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Practical Strategies for a Successful Enterprise BIM 360 Deployment

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Nine months ago Swinerton Incorporated’s IT Group was primarily focused on making technology tools and services available to our employees from a purely technical perspective. In order to continue our industry-leading position in project execution, we knew that we needed to embed more of our business processes into the delivery of IT services. The traditional understanding of what IT was responsible for delivering was thrown out of the window. We transformed the Information Technology Group to the Business Technology Group, with a significant emphasis on providing business support and training to get the highest return on our technology investments. As one of the most widely used tools on our job sites, BIM 360 Glue software and BIM 360 Field software got immediate attention under this new promotion, support, training, and cost-recovery strategy. From the "Country Club" cost-recovery model to our partnership with our virtual design and construction (VDC) and quality-control managers, learn how Swinerton is assuring our BIM 360 software return on investment.

Principaux enseignements

  • Learn the benefits of embedding operational resources and experience within the traditional IT Team
  • Discover the benefits of providing unlimited ubiquitous access to BIM 360 and our quest to democratize project information
  • Learn our key strategies to train and support our employees in the face of work and alongside our VDC and QA/QC Managers
  • Discover how we employed what we call the "Country Club" model for cost recovery and return on our BIM 360 investment
