Principaux enseignements
- Understand the importance of early engagement in developing an asset management information strategy
- Discover synergies gained by aligning this strategy to other consumers of this information
- Learn about defining the asset-management challenge from the perspective of the CM
- Challenge the assumption that BIM is the solution to this challenge
- MZMichael ZeppieriAs a change agent in our legacy industry of construction, Michael is actively driving Skanska’s innovation and digitalization strategy. He has more than fifteen years of leadership experience across aerospace, manufacturing, ecommerce, technology and the military. Michael holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Engineering Management from West Point and dual Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Construction Management (MS) degrees from MIT. He previously held operations and IT management positions while at Boeing, and US Army active duty leadership positions as a combat Engineer platoon leader, executive officer and general’s aide. Currently, Michael develops and provides enhanced client facing service offerings that integrate our existing VDC capabilities within the domains of asset management, augmented reality, laser scanning and data science. Additionally, Michael serves as a vice-chair on Skanska's National Lean Committee and is the Lean Champion for the Boston office.
- SDSean DoolanSean Doolan is the Senior Manager of VDC Services in the Innovative Construction Solutions group at Skanska USA Building. In this role, Sean develops new technical capabilities and services combining Skanska’s core competencies in construction management with emerging technologies such as UAV’s, real-time location services (RTLS), laser-scanning, and building information modeling (BIM). He has worked in teams supporting large public and PPP transportation projects including the World Trade Center Transportation Hub and a multi-billion dollar airport transformation. Most recently, Sean has been developing asset management solutions using a “BIM2FM” approach for facility operators. This work includes the planning of structured data collection during the design-construction phase to facilitate efficient turnover of asset data into facility operation to reduce overall TCO. Sean holds a Bachelor and Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Stanford University.