Since Wisconsin Department of Transportation adopted AutoCAD Civil 3D software, its standards and workflows have evolved in response to its internal users and its external consultants. With each release, new tools and workflows were developed to make continuous improvement in the design results. Each change affected the large user base, so this process required careful planning, testing, and timing. There was also a significant effort involved in sharing standards with users outside of the network in the simplest and most reliable method possible. This session features AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Principaux enseignements
- Understand the importance of the project standards
- Learn how to adjust project standards when switching between versions
- Understand the importance of the standards rollout to network drive locations
- Understand the integration with external project partners
- RNRuss NicloyRuss Nicloy is a Civil Solutions Specialist for MasterGraphics. For 12 years he has provided training, consulting, and custom implementation for Civil 3D. Russ is an Autodesk Certified Trainer, as well as a Wisconsin DOT certified trainer. Before joining a reseller Russ worked for 10 years in a production role for gas, water, and site design. He also has 5 years of experience in GIS for utilities. Russ has spoken at Autodesk University as well as many conferences for surveyors, road designers, municipalities, and GIS professionals.