AU Class
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Training Your Users with No Training Budget

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Times are tough and companies are having a hard time justifying the cost of training. On the other hand, as a CAD manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your users are trained on the tools that they use. What if you could provide the training they need with little or no budget set aside for training? What if you could train them with very little impact on production? This class gives you some great ideas about how to accomplish just that. You may find that new approaches to training not only reduce the cost of training but also provide better results.

Principaux enseignements

  • Sell management on a new way of training
  • Identify training obstacles in a tough economy
  • Apply training approaches that reduce impact to production
  • Apply training approaches that reduce cost


  • Eric Chappell
    Eric Chappell is an AEC Technical Specialist at Autodesk focusing on all aspects of architecture, engineering, and construction. He is a recognized expert in InfraWorks and has been writing and talking about it since its inception. He has over 20 years’ experience in the civil/survey field having served as field surveyor, designer, CAD manger, consultant, trainer, and many other roles relating to Civil 3D and InfraWorks. His most recognizable work is a series of essentials books for InfraWorks and Civil 3D published by Wiley\\Sybex. He resides in central Virginia and when he’s not talking to folks about InfraWorks he’s spending time with his wife and four children, playing music, or enjoying the outdoors. \nYou can reach Eric at
