AU Class
AU Class
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Planning for Reality Capture

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Laser scanning and flying drones can gather lots of data, but what can be done with it? Scanning for existing conditions is easy, but what about site monitoring, steel monitoring, concrete analysis, or installation comparison? Reality capture is often the fastest way to collect the information for these types of activities, but they have to be properly planned for, and strategies need to be in place so that time isn't wasted collecting data that won't be used. This session will focus on planning reality capture activities for success, and developing strategies for making sure the data can be turned into deliverables as quickly as possible.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn how to create a Reality Capture Execution Plan
  • Learn how to apply strategies for scheduling and planning scans
  • Learn how to apply strategies for quick collection of data for deliverables
  • Understand basic workflows for reality capture


  • Avatar de Nick Dyer
    Nick Dyer
    Nick Dyer received his Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Management from Weber State University. He has been using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology for the last 14 years and has been applying his knowledge in technology to both the design and construction sides of the industry. Currently, Nick works for Okland Construction as an Integrated Construction Manager working to expand and implement technology on the jobsite through the use of models and reality capture. He is also helping to support new talent in the industry as an adjunct professor at Weber State University and Boise State University along with working beside the local Revit Users Group. Pulling from experience on both sides of the industry, Nick is able to support the BIM process from design to project closeout.