AU Class
AU Class
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Maximizing the Benefits of Generative Design

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Come learn from an expert in generative design! In this class, we’ll look at how to maximize the benefits of generative design and the typical workflows that industries will use to turn these generated designs into real parts. We’ll cover how to use starting shapes to manipulate the generated results, and how to post process and carry out further analysis on your parts. And we’ll also look at some more-advanced workflows for various manufacturing methods. We’ll cover a range of case studies and detailed workflows to help you produce incredible designs for additive manufacturing, computer numerical control (CNC), injection molding, and die casting. We’ll also review some of the considerations you need to make in the simulation environment to ensure a safe design. This is your opportunity to learn about exploiting generative design!

Principaux enseignements

  • Discover how generative design works
  • Learn how to apply generative design to real-world parts
  • Learn about advanced workflows to create better designs
  • Learn how to use the simulation environment to ensure safe designs


  • Andy Harris
    Andy Harris is a consultant engineer based in the London, UK office. He is a part of the Manufacturing Industry Futures team and leads the R&D effort for this group. He has a background in aerospace, automotive and materials engineering with 15 years of experience in this area. Prior to joining Autodesk he has worked for Lockheed Martin and Atkins and whilst there he developed novel IP in the area of lightweight materials for vehicles. He has a masters degree in aerospace engineering and a doctorate in materials science from the University of Surrey. At Autodesk Andy’s role is to work directly with industrial partners in collaboration to provide innovative solutions. This not only benefits the customer it also ensures Autodesk can continue to provide relevant cutting edge software for industry needs. During his time he has built up a strong interest in the economical exploitation of new technologies.