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Peace in Our Time: Utopia in Utilities

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In our diverse world of multiple products, software systems, plug-ins, apps, and other technologies, it is more important than ever to maintain good workflows and processes into what we do every day. At Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA), we use AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise software, Infrastructure Mapping Server software, AutoCAD Civil 3D software, and Vault Professional software in conjunction with a Custom-Built Oracle Customer Information System (CIS) to tie our AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise software data together with Infrastructure Mapping Server software. This roundtable discussion is intended to get, give, and gain knowledge to create better workflows and become better prepared. There is no better place to discuss and learn than at Autodesk University where you are surrounded by your peers, technical gurus, expert consultants, and high-speed managers. We will discuss current Autodesk, Inc., products and how they can help cut through the labyrinth of information to get to that utopian goal of peace—through superior product, information, knowledge, and networking firepower.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn how to navigate the multiple options out there to get what you want
  • Gain new insight on workflows and the software you are using
  • Learn about other programs and methods that can help you move forward
  • Learn how to build a network of like-minded professionals to go forth and conquer


  • Brad Vander Plas
    Brad is the CAD/GIS Supervisor for Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA). He is responsible for maintaining the GIS and CAD for GVEA's very large service area and producing 4 different maps annually; 2 that are taken directly from Autodesk Map 3D Enterprise. He is also responsible for drawings of multiple Substations, Communication Sites, and Facilities. In addition, Brad has led the charge to update GVEA to Topobase 2010, and just recently won the hard faught battle to upgrade to Autodesk AIMS 2013.
  • Andy Morsell
    This will be Andy's 13th consecutive year presenting at Autodesk University! Andy is a consultant in the Americas Utilities and Telecom Consulting group of Global Services at Autodesk. He has more than 15 years of management, programming, and customization experience in the Autodesk® reseller, training, and developer communities; and he previously owned and operated Spatial Integrators, Inc., a private GIS and CAD consulting firm. Prior to working in the GIS and CAD consulting fields, Andy worked in the civil, environmental, and geotechnical industry as a project engineer, and was involved in all phases of field data collection and design. He earned a bachelor's degree in geology and master's degree in geologic engineering, and is a registered civil engineer.