AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Dynamo and the Zen of Data Flow

ビデオ、プレゼンテーション スライド、配布資料のキーワードを検索する:


This presentation is dedicated to the contemplation of the Dynamo extension and the Zen of Data Flow in the context of cross-platform design practices and dynamic enterprise landscapes. Over the past 2 years, we saw the emergence of custom Dynamo packages for Revit software that facilitate cross-platform collaboration. These (relatively) new techniques enable powerful workflows for design-to-production optimization. We will dive head first into discussing Dynamo Data Flow, and the somewhat versatile opportunities for connecting Revit software, Excel software, and Rhino software. This session features Revit and Dynamo Studio. AIA Approved


  • Discuss available interoperability workflows with Dynamo
  • Learn how to choose a workflow that benefits your project and complements your workflow
  • Experience a level of Zen in regards to Dynamo Lists management
  • Learn how to inspire data flow in your organization to promote applied computational design with Dynamo


  • Masha Pekurovsky
    Masha Pekurovsky holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and a Master of Science degree in architecture from Pratt Institute. She specializes in Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation and computational design workflows, bringing more than 10 years of professional experience in residential, educational, commercial, and institutional projects. Pekurovsky leads in-house Revit software training, provides project consultations, and participates in the development of firm-wide standards, resources, and strategies.