Revit Elements Solids, but it doesn't, but it's supposed to. OK, got it? So this should say Revit Element and you see how it says Revit Elements? OK, ready? Wire that in, boom. Now you got something beautiful. Like, what's beautiful? All this beautiful. Look at that. Can everyone do that? You can tip on this and then rotate in the background. I'm not going to go over a lot of the Dynamo basics, but you can understand that's what we got. Those are the solids. Everyone got the solids? Now that says solid, feed it into the solid area. And now you've got all the solids. Now you have the surface areas of each solid. But it's kind of broken up into this funny little menu thing, right? Because we want to sum these all up. But can everyone get there? You see the logic that we went through? OK, I'm going to start speeding up here.
Where did you get the element [INAUDIBLE]?
The element solids is under Revit, Element, Element, Solid. Or you can type it in here, element.solids, if you want to. I hear a lot of talking. Is everyone good? Yes? All right. Now we want to sum this up, but we can't sum it up because Revit, I need to tell you something. Sometimes when it does separate operations on elements it'll put them wake them single list items within lists. So it's like Roman numeral 1A, Roman numeral 2A, Roman numeral 3A, Roman numeral 4A. That doesn't make any sense, right? So what you do is you use a flattened node and you squish it down to Roman numeral 1, Roman numeral 2, Roman numeral 3, Roman numeral 4, Roman numeral 5. It takes all those little A's and pushes them up one level. So we have to flatten this so that we don't have those little lists within lists, so it's called a flatten node. You can just type flatten. Flatten, you'll be flattening experts throughout your Dynamo career because lists don't always behave. Flatten. There we go. Pull that down. See, now we've got a pretty list, right?
And those should have about the same surface areas, but they're not all the same length, but they're just about. OK, we can have an academic discussion on the precision of these numbers. We won't do it today. Especially if these are for paint calculations or fireproofing calculations, might be OK if you're off by 10 to the minus 5. OK, one more. We ought to sum that up. Now, you can take that, send it out to Excel. There are Excel examples how to send out and in in the additional datasets. We won't go over that today. You can send that out and use Excel to sum it up. But there is some node in Dynamo. If you'd like to use it, and I encourage everyone to use it, just type in Sum here. Sum, and that'll get you-- it's this one here. Sum, math sum. Let me fire that up. Boom. And then pull it down and you should get a number about right here. About 3,200 and I'm going to say 50. You got it?
OK, next question. What does that number mean? Is that square meters? Is that square inches? Now, it has to be squared, right? We're all design professionals here, right? We're all design professionals. So the units are distance squared. So is it meters squared, feet squared, inches squared, millimeter squared. It's a good question, right? And you should ask yourself this. You have to do a sanity checks on what you get. First of all, those beams look about right with a cross section, these being so long. That looks like about the right number. This is in square feet. The way you know is because when you open Revit, the project, and you fire Dynamo up, it's attached to that project.
It pulls that project units, and any time you tap the Revit database, it uses those set project units. So if you had a metric template, and those beams were metric, and you did this, then those would be on the metric that you set the units.
But this is set in feet squared, the units of the project, so that's feet squared. Do you understand? OK. Cool. Are there any questions about this before we move on? Yes.
AUDIENCE: Yes. Just one question. If you're using studio, how do you [INAUDIBLE]?
MARCELLO: OK. The question was if you're using Dynamo studio, we're using Dynamo for Revit right now. Dynamo studio-- I don't want to get into that conversation. We'll talk later. Dynamo studio is a standalone program that doesn't attach to revit. And so we'll have that competition later.
That's a bit off topic. I don't want to get into it right now. Any other questions? See how easy that is? Dynamo already saved you a lot.
MARCELLO: OK. What is it?
AUDIENCE: I was just wondering could you [INAUDIBLE]
MARCELLO: OK. The question was could you go to the services? All right. That's a very good question. And you need to ask yourself this every time. First of all, we did element solids.
These are solids. We pulled solids. We pulled solids from Revit and converted them to solids. We pulled the beam. We converted it to solids in Dynamo. That's what we did. But you don't have to do that.
You can say, give me all the faces of those beams, and I want the faces converted into Dynamo language. Then you can take the surface area of those faces and sum them up. So however you pull that geometry over is depending on what operation you'd be.
So in that case, it would be face area, or surface area. But that says what?
MARCELLO: Yeah. I just chose to use that. And I like to use because it's a little cleaner in this case. We can have an academic discussion again on what way to go, but there's one more than one way to skin that cat. Those are awesome questions.
I'm going to get your question as I set up the next one. I want everyone to close this down. And we're going to move to the next example. But I'll get to your question. We are going to then move on to this one, which is how to use align offset.
So just close Dynamo. You need to close Dynamo. Don't close Revit. Just close your project. And then open to that one called Align offset, start. Align, offset, start. Align, offset, start. OK. Then I'll take your question, yes.
AUDIENCE: All right. So it's a quick question. Basically, [INAUDIBLE]
MARCELLO: The question was, I searched for some. And I searched for flatten. They are in the menus. I just didn't think the logic for where to find that is as important. But it certainly is in there. It's under the core, and then under the math, and then under the sum.
And then flatten is under the lists, under the flatten. I tend to type those in. Unless it's geometry related or Revit related, I tend to type it in because there are a lot of miscellaneous things in there other than geometry and Revit.
Does everyone see this? OK, cool. So another thing is, why are we going to use Revit in this case? We want to align this beam to that edge at a one foot offset. What do you typically do? Let me answer that, and then everyone by applause tell me this is what you do.
You've got to align that to one foot offset. So you go to your align tool. And then you click on this edge. And then you click on that. And you're like, OK, now I need to be one foot off. And then you grow it by one foot or move it by one foot. Does anyone do that? [SOME CLAPS]
Anyone do that? [MORE CLAPS] Yeah. You say, yeah. Yeah, I have to do that. You know why? It's because in the align command, there is no offset in the options. I brought this up to a developer. And they're like, no. There is an offset. It's set to zero. [LAUGHTER] Thanks.
So let's use Dynamo to help us do that because if you've got 500 beams to align along an edge, you don't want to have to go, align, offset, move, align, align, pick, pick, pick, move. Pick, pick, pick, move. Right? OK.
Dynamo has a set location. So all we have to do in Dynamo is pick that edge, pick that beam, offset that edge 1 foot, and say beam, go to that offset-ed curve. So let's do it. OK.
So open Dynamo. Really cool. The other lesson is, if there's something Revit can't do, and you ask the developers or you know that it's not a feature, don't sit there and wait. Who do you ask for help?
MARCELLO: Yes. You can ask Marcello for help. Dynamo, can you align that beam for me at a one foot offset? Absolutely. Well, let's go. Right? Let's go. So don't wait for the developers, lesson one. Lesson two, use Dynamo. So here we go. Ready? Dynamo.
All right. We're going to have to start moving a little quicker here. That's the second item on your cheat sheet. If you were lucky enough to steal that page out of the handout, then good for you. We want to do element, set, location. So go to new. We're going to build these first few from scratch, and then the other few we'll just start halfway.
So go new, and then under Revit, go to elements, and under elements, element again. Now the reason you go element and then element is because it's a general thing you do on an element. If it was something you only ever did to an adaptive component, then you would go Revit, element, adaptive component.
If it's something you only ever did to a structural beam, structural framing, you would go Revit, element structural framing. If you're going to be able to move geometry, that's a general thing you do to Revit geometry, Revit elements. Then you would say Revit, elements, element, do my thing for that one.
A lot of people miss that concept. But that's why I want to mention it. That's why it's too deep. OK. Here we go. Find it. Set location. Put that down, and tell it you will see it later. We need to pick that edge. We need to pick that beam. So let's do that. Here we go. Ready? Element, we need to select.
Go to selection, and then say select model element, single. Select the beam right here in plan. Got it? Then we're going to do one more selection, select edge. Can anyone guess what we select on the select edge? What? What do we select? Go ahead. What?
MARCELLO: The edge. Right there. So we select that edge. Did you see how I did it? Good. By the way, I got to say this. I say this every time. I have to shuffle these windows around. How many people use dual monitors at their office? OK. Why do they supply one monitor in every teaching lab session? [LAUGHTER]
I don't know. It doesn't make a lot of sense. How many people use three button mice in their office? No one? A few people? The little mouse that has the scroll wheel in the middle? How many people use the scroll wheel in the middle? All right. And you see these here, right? That's my argument. We could use two button mice here, but there would just be anarchy.
So hopefully one day they will get two monitors and we can do Dynamo and Revit it on each one. But for now we've just got to [INAUDIBLE] around. Here we go. Now notice when select edge happened, something happened which was nice. This already converts it to a Dynamo curve. You see that? A Dynamo curve.
And the way you can tell is you actually see the geometry in the background. So I'm going to maximize this. I'm going to hit this. And you can say right click, zoom to fit. And you see that line right there? See that? Right click, zoom to fit, unclick.
That is the edge of the slab. We need to offset that by one foot and then we align the beam to it. So let's keep going. Ready? It disappeared on me. So we need to select a curve. Now we need to offset a curve. Everyone understands something now. We need an offset a curve.
I want to drive this home with everyone. We need to do an operation on a curve. What do we need to do? We need to offset it. So if we need to offset a Dynamo curve, because that's what he converted it to. See that curve? It converted it to a curve, that edge.
And we need to offset that curve. Do we go to the Revit menu on here.
MARCELLO: No. We don't to the Revit menu because it is not Revit geometry. It is Dynamo geometry. So where do we go? Geometry. Geometry. That should say Dynamo geometry, but it says geometry. Then come over to curve. And then under curve, scroll down to offset right there.
We already defaulted at one, so wire it in like that. Like that. OK. So we're offsetted at one, so just wire it in. There is a default of one foot. So we'd do that. What's a little disconcerting to me is I don't see my background geometry any more. Did that just poof? Did anyone just see it disappear on me?
I don't know where it went. But it's still there. Did everyone see the Dynamo curve in the background? No, you don't? You can right-click and say zoom to fit. So we want to set the location. So go ahead and wire up the element.
So wire up the element. By the way, we can run an automatic. That's OK.
Where were we? There we are. Ready? Then wire this up. And then boom. Did you see it move? Ooh. Ah, that's nice. Isn't that beautiful? Did everyone see what happened? Did everyone get it? Set location. What set location does is, it says give me a Revit element, and I will move that to a specified, like geometry.
That's what happens. Now the handout looks slightly different. We'll get there in a second. The handout looks slightly different. Is everyone there? No?
AUDIENCE: So it defaults to one?
MARCELLO: It defaults to one. I hear a lot of conversation. I want to put a slider on here now. Watch this everyone. Ready? Everyone with me? Everyone With me watching? If I want to do another one, what I've got to do is select model element. I'm going to select this one. And I want to say select edge. And I'm going to select that one.
Now do you see how it set it on the inside? Sometimes it has to be negative, sometimes it has to be positive. What we do is, let's put on a number. Let's put on a slider on a plus and a minus. Everyone go here and type in slider. And it's going to be integer slider.
Can everyone do this? And then put the minimum at minus 1. Put the maximum at that one. And put the step at two. You got it? And then wire that up to the distance. Now you have the ability to flip this back and forth to being plus and minus.
So now I'm going to put it to plus. I'm going to look there. And I can switch it to minus. And then the beam moves up. See that? You got it? Isn't that cool? It gets better. You can use this script and run along your beams and do this. It may not be one foot. It may be six inches.
Make sure you consult that architect because at this point in time, I imagine that the architect has done an entire study of all the interior slab edges and how it would affect all the wall ratings. And they would have fully detailed each intersection and cut sections all the way around to get you an educated professional decision on where that interior beam should sit relative to the edge of slab.
Does that happen? OK. Well, wherever you get that number, put it in there. It's OK to use this, but there's a new kid on the block that's simply awesome. It's called Dynamo Player. You can use Dynamo player to actually rock through this pretty quickly. So why don't everyone go ahead and close this.
And then everyone open this thing called Dynamo player because I already have a preset one. So if you haven't finished, there's one called final. And you can open up that later. And then what you do with Dynamo Player if you have an existing script, you point it to that existing script.
So in case it's not pointed at the right directions, click this one called Dynamo Player. Does it already show Dynamo Player? No. Does it already show this folder, align offset? OK. So what you've got to do is, I think for you it would be in the C drive. And then you've got to go to the data set.
For me it's a little different. For me it's a little different. It's right here. You select the folder. Select the align offset folder. Then it will show the script that's saved in there. And then click this button here. I know I moved a little quick. But basically you're pointing Dynamo player to where that script is.
I have one that's already set that you just did. Pretend you saved it. It's in the folder. You got it? OK, now click that little edit input button. I'm going to keep moving. Now did you see the input we put in called select model element? I just changed the name to beam to be moved. And then select edge. And this is a plus and minus.
So now every one just go ahead and have yourself an alignment party. The way it works is you say select, beam, select, edge. And then you hit run. You got that? And if it's the wrong way, you hit run again. You see that? If you want to have yourself an alignment party, just march through these. Beam, edge, run. You got it?
How we doing?
MARCELLO: Good. There's a lot of conversation. What's going on? [INDISTINCT MURMURING] So let me point this out. I got everyone's attention? Everyone's attention? So whenever you have a selection node, it's going to show up as input in Dynamo player. That's why those two showed up.
If you have a slider, that's going to also show up in Dynamo Player as input. And that's it. You just bang way. I have saved myself maybe 15%. I'm 15% more efficient now when I align beams, 15% to 20% because now I'm using just Dynamo player.
And I'm not doing align, move, align move, align move. Everyone got it? Has everyone tried to do the aligns? Everyone good with that? OK. Yes?
MARCELLO: OK. I knew this would come up. The question was, I did it one by one, could I do it just globally? Yes. But I'm calling this a Dynamo for structure intro class. So that's how we would do it one by one. But absolutely, it would take just a few more nodes and some logic where you can just select all the edges and select all the beams.
And then with some geometry analytics, you can globally align them. Yes, that's very possible. Maybe we can have a part two next year. If you fill out your surveys and you enjoy what you see here, they'll bring me back and we can do part two. OK. We can include that. And we can do some of the other 85 examples. Any other questions? Did you have a question back there? Yes?
AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] Dynamo [INAUDIBLE]. But when we were talking with units, it doesn't matter [INAUDIBLE] It's already linked to this [INAUDIBLE] for units?
MARCELLO: The question was units. It's the same concept for Dynamo as for Dynamo Player. Dynamo Player is just another window on top of Dynamo that just moves those nodes around into a more user interface format.
But it's just the script that you wrote. So it's the same logic. OK. Any other questions? How are we doing on time? Oh, good. We've got 45 minutes. Yes? Yes. Go ahead.
AUDIENCE: How do you take your script from Dynamo to Dynamo Player?
MARCELLO: How do you take your scripts from Dynamo to Dynamo Player? With this button right here. There's a load button right there. You just point to the script with the folder in it. you don't move it, you point it.
AUDIENCE: Can you have multiple scripts inside?
MARCELLO: You could have multiple scripts. So this is just one. But you can have align offset area B. You could have hundreds in here if you wanted to.
MARCELLO: In the Dynamo graph? I don't understand the question, really. Let me move on. And then we'll get you in a second. I might address it later. Everyone close this down. We're going to move on to next one. Oh, yes.
This is my personal favorite. (EXCITEDLY) Oh, oh, yes. So now we're going to talk about modeling beams. (GASPS) I'm so excited. Sorry. Beam AC line start. Beam, AC, line start. Because this is a structural course, I like to give you little tidbits even if we weren't using Dynamo.
But look at this. I want to show everyone something really quick. I brought this up last year, but we'll actually do the exercise. So right now, just imagine someone told me I have to put a beam at the quarter point between this beam and that curved beam.
What would I do right now? It has to be at the quarter point along that arc. And it has to be a quarter point along that beam. You understand what I'm trying to say? So right now, I go beam, I go 3D snapping, maybe? And I try to get it on there, but I wouldn't know if it hit the third point. And the end of that beam is not very smart. I mean, I can slide it. But I don't know where it's at. What would you do?
You'd put in plan view, you'd cut a section at the third point. You would then elevate it and then you would draw a beam in elevation from that point to that point. Is that what you would do right now?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Ooh. OK. Good question. OK. So let's do it. All right. So overwrite quarter point. Where's the overwrites? Is there a quarter point overwrite? Or is it just midpoint?
Do you get a quarter point? OK, I'm going to change my logic. Put this at the third point. No, no, no, no, no. Put it at the 15% mark. That's even better. What would you do then? OK.
So what I'm trying to say is the beam is 20 years old. Right? It's 20-year-old technology. Because that's how long it's been around. Right? So let's use something a little smarter. Call in adaptive component. OK? It's a two click element. Really simple.
So I want everyone to go down here to this. Scroll down to your generic models and slide in a two-point beam adaptive. OK? This thing is very smart. It'll snap on to edges. OK? Like this. And then you can host it any way you want. Now, this thing-- I don't know why.
There we go. See? So you can select on this and you could select this point. And then do you see how you can slide it along anywhere you want? You can put it at a quarter point. You see what I'm trying to say? Two-point adaptive. Two-point adaptive.
If you're not familiar with adaptive components, get familiar. Because they're super awesome and powerful. A two-point adaptive is just basically a line with two points at the end. OK? And it just says, where do you want one here-- I'm losing everyone. Fine. I'll build one. Ready? New.
I'll build one. Family. Generic model adaptive. Open. Ready. Supply two points. One, two. Select that, select that. Make adaptive. Send back in to the project. I just made one. OK? If you're having trouble with that, email me. I'll make you one for free. OK?
That's all we're doing. Two smart points. I know I'm moving a little bit ahead. But there are two smart points. What's awesome about a two smart point is that you can get that thing to move anywhere you want. It's a beautiful thing. OK?
So go ahead and just kind of snap this here and here. Right? Anywhere you want like that. You can even kind of get on there and then you can do a tab. Oh, we can't, can we tab? Tabbing is a little tough. Oh, that's a pain.
And then you can change this. Anyway. Just kind of snap it wherever you want. I heard these frame machines have a hard time with tab. But please don't give me a bad rating because of that. I don't ever have issues. All right. So just lay out some lines.
And then if you want, you can come over here to beam in 3-D snap and then you can just go bang, bang, bang. Right? You can do that. OK? That's how I lay out my structural roof framing. 100% of the time. I don't ever cut-- I don't ever draw roof framing in plan anymore in elevation. Forget it.
I put 2D adaptive points everywhere, I line it all up, and I take that beam and I snap, snap, snap, snap, snap. OK? Well, what does Dynamo have to do with any of this? OK. So think about that. Because when beam-- when roofs are sloped, it's a little hard-- how many people-- OK.
Sorry, I'm moving a little too fast. I'm getting too excited. How many people love modeling roof beams in Revit? How many people love it? How many people think it could be better? OK, that's what we're trying to do here, OK?
Flat horizontal framing, use your other regular methods. But when it's sloped, right? You're like, ah, it's kind of, I don't, eh. The adaptive component's very powerful. OK? Two-point click. All right. And then you click, click, click. Now.
The problem with this method, and this is what I do all the time by the way, the problem with this method is if an adaptive component moves like this, the beam stays right there. OK? Yes? OK. So let's do this. We won't build this from scratch but I want everyone to put down a few lines. And then I want everyone to open up Dynamo. OK?
Now what we can do with Dynamo is we can say, Dynamo, I want you to select the adaptive component. I want you to extract its curve. I want you to then put a structural beam on that curve. Keep track of that curve and anywhere it goes, you make sure you keep that beam on that curve. You got it?
So that's the Dynamo logic. Right? So everyone open Dynamo and then let's go to our data set. OK? And you can see it in your handout there on how to do it. It's relatively simple.
So I want everyone to open up AC beam AC lines. I think that's it. Yeah, here we go. So this is the script. I'm not going to have you rebuild it. OK? Just for this one. We'll rebuild half of the next one.
Do you see what's going on here? Everyone? I keep leaving my pointer over here. Sorry. OK. All right. You see what's going on here? We select the adaptive component. Right? Everyone following me here?
We select the adaptive component. We select all of them. We extract their curves. This is a structural beam that Dynamo creates. We feed the curve in there, we feed in a level. It can be any level if it's slope. Personally, I like to use level one.
You know why I like to use level one for roof framing? Because if it's-- And I'm assuming level one is at 0. Then any time I toggle on the ends of the beams, I know it's relative to 0. So I can check it's top of steel instead of, like-- You ever draw a roof framing beam and it's off of level six.
And it has to be at 150 foot, 8 inches. So then you draw it off level six and you're like, that's-- and it's reading five foot two. And you're like, that's-- right. So just put it off level 0 and then it'll read 150 foot eight.
And you're like, that's top [INAUDIBLE]. So I always do it on level 0 but that's just my little tidbit. But you can do whatever you want. Structural framing type is the actual beam size. OK? So go ahead and run that script.
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: It is the final one, yes. We're just going to do the final one on this case. The question was is it final. And then hit run automatic. OK? And then minimize it. And then it should have put-- did it? There we go. Yeah, here.
There it is, see? Did you see what it did? Then any time you add a beam in the future, Dynamo is always keeping track of it. And when you get out of it, it'll actually draw that beam on there, right? You see what I did?
So if you want to, you can have yourself a beam framing party. Look, watch. Look at that. Oh. Wait, not that one. Right? This one. I'm curious what's going to happen here. And then you can just select out of it. Right?
Oh, maybe there's a new opening. Ooh. New opening. You're nothing. Right? Maybe there's a new opening. I don't know. Right? Done, right? See how easy that is? Wouldn't you say that's simpler than using the structural beam tool inside of Revit?
These adaptive components are quick and fast. Right? So there you go. Any questions about that? How cool is that? Did everyone like that? Yeah? OK. Let's do it by a round of applause because we're getting [INAUDIBLE]. How many people like that?
Good. All right. You will save a lot of time. I have saved-- I've cut my modeling-- I'm 50% more efficient now with my roof framing because I have utilized these adaptive components. OK. Question back there? Yes?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: OK. Question was about connections. That's outside the scope. That would be a part two. Let's talk later and we can talk about that. But absolutely, that's possible about modeling and showing connections. Yes. OK.
Everyone ready to rock and roll to the next one? OK. I didn't want to have to-- we're kind of moving along nicely so I didn't want to have to spend too much time on how to do that. OK. But you kind of understand the logic. OK, good. We've got 30 minutes left. Let's do some engineering logic. All right. So let's recap.
We learned how to do geometry analytics, right? Get areas. Yeah? We learned how to use Dynamo to move things, existing Revit elements. Yes? So does it have to be a beam? No. You go back to your office, apply it to a wall, apply it to something else, right?
Do you see what I'm trying to say? I'm trying to cover kind of these things. What else did we do? We learned how to actually rethink how to do structural framing for roofs. Right? OK. Very powerful stuff.
The next one is engineering logic. OK. So what bothers me slightly is that we have all these parametric stuff in Revit and Dynamo. But it's not used to it's fullest potential.
What I mean is engineering logic is-- you would know just by the feel of it that perhaps a structural slab needs to be a certain thickness when it's spanning a certain distance. OK? And if you don't know that, there's good rules of thumb out there. We're going to have an academic discussion about what that would be.
But let's say for a simply supported flat slab, one way flat slab, you know roughly that if the span is so long, it's about the span divided by three plus one inch. It's about where you get. Right? So you can understand. That's called engineering logic.
If you modeled in a one inch thick slab, it doesn't look right. Right? So you're like, that doesn't look right. And then you model in a five inch slab. You're like, that looks kind of better, right? You just kind of have a feel for how beefy it needs to be, right?
But why not code that logic in? Dynamo can actually take the slab span and then you put your engineering logic and if the slab span shrinks or moves, then Dynamo has the ability to thicken and thin down that slab kind of based on what rules you put in it.
Does that seem to make sense? Is that something you may want to put into Revit just as like a-- or at least teach the architects, because then they won't be saying, hm, your slab needs to be two inches? No. Sorry. We're recording, so we understand that all architects have some structural background and knowledge. Thank you.
All right. So let's do it. So what we've got to do, close down, close down. Oh, yeah, I'll model that for you. All right, everyone having a good time? All right. OK, so open now.
Change Types, One-way Slab. Change Type, One-way Slab, System Start. All right, so what we have here is we have a slab. And we have it spanning distances about 21 feet. I think there's one here that's about 24 feet. OK, so what we want to do is we want to say, Dynamo, read those dimensions, give me the maximum, and, based on the maximum, thin or thicken that slab based on my logic.
Now, the thicking and thinning of a slab is actually much more complicated than you would think. But there's a custom note out there that makes it a lot easier. Now, if you wanted to change the thickness of a slab right now, you don't go to the type selector, right? I suppose you do if it's a type, but if you want to change the thickness of that type, you would go to the layering, right, and the structural layer. And then you would type in the thickness there.
Luckily, there's a node out there that drives down into that and will change it. It's a package called Clockwork. It's by one of my friends, Andreas, out of Germany. So we will be doing that. This one will kind of start halfway through.
So go ahead and open up Dynamo. I did not close Dynamo. You must close Dynamo. You must close Dynamo. OK, here we go. Dynamo. And then I want you to open up-- it should say one-way slab start. Open. We were having some dataset issues earlier, but this should be in there now.
Is there a start? Oh, good, there's a start. Phew. OK. Can anyone peek down? Does everyone see a Clockwork package in their Dynamo? Good, OK. So we should be good to go on this.
All right, I kind of got you going a bit on this with the slab thickness logic. Thickness divide by 3 plus one inch is just kind of a rule of thumb that I use for. But I would love to geek out with you about what you may think it should be. So don't say Marcellus said it had to be that. Please don't do that.
OK, this is the set node. This actually will set the slab thickness. So all we need to do is find the maximum of those dimensions. So I'm just going to go ahead and start laying down nodes, and you follow me. And if you get lost, just open up the final. But I'll talk you through it really quick, and then we'll move on.
OK, here we go. Ready. So what we gotta do is we gotta select the dimension string. So everyone go over here to Revit, and then say Selection. Say Select Model Element. That's going to select the dimension string. Why are we selecting the dimension string? Because that's what's going to tell us how wide the slab-- how far the slab is spanning.
Why is it how far the slab is spanning? Because I'm assuming right now that your structural columns are on a grid and that you're dimensioning to your grid. That's the assumption I have to make for this. Otherwise, there's no other way to find out if that slab is spanning. Not no other way, but that's the easy way.
So we've got to select the dimensions, and then we've got to pick the maximum value. So out of there, there's actually something in here under Elements, under Dimension, under Value. That's going to tell us-- oh, I'm running-- change to Automatic. I think it's safe to change to Automatic here.
OK, these are all the dimensions. See that in feet. Cool, right? Love it. Love it. Now we've got to find the maximum. We don't need to find the maximum yet, actually. OK. That's going to pull all the dimensions.
Now let's select the slab. So what you can do is go to Selection again, or you can copy and paste this out if you want. Ready? Either way, use this one to select the slab. Now I got the slab. OK?
Now look at this one. This says Family Type. It doesn't say Element. So I can't feed this into here because that's an instance. It needs the type. Why does it need the type? It's a good question. Why does that need the type? Why does it need the type? Because we're changing a what parameter?
AUDIENCE: Type parameter.
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: A type parameter. If we were changing an instance parameter, then we would feed in the instance. Is that clear to everyone? That's very important. Gotta wrap your head around that concept.
So when you change a thickness of a slab, you're changing its type parameter. How do you know you're changing its type parameter? Sorry. I geek out about Revit, too, because you go here, you go here, not here. Right? Cool. Love it.
OK, so this is an element. We've got to change it to its type. So there's one called an Element Type-- just type this one in. Element-- it's called element.element. OK, never mind. We're going to find it. There you go. Element-- I believe it's Element-- and then Element. Then is it Type? Is it under here? Yeah, Element Type. There it is.
Element-- Revit, Element, Element, Element Type. And then feed that in. Now, this layered index just means what structural-- because it can be made up of many structural layers, right? If there's only one structural layer in there, then that's the first one. So then that would be zero. So double click on this and put a zero, and then fire it up. I'm not sure if I like what's happening with this.
Why are we not pulling the maximum value here? Because I didn't wire it up. Wire up your double to your thickness. OK? See that? So we got the dimension. We're going to run the calculation on what they should be based on, engineering logic. Then out of that, we don't want to take the minimum, right? Do we want to take the minimum?
No. We want to take the maximum. Of course. So you take the maximum, and then, based on the maximum, you can then feed that logic into the width. And then it should have changed it. So if you're looking here, the maximum value right here is 0.75 feet, which is nine inches. OK? So then if you come over to Revit and you were to drive down into this thickness, that should say nine inches.
But let's go wild and crazy. Keep Dynamo running. I want everyone to window this. OK? And I want everyone to drag this. I'm crossing my fingers. I'm going to make this slab longer. See what I did? I dragged-- no one's looking at me. Whew. Everyone Would I did? Unjoin elements. Right?
We're going to try to break it. See what I did? I grabbed all these and I stretched it. Now my maximum dimension is 68 feet, which is pretty long, right? Isn't it? Come over to Dynamo. Make sure that we're running again. 68 feet right here. The maximum is now one foot nine. And then if I go and I look at the slab thickness, it reads one foot 11, and some change there.
See that? OK, so I'll leave this up so everyone can do it. But--
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: OK, to get the code block, double click in there. And you get that, and put a zero like that. And if you're hung up, just open up the final, OK? Just [INAUDIBLE]. Does everyone see what happened? So based on engineering logic and that span, it'll actually thicken or thin that slab. When I did, this oh my gosh, I was geeking out hardcore. Holy smokes. Yes.
AUDIENCE: Can you add a rounder in there?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Can you add a rounder in there? Absolutely. There's a rounding one in there. And did I add it in the actual handout? I think the final one has it. But you can round up or you can round down to, like, a nice logical. So that one, you may want to go to two feet. That's pretty thick, but you can go to two feet. That's really thick, right?
But isn't that a good thing, right? Because if you've got a really long span and your slab is really thick, you're like, hm, that might be a little too-- that span might be a little too long. OK? There's another example in there right after this. Instead of the slabs changing, there's logic for how to change a beam depth. So it actually will switch out your beam type. But we won't go over that because it's a very similar logic.
Are there any questions about this? How cool is that? Cool stuff? Yeah, yeah, cool stuff.
Good. So, spread the word. Engineering logic. All right. Let's move on. How we doing on time? Got 20 minutes? Perfect timing.
So let's go ahead and get started right away. Everyone close this. Don't need to save that. All right, everyone, let's go ahead and open up the next example, which is one of my favorites, which is Canopy Beams to Revit, Start. Canopy Beams to Revit, Start. Got it?
And it should look like this. OK, now we're going to start to get wild and crazy. Wild and crazy. Can everyone spin their model around to where this edge is? This, like, really curved edge. All right, so why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? Well, everyone see that edge? Whew. I'll get it. There it is. Ooh. Nasty edge. OK. Depending on how look at it, right? Are we doing OK, is everyone up? OK.
This edge, we need to put a structural member on the edge of it, to stiffen it up. OK? Everyone got it?
But that edge is curved in plan and elevation. In plan and elevation. So it's curving in two directions, what you may call a compound curve. Right? So if you wanted to put a structural beam on here that curves in two directions, you cannot use the structural framing command. Anyone guess why not? Because structural framing, using a structural framing tool, can only put beams in one plane. This one curves in two directions, right? So you say, OK. I can't build a it Revit. You can. You're thinking this out. I cannot use that tool to build that beam in Revit. Hey Dynamo, can you build me a beam, a solid, in Dynamo that would match my edge? Yes. Awesome.
Here's Dynamo, right? And it builds it for you. And then Revit's like-- and Dynamo still looks like this. Revit looks at Dynamo, Revit looks like this, and Revit looks at Dynamo, and it says and-- and Dynamo says what? Are you going to give that back to me? And then Dynamo says oh you want it back? Of course I do! Of course I want it back.
So this is something that is actually a bit more advanced, which is, you build geometry in Dynamo, how do you get it back into Revit? This is a heated debate among all Dynamo aficionados, right? It's a heated debate. But it's a very simple thing to do. OK? You could use an SAT import. You can use other methods. But I recommend using a node, a custom node out there from a spring package. That will allow you to take Dynamo geometry, push it into a Revit, and put it into any category you want. Doesn't that make sense? Because if it comes from Dynamo, and you have a beam sitting there, you would want it to be in what category, you think? A structural framing category, right? Not just a SAT blob, right? Cool. So let's do it. I know I had to get that. But this is very important, right? Very important. Getting geometry back into Revit, got it? Getting geometry back into Revit. 99% of all Dynamo classes out there will teach you how to get it to Dynamo. There's about 1% that will teach you how to get it back, right? But that is very, very, very important. Got it? OK, good. Let's do it.
All right so everyone. Let's go ahead and open manage Dynamo. I got you started already on it. OK ready, open. And you kind of know what's going to happen, right? We're going to go to Kennedy beams to Revit, and then start. All right? I'm debating if we should go to the final. Let's go to the final. Because we're already rocking and rolling. I was I was going to I was going to test this out, let's go to a final. I was going to test it out, but everyone already understands these kind of basic concepts. So I don't feel like there's a need to put down a selection node and select. OK. I don't feel we need to do that anymore because everyone here is rocking and rolling. OK. It's a big comment on how well we're doing. So I want everyone to go to final. And let me just explain this for a minute, and we'll run it, OK?
So what we need to do is we need to select the edge of that surface. OK. Then we need to select, then we need to put a parameter. I better run it and then show what happens, sorry. OK, here we go. Let me run it. Everyone run it. There we go. Oh, pretty. OK. So what's happening? Did you get into Revit? Oh, there it is. That's pretty, isn't it? I know it's kind of big but if you want, you can change the diameter.
All right. Let me explain what's going on. Really quick. OK. Here we go. We select the edge. We've got a curve, then we say OK. Put a plane on the end of that curve. Why a plane? Because we're going to build a sweep, OK? So what I do is I take a circle. I make it's really simple. And I just put a circle down on the floor. OK. 00. Then I say, OK. Circle, I want you to go to that plane. So you go through a geometry transport, you pull out the coordinate system of that plane.
It defines the coordinate system. You say circle, go to that coordinate system. And then all of a sudden, the circle goes bang. And it sits there. Then you select the circle. And you select the edge. And then you sweep. Along the path, OK? This can take about 20 more nodes if you try to get that circle, and try to draw it onto the curve. Believe it or not, like we're getting advanced stuff now, right? Like if you wanted to take that curve in a random location, and try to draw it right onto the edge, it's going to take you about 20 nodes. Right? So what I do is I just put a circle on the floor, and I say you go there, and then sweep it. OK? That's what we did. That's the Dynamo geometry part.
This takes care of all the Dynamo geometry. Then we feed it into this-- and this is family instance by geometry-- you say give me a family template to build it into-- an RFT file. Give it a name and then give it my category-- boom-- and away it goes, OK? So does everyone see that beam? Go ahead and select on it and you will see that it is a structural-- it is a structural-- it's a beam-- it's an entity-- it's called an entity with the structural beam-- in the structural beam family-- in the category-- sorry. OK? Everyone understand that? That cool stuff?
OK, does this have to be a beam?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: No. It could be whatever you want. Just use that node to transfer the geometry back, OK? This uses a concept called, direct shape, OK?
All the cool Dynamo users out there-- they talk in terms of direction, right? They do direct shape that geometry-- of course I did-- yes. Did you direct shape that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Right-- direct shape-- that's, like, the new cool kid on the block, OK? Direct shape.
AUDIENCE: Can you change the shape?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Can you change the shape? Absolutely you can change the shape. You just change the diameter of that circle. Because I only use the circle. It doesn't have to be a circle, right? Just for simplicity-- you can change the shape-- right? If that canopy changed-- ooh, let me do that.
How much time do I have left? How much time do I have left?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Twelve minutes! Watch this-- watch this-- I could change this. I'm not going to. I want to-- I really want to. Should I change it?
AUDIENCE: Change it, change it, change it.
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Well, let me see if I have the underlying face here. Oh, I don't. I don't have the underlying geometry. No-- I don't have it. But if this were to change, then this would actually change. But you could also change the diameter if you wanted to-- diameter-- so here right now we have a default one at this circle. But if I wanted to, I could put in a 0.5 and then I could change the radius. See how it's smaller?
I can make this 0.25-- sorry-- and then the question was-- could you do profiles? Absolutely. So instead of drawing a circle on the floor, what would you draw for?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Whatever you want. Although, if you're building a channel in two directions, you may want to-- we should have that academic discussion later. Tubes are great because their ability to resist torsion is awesome-- because they are a closed shape. Oh, see-- you got me started. All right, so-- anyway, ready to move on? Cool stuff.
OK, let's do one more. And this one, actually, I love-- and it's-- OK, so-- oh, we're good on time. OK, so let's go ahead and run here. Let's go ahead and close everything here.
Everyone cool is running the final for the last two. OK-- why isn't this closing? Why aren't we closing? Is everyone having a hard time closing this? I'm sorry?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: All right, we'll just try to-- all right, everyone go to Beam Orientation and Start-- all right. Here we go. Ready? So let's say you have a surface like this-- I'm going to move a little faster, OK? A surface like this, right? But you've got beams-- maybe wood framing-- that actually follow the surface. Everyone ever have to deal with this? Right? So what do you do right now? Lay down your structural beam, right? Ready structure-- round of applause-- this is what you do-- two-point snapping.
Hey. Whoops. Aren't you kind of-- I guess I'll have to do it this way. OK, round of applause if this is what you do-- 2-point snapping-- you're like, OK, there-- and there-- and that's-- oh, whoops. Here we go. Sorry, let me do that again. Come on now, where are you? There and there-- OK, I'm-- all right, I'm about-- oh, I don't know-- minus 30 degrees? Oh, no, I almost nailed it. No, I'm about 36-- no, no, I'm about 40-- that looks about 40. Oh, about 40's right, OK?
Now you can draw the next one-- and you're like, that's about minus 50-- and then-- right? Did all that-- OK? I'm going to show you how to actually do this pretty quickly using Dynamo. OK, Dynamo, and the special thing I love to call the adaptive component, actually is smart. When it attaches to that surface, it says, I know to orient myself perpendicular every time, OK?
So what you do is-- everyone go ahead and open up-- let's see-- I want everyone to go ahead and open up the Dynamo. And let's run to the final so we can do the last one, OK? But this is only six notes, OK? So everyone open up the final open-- or we go here to beam Orientation. Oh, there's no final-- or is there? Cool, there's a final.
OK, so basically what's happening here is you're just saying, give me the face, OK? And the face is broken up into all of these different elements-- I mean, these different points, right-- and it's a UV coordinate system. So all you do is tell the adaptive component, put one point here and one point there. And then the adaptive component knows to rotate perpendicular. And then on the next one, put it there and put it there.
So we're going to do 10 equal spaces along this arc, which is 50 feet long, 45 feet wide, and that's it, OK? And that's it-- so if everyone can go ahead and run that, and you can see what happens, OK? That's the logic here.
So the is adaptive component is right here. Everyone had adaptive component question-- the adaptive component right here. You don't have to put it in. It's right here-- one, two, OK? Now the reason you don't have to put it in-- does anyone have an answer for me? Why don't we have to put in the adaptive component? Because that node puts it in for you. Everyone get that?
So basically this says, change these numbers to UV coordinates-- make a list-- 0.45, the length at 50 equal spaces, OK? And then change those to UV coordinates. Select the face of that curve-- of that surface-- and then put in this particular adaptive component family. And that's all that's happening, right? And then go ahead and hit run and it'll show you that-- it should just rock and roll. Cool, did everyone get this?
Everyone see that? How cool is that? Is that awesome? Oh, it's so awesome, right? Because it's the adaptive component, OK? Are there any questions about that? I know I moved a little bit fast on that. But just remember that-- just remember that-- this logic.
Just remember-- again-- just remember this logic. The adaptive component is being replaced by Dynamo. You've got that? Everyone got that? But he adaptive-- it says, where do you want the adaptive component? I want it on these UV coordinates, OK? The UV coordinate system is something that you don't normally deal with on a day-to-day basis, but it's something you're going to need to get more familiar with as you get into more adaptive components and more surface model, OK?
And why does it do UV coordinates? Because you're putting it on the face, OK? And if you put something on a surface, you need to define its location by UV coordinates, OK? And just think of UV coordinates as, like, a coordinate system on a flattened out version of that surface. So that surface is 50 feet long-- 45 feet long and 50 feet-- 45 feet long this way-- 50 feet long this way-- but it's curved, OK? So that bottom corner is going to be 0, 0. That other corner is going to be 0, 45-- that other corner is going to be 45, 50-- and this corner is going to be 50 and 0, OK? That's really it. Yes?
AUDIENCE: Why did you use the [INAUDIBLE] on this one, and then this, [INAUDIBLE] two-point line and then [INAUDIBLE]?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: OK, the question was, could you-- I'll summarize-- the question was, could you just attach-- this right now is an adaptive component-- is not a structural being, OK? Just understand that. Structural beams don't have the ability to latch on and rotate themselves to a surface, OK?
If this was a part two class-- just understand that, right now, OK? If this was a part two class, you could build in Dynamo logic, which would say, instead of place the adaptive component, place a structural beam at these two points. And then do surface analytics on the surface to find out where we put it normal. And then rotate that beam normal to what-- based on that. But that is a part two class, so we certainly could do that and-- if you invite me back, I will show it. Any other questions about this? Yes?
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Can you face the-- [INAUDIBLE] the face in linked files. You can-- I've never tried that-- select the face in linked files-- but I'm thinking you could, absolutely. Because you can read linked files-- you just can't write them-- so I'm going to say, I'm pretty sure, but we can verify that. Did you hear that question? Can you [INAUDIBLE]? That's a good question.
All right, how are we doing on time? We got three minutes left. I want to show you one more thing before we call it quits. Is everyone doing OK? We're doing OK? All right, I know we're kinda-- I know we're going to take off, but I feel like you should get all the bang for your buck as we fly off into space-- outer space.
All right, I've got one more for you that I think-- and I'm not able to close Revit. That is crazy. Everyone go to the last one, which is analytical in 3-D space and start. all right? This-- I've got three minutes, OK?
This is something I'm very passionate about and have been trying to teach this the last year and a half, which is structural framing and the analytical model that sits behind it. If you're never going to go the analytical analysis, should still be looking at the analytical model. And why do I say that? Because if you were to turn on-- just turn on the actual structural framing-- you would say, that framing looks pretty good, right? But actually it's not. It's actually filled with a lot of problems.
So what I'm going to say is just-- Dynamo aside-- when you're in your office, turn on the analytical model for your quality control. And everyone go ahead and zoom around-- and do you see this? Everyone see that? Would you say that could potentially be a problem, right? It's just a little off. Well, what if you're a dimensioning to an opening, right? Well, which one? I don't know, right?
So you believe-- you are going-- your mind is just going to-- you're just going to blow wide open you turn on that analytical model and you do a quality control on something someone just did inside your office-- or you did, OK? Because you can find these little discrepancies, all right? They're super awesome. But what I do is I like to play a game, OK?
I'll look at these models and I won't tell them right away that there's an issue. I like to play a little game-- literally a game. I like to pass this off to a game engine-- and give them this in a game engine-- and show these that are off so that they can move around and look and be like, ooh, that's so pretty. Oh, I see a problem there, right? So what we want to do is-- the problem is you can't push this to a game engine because these are just lines and-- lines and points, all right?
So I have a script here that we're just going to run really quick if everyone could do it. All it does is it says, take all my lines-- turn them into cylinders. Take all my points and turn them into spheres. Yes, then it makes it solid so you can push it out to a game engine. Was anyone in my class yesterday? A few? OK, I did a class on a game engine and all that, so there is one in here, as well-- you can see it.
But anyway, go ahead and open it up. I know I'm running over. Just hang with me. OK, the last one-- so this Dynamo logic does that, OK?
So go ahead and hit open and then go to analytic in 3-D space and then hit model-- analytical model final. And that's just-- I know this is a bit more, but it's just doing the same thing-- grab the line, put a cylinder around it-- grab a point, put a sphere around it, right? That's it. Oh, and then send it back into Revit, OK?
So go ahead and run that-- turn it to automatic and run it-- and then you're going to see all of this is going to show up. Now even if you don't go to a game engine, this is sometimes a good idea because it can really help you visualize that analytical model. And I don't like that-- this is still running. Did anyone get this to work? Why am I still running?
OK, well, everyone see it work? OK, so it worked. I don't know why I'm not-- OK, so if you want then, what you can do is push that to a game engine-- and if you-- I think-- do I have-- in the data set, do I have one of these sitting here? Do I have this sitting in here-- analytical model final? I don't know if you can open that up.
Anyway, this is Enscape, which you can visualize those solids. There it is. Look, there it is, right? You can kind of play a game and deploy it, right? Everyone have that? I love Enscape. I also like Revit Live. You can do-- there's a Revit Live example in there. All right, does everyone see the solids? Cool? So analytical to solid-- how cool is that? Good stuff?
OK, so let's go over it real quick-- ready? Ready? OK, ready-- so we did quick geometry analytics right? A whole bunch of stuff you can do with that, right? Then what did we do next? We took an element and we moved it to another location, right? So many potential with that, right? What else do we do?
And we did-- what was next-- we did adaptive points-- now you think about it [INAUDIBLE] components and make your life so much easier [INAUDIBLE]. What else? What? What? What was next?
AUDIENCE: Curved beams.
MARCELLO SGAMBELLURI: Curved beams-- oh, engineering logic-- picking out those slides, right? OK. And then what else did we do-- so much in there. Then we took Dynamo geometry and pushed it back into Revit, right?
And then what else did we do? orient those beams to the surfaces, right? Doesn't have to be a beam-- it could be any type of element, right? And then we actually looked at the analytic model for quality control and were able to make it into something more tangible, which you can do some of your other things with, OK?
So was that a lot to kind of absorb-- I know-- but hopefully that will get everyone started. All right, you were an awesome audience. Let me-- I got-- I'll have to send you all out the right way. I've got some music here and then I'll send you off. Just give me one second. Are there any other questions before we go? I'll hang out here for a little while.
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