As General Motors relies more on Autodesk® Simulation Moldflow® software for upfront design for manufacturability, it has become apparent that the capability to accurately predict location and relative quality of meld lines is essential to eliminate costly tool re-work—work that is necessary to resolve surface quality and/or part performance issues. A research project was initiated under the auspices of continuous improvement to study the effect of mesh density—relative to obstruction size—on the ability of Moldflow to accurately predict position, length, and quality of a meld line. This class will review the findings of this research by using case studies to illustrate the impact of poor meld-line predictions on tooling strategy and explain how these tooling decisions could have been avoided through meshing technique. Proper mesh density for the accurate prediction of meld-line location and quality will be the next best practice enhancement to the GM Moldflow Specification, GMW16355.
- List potential limits in current meld-line prediction
- Explain how mesh type effect affects meld-line prediction
- Identify appropriate mesh density based on obstruction size and material
- Describe potential impact to the product program of using improper mesh technique
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