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3ds Max Power Tips

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No matter how long you've been using 3ds Max software in production, you always have some portion of the software you've never explored or some unknown nugget of information that could save you a lot of time. This class is all about those quick tips and tricks that cover little-known tools or unusual uses for tools you already know in 3ds Max.


  • Increase your efficiency with the software
  • Use new techniques
  • Save production time
  • Impress your co-workers with all the new tricks you know


  • Shawn Hendriks
    Shawn Hendriks has worked in the 3D industry for 19 years, and he is currently the video production senior manager for the Media & Entertainment department at Autodesk, Inc. Shawn started in the 3D animation industry as a generalist working on an array of things, including TV commercials, design visualization, and accident reconstruction. Shawn's first job with Autodesk was as the 3ds Max software demo artist for Canada. Over the years he has been responsible for creating everything from feature videos and customer video profiles to demos and presentations. He now manages the teams responsible for many of the videos and show reels you see highlighting Autodesk Entertainment customers. Thanks to the nature of his job, Shawn has spent a lot of time visiting and talking with top Autodesk clients in many fields about their work, challenges, and successes.
