- Discover key factors in the digitalization of construction sites
- Discover how information should be linked between the common data environment and the construction site
- Learn how to apply various use cases of PlanGrid to many on-site tasks other than inspection
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- 宮内 尊彰Leading BIM and Digital transformation in Daiwa House. Autodesk Expert Elite
KAZUTERU ISHIZAWA: Welcome to digital transformation in construction sites. Thank you for your interest and participation in our session. Today, we would like to share what comes next after successful adoption in BIM along with our digital strategy and some of the use cases in our construction site.
My name is Kazuteru Ishizawa. I'm leading the Kanto Region construction department in dev house. [INAUDIBLE] construction site and interacting with people there.
When I participated in AU for the first time in 2019, Autodesk started to introduce many digital solutions, applying BIM in construction. I was very inspired by the concept of future of construction.
Some of the younger generation in my team are the first primary adopters in Japan. I'd like to introduce some of their recent works in this session. Hand over to my first speaker, Miyauchi-san.
TAKAAKI MIYAUCHI: Thank you, Ishizawa-san. My name is Takaaki Miyauchi. I'm leading the team for general construction division in construction digital promotion department technology had to go down in [? dev ?] house. I like orchestrating the team, aligning the team members [INAUDIBLE] into one direction.
We are still on the way to transform our way of work between design team and construction team. If some of the elements in this session resonate with you or help [INAUDIBLE] you, it is my pleasure. Before I jump into the discussion, let's think about the way of the digitalization.
I think digitalization contains several ways or interpretations. For example, changes from information written on the paper through the digital files changes from [INAUDIBLE] to BIM. Here, we try to compare between design engineers who deal with project before construction and on-site engineers, workers, who are involved in the project after construction. It's studied.
On your left, it is comparison about the number of sheets of papers used in one project. Design team consumes about 5,200 sheets of paper on average. This number is declining due to the progress of BIM adoption. On the other hand, construction team consumes about 46,000 sheets of paper on site. So spare parts are [INAUDIBLE], and its management cost is not cheap.
On your right, it is comparison about the number of people engaged in one project. On average, around 1,750 people involved in design team. When we look at the construction site, it is about 22,000. If we can achieve transformation in construction site by digitalization, it means we can impact more people.
Now we would like to discuss about the digitalization on site and the digital transformation coming in the next [INAUDIBLE]. In the first section, would like to briefly introduce Daiwa House. Daiwa House was established in 1955. At the time, we developed a prefabricated warehouse for railway facilities called [INAUDIBLE] House.
It was the first prefab building in Japan. It was created by quite unique idea from [INAUDIBLE], utilizing the standardized components. shown on your right. Daiwa House has expanded its business into houses, [INAUDIBLE] houses, commercial facilities, hotels, warehouses, offices, and medical facilities.
We are growing into a $40 million company. We are not just a housing company but the largest construction company in Japan. We started to work on BIM company-wide, rolling out since 2017. And this year, we have started a digital construction project utilizing the digital information.
There are three big challenges. First, utilize the standardized BIM data in digital construction project to produce greater effect. Second, promote future looking digitalization on construction sites, not only [? depletion ?] papers by electronic forms. Third, accumulate and analyze digital data.
Develop and promote [INAUDIBLE] utilization to contribute to a business judgment. Here are some of our business initiatives in numbers. We are aiming to achieve $100 billion revenue by 2055. We are also trying to enhance productivity by 30% in the area of construction management work as a part of the work style reform initiatives in Japan.
We are thriving to achieve eight day-off in four weeks on site. Lastly, 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030. Our mission is to achieve easy to work environment by solving social challenges and expanding business.
Now let's move on to the digital transformation in construction at Daiwa House. This slide shows our future state, applying the digital strategy. In digital plan phase, we designed the optimized building, utilizing BIM data and automated design technology. In manufacture phase, we fabricate steel frame parts collaborating with BIM data.
In terms of data utilization, we seamlessly connect all processes and visualize centrally managed data. As construction site, we actively use [INAUDIBLE] and promote increasing efficiency. We accumulate various data coming from construction sites and remotely manage chrome smart control center.
Here, I would like to talk about the smart control center. In our housing division, we install cameras in almost all construction sites around 500 locations in Japan, and the images are managed at the centralized control center. Site controls can be performed remotely. We are currently aiming for predictive management as the next step.
Predictive management is a mechanism. Detecting dangerous work at the site is AI and reveal unsafe behavior in advance. On-site information such as drawings [INAUDIBLE] unify as [INAUDIBLE] information and shared with construction workers. If any uncertainties, they can access the smart control center for clarification. Smart control center is [INAUDIBLE] day by day, and we aim to make all business judgment in this center in the future.
From here, I would like to explain about our BIM deployment initiatives. In Daiwa House, we have started to deploy BIM corporate-wide since 2017. In general construction division, architecture design and structure design team has already moved [INAUDIBLE].
MEP is still on the way. In this [INAUDIBLE] transition, we apply our BIM standard to 1,000 projects from large to mid-size buildings annually. So this project data [INAUDIBLE] as standardized digital building info.
We are striving to adapt [INAUDIBLE] departure. When we project our beam level on UK beam maturity model, it would be somewhere in level two. When we reach to the next level, business efficiency would be higher.
According to our estimation, if [? our ?] collaboration is performed in entire design construction work, the work efficiency can be improved by 30%. For the transition from BIM level two to three, it requires a major change in our existing business processes.
We started to apply BIM in all projects since last year. The way to create BIM model [INAUDIBLE] work flow such as who will do it in which process type of discussion. We thought we investigate and discuss this enough.
However, when we started to apply it in [? there, ?] many issues became clear. Currently, getting the full support from [INAUDIBLE] consulting team. We are working together to polish our process and [INAUDIBLE] for further visualization, standardization, and optimization to gain more efficiency.
It is important to create the right BIM model in standardized workflow and utilize it natively on the platform. We use BIM 360 as CDE. In February, we acquired ISO 19650 [INAUDIBLE] 1 and 2 for the first time in Japan.
For the next stage, we will develop the construction BIM, and at the same time, we are going to create more use case of BIM applying for manufacturing. In 2019, we launched [INAUDIBLE] construction project. It utilizes BIM data under its [INAUDIBLE] exploring the utilization of various construction data.
We [INAUDIBLE] BIM data on the information protocol for building data from design to construction and maintenance, working on standardization for each phase. The data [INAUDIBLE] as the building database grows into [INAUDIBLE] construction project through common data platform and we will maximize the value of data utilization.
For example, with automatic design analysis from past project's data, it will enable us to propose the optimal data. In front of our customers on the spot, we'll verify the design of parts in the factory while minimizing construction work on-site, and [INAUDIBLE] part of our next generation of industrialized construction process development storing the data used in many process, we are reflecting it in more advanced BIM collaboration. So [INAUDIBLE] maybe [INAUDIBLE] through, we believe it will move construction [INAUDIBLE] forward strongly. From the next slide, my colleague will talk about the data utilization on-site in DTL. Ishizawa-san hand off to you.
KAZUTERU ISHIZAWA: Thank you, Miyauchi-san. Now I would like to cover our current situation in construction site from the viewpoint of digitalization. In the last few years, the momentum for digitalization of construction has dramatically increased in Japan as well.
In reality, many people in construction sites tend to be overwhelmed by huge conventional work. Despite of such difficulties, a forward-looking team had started to seek for new technology adoption to realize to future of construction site. So far, we have been working with paper in center, introducing a new way of decision making utilizing digital data, meaning a lot more than just reducing number of sheet of papers. It leads to accumulating digital assets for big data.
In the beginning we thought digitizing the process by itself could be effective. But we began to realize the importance of linking it with BIM data. Next, let's look into our key initiative in the construction workflow.
We are promoting digitalization by casting a spotlight on four areas-- inspection, schedule, quantity, and construction plan. In addition to visualizing the BIM model and calculating the quantity from the BIM model, we decided to digitalize site information and schedule. Then we came up with a plan to use digital tools.
[? In ?] the common data environment, we utilize BIM360 Docs and the store BIM model. For field survey and construction plan, we decided to use [INAUDIBLE]. As for construction simulation quantity estimation and schedule, we applied assemble.
From here, I would like to introduce some of the use cases of four digital tools. First, about BIM360 Docs, in many construction sites, paper-based workloads are still in the mainstream. We tried and explored what kind of approaches are effective for on-site members to recognize the value of BIM360.
Majority of people are not accustomed to use digital data. That's the reality we have to handle. As a result of [INAUDIBLE] discussions, we decided to promote BIM360 on-site starting from four key use cases.
One-- issue management for drawing check. Two-- crash detection and model-based issue management. Three- 2D-3D comparison for change management. Four-- create dashboard to share construction status.
Next, use case is PlanGrid. This is an example we applied PlanGrid to rebar arrangement inspection. We can store rebar inspection information in one place and share it in real time.
Construction photos can be saved in the relevant locations on the drawing. You can easily create an issue with the task. It is very convenient to be able to store a photo and issue as a set of data in the task. Utilizing the mark of the issue prepared in advance, it is possible to visually confirm what kind of issue was in which place.
It is easy for site manager to check completion of tasks by associating the issue with the person in charge by sharing such information in real time between the site manager and the project manager through PlanGrid, the inspection work can be greatly streamlined. With PlanGrid, you can centrally manage quality information and share it in real time.
Next, let's look into some examples of construction step planning. This is an integrated model with architecture structure and [? MEP. ?] Foundation step attribute is not included in the model from design team. We added them to the assemble model.
Each construction zone information is color-coded. When you want to see structure foundations, you can hide other elements. Also, slice function is convenient. In this example, we added steel frame zoning information to assemble model, hiding architecture model and displaying steel frame and [? MEP ?] model only. By re-structuring the model with construction zoning information, we can show construction steps very clearly and easily.
Lastly, I would like to share one of the examples in Schedule management by linking assemble and an external tool. We used to plan based on the construction steps in individual head and analog materials. By utilizing Assemble, we can visualize everything, calculate quantity, and plan high quality. Visualizing the progress is easy by updating the schedule information into the Assemble model.
Let's talk about some of the outcomes from the activities I have explained so far. First, by utilizing BIM 360, the drawings printed out on paper coming from design team can be reduced to zero. Second, the time required for inspection and site patrol work can be reduced in half with PlanGrid.
Third, we can gain more accuracy in construction plan by using Assemble. We could realize some of the effects from digitalization. However, this is just a prologue of the digital transformation at construction sites. If we compare it with the BIM level, this could be level zero or level one. I would like to promote the transformation further and support activities to the next level.
TAKAAKI MIYAUCHI: Thank you, Ishizawa-san. As a final topic, I would like to touch upon our vision of a future construction site. By 2022, a large number of IoT tools and heavy equipment will be in action on site.
More digital evidence than ever can be stored by utilizing digital information on site at inspections or exam. [INAUDIBLE] to happen is the construction site are [INAUDIBLE] years later makes the most of the real data coming from smart control center and constructs buildings efficiently with minimum workers on-site, introducing autonomous robots and 3D printers. People, robots, and IoT co-exist, and everyone can work safely and enjoy.
That is the future construction site we will create. Utilization on-site is accelerating. We believe the construction site of the future is not far away.
Next, summary slide-- digital disruption in AEC will proceed in construction site. Design BIM will show its true value on the construction site and bring about a synergistic effect. As I mentioned in the slide at the beginning, they are overwhelmingly more construction engineers than designers.
Mindset change in construction sites is important. Digitalization will accelerate when companies, organizations, managers, and leaders support it. Big data in the construction industry will become [INAUDIBLE] infrastructure and transform into a treasure to support management decisions and judgment. That's what we believe.
Thank you very much. Now we would like to move into Q&A session. We will have translation support from both [INAUDIBLE]. Tomiyama-san, let's start.