- Discover how to access AutoCAD on the web and mobile through your subscription.
- Learn about the benefits of a digital workflow.
- Gain the ability to implement processes based on real examples.
- Learn about improving collaboration and project delivery.
- JLJiacheng LiJiacheng Li is a product manager in the AutoCAD team and primarily works on the web application. She used to be a structural engineer and has received education in civil engineering for her bachelor's degree and master's degree. Recently, she completed her MBA at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Since joining Autodesk, she has focused on delivering cloud-based solutions for AutoCAD to continue to empower customers with a faster and seamless way to use AutoCAD.
- Amarjeet SonkarAmarjeet Sonkar is a Sr. Principal UX Designer on the AutoCAD team, and has spent more than 10 years designing AutoCAD across different platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, UWP, and Web). Amarjeet is passionate about building a customer-centric AutoCAD ecosystem.
JIACHENG LI: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the class "Digital Workflow with AutoCAD on Web and Mobile." Thank you for taking the time to join us today.
Before we dive into the details, we want to share with you a safe harbor statement. If we mention anything related to roadmaps or future development plans, they are just plans, not promises. The development, releases, and timing of any features or functionality may change. You should not rely on the presentation today to make purchasing decisions.
We are excited you are here with us for this in-person AU after two consecutive virtual AUs. Welcome again. Please allow me to introduce our speakers for today's class.
My name is Jiacheng Li. I'm a Product Manager on the AutoCAD Web team. I worked as a structural engineer before and have received education in civil engineering for my bachelor's and master's degree. Since joining Autodesk, I have been working on cloud-based solutions for AutoCAD.
This is my first in-person AU. I'm very excited to meet you all today. Let me hand it over to Montgomery.
MONTGOMERY GRAF: OK, I'm Montgomery Graf. I'm a Software Architect that is working on AutoCAD Web and Mobile. I've been with Autodesk for over 20 years now, and this is not my first AU. Thanks for joining us. I'll hand it over to Amar now.
AMARJEET SONKAR: Hello, everyone. My name is Amarjeet Sonkar, and I'm a Designer with AutoCAD team. And I have been with Autodesk more than 10 years, and probably this is my fifth AU.
JIACHENG LI: Before we begin, here's the high-level logistics for today's class. We will kick off the class with some polls to get to know you. Please feel free to join the Slido event by scanning the QR code.
There will be a dedicated Q&A in the end. If you have some question coming up throughout the class, please feel free to type these in the Slido event Q&A section. Handouts and the presentation will all be available online.
Now I hope you are feeling warmed up and getting excited about the class. Let us dive into the meaty parts of the class. Here's the agenda for today.
First we will start with the introduction introducing the current digital world and the new AutoCAD Web offering, then follow up with AutoCAD Web features overview. After that, we will dive deeper into two case studies to elaborate on how you can benefit from using AutoCAD Web and Mobile. One is focused on collaborative workflow across desktop, web, and mobile. The other one is web and mobile-focused workflow. Lastly, we will conclude with key takeaways and the Q&A in the end.
In our current world, a lot of work has shifted to online. We have been relying on technology to bring us together. There are growing needs for being able to work remote and work in the cloud. With that, the data associated with the design process are constantly available at any time on cloud. This is how AutoCAD products have evolved to enable that adaptation.
Let us take a close look at the current AutoCAD ecosystem. Each AutoCAD product plays unique roles to ensure our users are able to create rich DWG data in a collaborative and accurate manner. Desktop app enables heavy 2D and 3D editing. On the web, team members can meet over DWG to review drawings and make light edits. Our mobile collaborators can simply get access to DWGs on the go and bring in field insights to the desktop users.
Zooming in to the web and mobile applications, AutoCAD Web and Mobile were introduced several years ago and have a solid user base. Since then, we have continued to enhance them. With the ever-changing digital world, the way our customers get work done is changing, so we are changing with them.
With that, we're excited to introduce AutoCAD Web, the newest addition to the AutoCAD portfolio, giving users access to both AutoCAD on the web and mobile. We hope this new offering will enable you to be more productive while collaborating between design, building, and production stages. If you are a desktop subscriber, you enjoy access to Web and Mobile and will continue to do so, while with this new offering you can get access to Web and Mobile alone.
Before we take a close look at system requirements, I would like to provide a complete understanding of the naming so that we are all on the same page. AutoCAD Web with a capitalized W is [AUDIO OUT] to include. One is AutoCAD on the web, and the other one is AutoCAD on mobile. To get access to AutoCAD on web, you will need Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge on either Windows or Mac machines. AutoCAD on mobile is available on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 on either mobile devices or tablets.
So what can you do with AutoCAD Web? You can update design from anywhere. There's no installation required. It is a cloud-based solution for CAD with anytime, anywhere access to edit, create, share, and view CAD drawings.
You can quickly access your DWG drawings by simply connecting to multiple cloud providers. You can directly open data from there. You can work offline and sync later. With AutoCAD on mobile, you can work on your projects in the app without an internet connection then sync later.
Next up, let's take a close look at AutoCAD Web features. Before diving into some key features, I want to highlight that AutoCAD Web enables fundamental DWG editing capability with command lines, command palette, settings, and more. In addition to the fundamental capabilities, there are several key features I want to highlight that are mostly available on both Web and Mobile.
You can use Connect To to get access to your files from multiple cloud providers. You can use Trace to create a virtual sheet of trace paper that allows you to safely review and add feedback directly on a DWG drawing without altering the existing drawings. You can also manage layers and display XREFs on AutoCAD Web and AutoCAD on mobile. Lastly, the Freehand Sketch tool on AutoCAD on mobile offers you the flexibility to quickly sketch or take notes on the DWG drawing. Next I will hand it over to Amar and Montgomery to walk us through the two case studies.
AMARJEET SONKAR: Demo case study 1, in this case study, we are going to demo how to work with AutoCAD Web along with AutoCAD desktop, also how AutoCAD on web and mobile platform works in AutoCAD ecosystem. Scenario-- an architecture firm got a new project for a new house design. Key stakeholders in design phase for this project-- project manager, who is directly dealing with the client and collecting all the design requirements; designer, who is also drafter working with project manager in detailing out the floor plans and executing production-quality drawing; client, who is a contractor working with project manager in reviewing the drawing.
Licenses used in this demo-- drafter is using AutoCAD desktop license, and project manager has access to drafter's AutoCAD license. Client is using AutoCAD Web license. Now the drawing is ready, looks good. Let me check everything as per our company's standard.
I see all that. Yes, all the blocks are here. Let me check all the rooms. Looks good.
OK. Here, oh, I removed the door from here, but I did not close the wall. Let me close this wall. Extend command-- done. That was fast.
Now let me share this drawing with my project manager. What could be the easiest way to share it? Hm, let me see what are the options. Open From Web And Mobile, no. I have to save this.
OK, oh, this looks interesting, Save To AutoCAD Web And Mobile. Save To Web And Mobile feature saves this drawing to AutoCAD Web cloud storage. It's a sandbox cloud storage created to easily work on single source of DWG file across web, mobile, and desktop platform.
This is a secure cloud storage location and can be accessed within the AutoCAD products only. It takes DWG along with all the extras and creates a G file, similar to Etransmit. This way, you will always get the full drawing visual fidelity across the platform.
Nice. So if I serve here, I say it's pulling the data from the cloud, and there it is. The project's already been created here. Let me add a "version 1" to here and save it.
Now I'm done. Also, I'll need to make sure Xserve is included so that when my project manager's opening, he's getting the full visual fidelity. Nice. And now let me send a message to the project manager that the drawing ready for review.
Project manager just finished the meeting and got a message from the drafter that the drawing is ready for review. Project manager is not a frequent AutoCAD desktop user but realized her account portal displays AutoCAD Web product as one of the entitlement products. AutoCAD Web is a standalone product.
In Account portal, it displays as a separate product along with AutoCAD desktop. You can access AutoCAD Web only in a browser on desktops, or you can download on mobile devices from Apple Store or Play Store. Hm, so let me open Chrome browser and open this portal, OK?
AutoCAD Web-- let me add my credential. It's a good layer of security. Nice. OK, I am done with my signing. Now authentication, let me confirm on the mobile, and it's done.
So this is my file manager on the web. Looks good. And here is the project, Villa Project. Hm, what is this file format, .dwg.zip? dwg.zip, what a dwg.zip file?
dwg.zip, as an etransferred file, it was saved to AutoCAD Web cloud storage from desktop. dwg.zip file type is only available on AutoCAD Web cloud storage, which can be accessed from the browser or a mobile device by AutoCAD Web. This file type can't be downloaded outside AutoCAD Web cloud storage. That's interesting.
Let me open this file. What else I can do with this one? OK, there is a couple of options with this file type. OK, let me open it.
Hm, the design is really-- looks good, really. Now let me make sure everything [AUDIO OUT] as per the client requirement before sending it to the client. OK, I see all the layers are there, as per the company's standard. I see the block library included and the XREF. That's amazing.
Let me check all the rooms. What is there? There's-- that's a mistake. Let me fix it.
Oh, I can double-click, and then I can make changes there. So that's pretty cool. I don't have to open the AutoCAD desktop.
And why this is closed? There's supposed to be a door here. Let me add a door over here. Let me find the right door on the block library and place it here.
I'll just need to make sure that wall is trim. That needs a little trim. OK, this is gone. Now let me create the closure for the wall. Done.
Now let me trim it back, this line. And now one thing I have to do-- put this block in the correct layer so it's aligned with all the other standards. Let me check the property of this block.
And here is my door layer. Oh, OK, perfect. Now it's done.
There are a few changes I would like my drafter to work on. Select to create a Trace. First of all, let's ask him to add a block here for another car rather than keeping it empty. What else?
OK, that's pretty cool. Now I can create-- oh, nice. I can do that styling also. Let me make it underlined. Done.
Now, the client asked to close this slab inside the kitchen, this really small gap, so let's make a note over here. OK, let me add text over here, "Close this gap." This is-- here goes my note.
Looks good, "Close the gap," and let's rename this Trace also so that my drafter knows that it's from me. So Rename, PM Note. Looks-- OK, now it's done, I should save that to the same location so that my drafter can access. Save.
Project manager made changes, added Traces, and saved the drawing. Changes in the drawing get saved to AutoCAD Web cloud storage. Project manager sends message to the designer to check the traces in the drawing and sent back the updated drawing.
Drafter is in the cafeteria making coffee when he gets the message from the project manager. Drafter doesn't want to leave the cafeteria and wants to enjoy the coffee but [AUDIO OUT] After realizing [AUDIO OUT] is that his Autodesk account portal displays AutoCAD Web as a separate product under his entitlement. The drafter opens his phone and downloads AutoCAD mobile app and signs in with the Autodesk ID.
So here is the app. Let me see if I have the same folder. AutoCAD Web is there, and now here is the Villa Project. Ah, nice. I also see that the latest update is recently. OK, dwg.zip file, OK, let me open it.
That was fast. Looks great. There are some small changes. I see they've added the door back, but that accent is wrong. I need to fix it.
OK, what else? Hm. OK. Maybe I'll do it on desktop. You just-- let's make a note over here. Oh, OK.
We mentioned about the Traces. Let me open the Trace. Oh, here are some notes from him. OK, let me make my checklist, or my to-do list.
OK, so I will do this first when I open this drawing back on the desktop. So add a block over here, a car block. Nice. This'll be, like, number one priority.
Oh. We'll close the gap. I should mark it. OK. Now it's done. Now the next one-- anything else?
Oh, yeah. Remember this block, right, I need to flip it. Now this, there it is. OK.
Now, good, I don't see any other annotation from my project manager. Looks good. Let's save this drawing, and let me enjoy my coffee.
After making notes about changes, the drafter saved the drawing on the mobile and enjoys coffee. After finishing coffee, the drafter goes back to the desk and opens AutoCAD desktop. Nice. I'm back here.
So here's the file, but I see it's not updated. Let me check on the cloud. Maybe there's a newer version.
Open From AutoCAD Web And Mobile, and it's fetching the drawings, Villa Project. And I see there is a new update on this one. OK, let me open this version.
Not this layout, not this floor plan-- let's move to the other one. Where is that floor plan? OK, here it is.
OK, all the changes are done. Looks good. Let me give you the notes again.
OK, all are done. Now I'll send it back to my project manager. Very cool. Let's do that. Save-- this location.
After reviewing the changes, the drafter saved the drawing, which updated the version on AutoCAD Web cloud storage. Meanwhile, the project manager is visiting the client, and the client wants to review the drawing together with the project manager. Project manager gets a message from drafter that the drawing is ready with all the requested changes.
Project manager is not carrying the laptop at this moment, but she does have an iPad. Project manager downloads the AutoCAD Web app on iPad and uses the same Autodesk ID as transfer. Now it's loading.
I should be able to see the same view as AutoCAD Web on the browser. OK, AutoCAD Web is here, and this is the file. OK, let me open it.
I see there are some changes from the timestamps. OK, let me-- OK, I got it. Cool. New feature-- oh, yeah, he flipped this one. That's nice.
What about the gap? It's done, fixed. Pretty cool. There was one more, the block. I'm assuming that's also fixed.
Let me check the notes. There is my Trace, PM Comment. And it looks good. OK, this is done, marked.
OK, everything is done, and the gap is done. It's been closed. Let me mark it as a "done."
This is done, too. Now I see the block, already been added. Perfect. Now this drawing is ready. I can go to the meeting room and take a look, perfect, at this plan.
That was efficient. But before that, let me delete this Trace so that nobody sees my notes, and I can just save this drawing if-- in case client asks for it. Let me go to the full list here and Presentation mode. Now you can see how convenient and handy to use AutoCAD Web product on web and mobile platform along with AutoCAD desktop.
Demo case study 2, in this case study, we are going to demo how to work with AutoCAD Web apps on web and mobile devices and collaborate across web and mobile platform. Scenario-- an interior design firm got a new project for remodeling restaurant interiors. Key stakeholders in design phase for this project-- architect, who is visiting restaurant and doing the site survey, she is using iPad with the stylus; interior designer working in hybrid mode, some time in office but mostly from house using his laptop. Licenses used in this demo-- architect and interior designer are using AutoCAD Web on web and mobile platform.
Architect is visiting restaurant. Architect has already requested client to send existing floorplans drawing, so he gets a message from client that existing drawings are uploaded to this air folder on Dropbox. Architect takes out iPad from backpack and launches AutoCAD Web app on iPad.
OK, here's my iPad app for AutoCAD Web, and I need to connect my Dropbox. Connecting, let me authenticate it. That's good. OK, done.
Now let me see where is the file. It should be here. Mobile Restaurant, let me open it.
Oh, looks good here. It's a pretty good detail drawing, but I see there are some changes need to be fixed. Lines are broken.
Probably I can make note and ask my interior designers to fix all these places, but let me try to make some changes here because they're really easy to do. I can do it on this iPad app itself. Well, that's OK. Let me fix this side also.
Also let me complete the walls to create the offset. OK, where is the Offset tool? OK, got it. OK.
And I know this wall is doing it, so let me add that. OK, these lines were broken, so I have to do it again. But OK, it's done. Pretty fast.
OK, let's see what else we can do. OK, there need to be some design changes, so but before that let me measure the area. I can use the Object Snaps to get accurate area. This is so easy to navigate with the gesture, and Snaps are working perfectly fine.
Here is the area. OK, that's quite big. And add the markup over there so that this drawing is not getting filled in with lots of markups. Here's my Trace.
OK, let me open the pen. This works pretty well with the stylus. OK, this will need to be closed. Here are also the corners that will come out, this one. OK, this corner needs to be closed, and this one.
Also, as client requested to remove this one, there should be only one entrance, so let's remove this one and place more tables over here. Let me make a note here, Remove. But before that, let me add image reference, which our client has asked, like, the door entrance would look like this.
With AutoCAD Web app on mobile, you can do quick light editing while on the go. Mobile apps have all required AutoCAD features to view the drawing, do light editing, and make annotations on the go. Insert Image feature on mobile allows to attach photos inside the drawing as extra. You can attach photos from the mobile gallery as well as from the mobile camera without leaving AutoCAD Web app. This goes-- I can attach my image and attach as an extra, now saving the file so that my interior designer can see all the changes.
Architect for this is adding markup in the drawing and saves the drawing now, which is in Dropbox. Architect sends a message to interior designer to please check the drawing on the Dropbox, which has some Traces and markup. Interior designer is using laptop and the Chrome browser, and here it is.
And let me add the Dropbox. OK, let me authenticate it. And it's done. OK, and here is the project folder.
Let me open this. Oh, there is the image attached here. Mobile Restaurant, it's pulling.
Oh, that's a pretty detailed drawing, less work for me. OK, and let me see the Traces. Not many changes, I just need to close and remove two places.
OK, I will close this Trace and try to edit this drawing. Easy. I use the Extend tool, close this. Where is-- oh, that is-- OK, yeah, remove this one.
Let me delete this one and the door, too, and close this wall. Done and done. Cool. What else?
There's a lot of empty space. Also, this should be in the center, so let me move it. Damn, that's pretty handy. And let's fill up with more tables. Let's optimize the space.
Here it goes, another table, another one. That's easy. Let me switch on the Auto mode. That way I can do it fast, then I can fit one more here.
Done, and I can put more round tables here. OK, everything looks good. I check the Traces.
Now let me close and save back this drawing so that my architect gets this latest drawing with the requested changes. Designer makes changes and saves the drawing and message to architect. Now architect can open AutoCAD Web app on mobile device and verify the changes. OK.
Got a message from interior designer that drawing has been updated. Let me open it, Dropbox, to make sure I have the latest one. OK, yeah, I can see the timestamp. It's already updated.
Oh, looks good. It's very creative. I see the space has been optimized. What is this? Looks like-- oh, what about this one?
Oh, I made a note in the Trace, but let me fix it. So it'll be very easy rather than-- and then I can use the Snap to make sure it's kind of a line. And the snaps are working pretty smooth over here, the other corner.
And done. That was fast. OK, I should change the text size. It's pretty small. Let's make it 600.
Done. You can see, with help of AutoCAD Web across web and mobile devices, how efficient you can be and save tons of time going back and forth on the same drawing. The-- [AUDIO OUT]
MONTGOMERY GRAF: Thank you, Amar. As we wrap up our session, we'd like for you to have some key takeaways. First off, we have a variety of flavors of AutoCAD now that allow you to choose the right tool for the job. We have the mobile app if you're out on the field, AutoCAD Web on the browser for those quick views and edits while you're away from the office, and of course we have the traditional AutoCAD on desktop you use as you always have been.
And we are now offering new tools that maximize this environment and allows you to seamlessly collaborate with your coworkers, such as Trace, which has been featured heavily in the demonstrations that Amar just did. And finally, the key thing we want to leave you with is, we now offer a new subscription model so you can choose the subscription that is right for you. We have our usual AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT subscriptions, and then now we have AutoCAD Web, which gives you AutoCAD on the web in the browser and the mobile app.
JIACHENG LI: Thank you so much, everyone, for joining the class today. We're really happy you're here. So please, if you have any question, please let us know.
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