- Learn how to implement Autodesk's water solutions portfolio to achieve sustainability objectives.
- Learn how to create a stronger Envision verification application.
- Learn about the latest trends in sustainability and water.
- Learn about the Envision rating program and how to use it to your advantage.
- SBSalvador BentolilaSalvador is a Civil Engineer who specializes in water and wastewater infrastructure. He started his career designing water supply and irrigation systems in Africa. Later, he managed design and construction projects for wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations in New York City. Now at Autodesk, Salvador is a Business Consultant for the AEC industry who implements technology to plan, design, build and operate projects in the water industry. Salvador is a licensed professional engineer in New York and Florida. He holds a Master’s degree from Columbia University and is certified as an Envision Sustainability Professional and Project Management Professional. While working for AECOM in New York City, Salvador completed Envision verification for 2 water-related projects. He volunteered for Engineers Without Borders and was part of a team that built a rainwater harvesting system in a Kenyan village, is an active supporter of Charity: Water, and author of A Kids Book About Water, written to create awareness in the younger generation about the importance of water in our lives and planet.
SALVADOR BENTOLILA: Hello, everyone. And thank you for being here for this presentation of Envision your project sustainability goals with autodesk water solutions. My name is Salvador Bentolila. I am a licensed professional engineer also certified as a project management professional and have the certification of Envision sustainability professional, which is going to come out later in our presentation today.
It'd be great to connect with you via LinkedIn. You can find me by searching for me, Salvador Bentolila. Or you can take out your phone, scan the QR code, it will take you right straight to my profile page.
I want to start with the safe harbor statement, which, in summary, just says that the content of this presentation may have forward-looking statements or talk about product features that will come. And so please don't just make any purchase decisions based on the content of this presentation because those statements are forward looking, and not a guarantee, and may change.
With that in mind, let's talk about what we want to cover today in the presentation. And I want to start with the learning objectives. I then want to cover what the state of the industry is, talk a little bit about the why, the how, and what, and then put it all together with some use cases. So you get a little bit more of context and real life projects to give you a better idea of what we're talking about.
So let's get started with the learning objectives. And there's four of them that I really want you to walk away with after the end of this presentation. And I've tailored the content of it, so hopefully we can satisfy these learning objectives. And the first learning objective for today is I want you to learn about the latest trends in sustainability and water.
We'll take a look at some figures, facts, and numbers. And I also want you to learn about the Envision rating program and how you can use it to your advantage as well as what you can do to create a stronger Envision verification application. And then lastly, how you can implement our solutions, Autodesk water solutions to meet the sustainability objectives of your projects. So very intertwined as you can probably start seeing these learning objectives. And hopefully we'll be meeting all of them by the end of this presentation.
So let's start with the state of the industry, a little bit about the why, the how, and what. And I want to start with a common definition for sustainability just to make sure we're all starting from the same point. And when it comes to sustainable infrastructure, we can say that it's achieved a sustainable state once it's developed, it's not depleting the natural resources. And it has a balance with the outer world.
Sustainable infrastructure is achieved-- it achieves that state when it's able to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs too. So the question is why it's important to measure sustainability today? And let's take a look at that.
The first-- the first thing I want to show you is a few numbers from the Autodesk 2023 State of Design and Make report, this is the annual report that Autodesk releases. And the first number there is that 82% of the respondents of this report say that they're getting pressure from their customers to pursue the sustainability goals.
There were about 2,500 participants in this survey. And it's also the fact that 80% of them agree that improving the sustainability practice is a good long-term decision, meaning it's going to get them to increase their chances of winning more work, putting them in a better position, or increase their revenue.
And then lastly, 81% of the respondents, this is focused in the US only, they say that their companies and industries are already engaged in sustainability activities. So these numbers tell me a few things. One of them, that there's already a movement. There's a trend around sustainability. And a lot of people are already involved in one way or another with it.
So if you're part of that 80% and you are already doing something about sustainability, you're in a great position. And the content of this presentation is going to help you expand that vision to learn new ways of what else you can do for sustainability. If you're a part of the other 20% and you're just getting started, you're also in the great place because the content of this presentation will give you ideas of how to do that.
The second set of numbers that I want to review are coming from the Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure, which is the agency that administers the Envision program. And we're going to talk a little bit about that pretty soon. And these numbers show how the adoption is rising.
And we're taking a look at the numbers over the past decades. These numbers are current until mid of this year of 2023. And it shows how the value of the-- cumulative value of the construction projects has grown from less than half billion in 2013 to over $220 billion in this year. It also shows how the number of registration, the project registrations in the Envision program has went from five back in 2013 to 317 today.
And lastly, the percent of those projects that are registered in the Envision program, how many of them are registered in the water sector? Which went from 40% to 35%. And that number, yes, it isn't rising as the other one. And at the same time, it shows me that the demand for projects in the water sector has remained stable. Granted that back in 2013, there were only five projects, so 40% is 2.
Now, we see we have a much larger number of projects. And still we see a very similar ratio of projects in the water sector. It also tells me that the other projects that do not belong to the water sector, the remaining 65%, are also registered for Envision, which means they're pursuing sustainability goals.
And this is really important because I want you also to widen your vision. That even if your project is not a waste water treatment plant, or a water treatment plant, or a pumping station, which is completely directly related to water, you still will have sustainability metrics around water to track, which we're going to see today how you can do that. If you're building a building, a bridge, or a railroad project, transportation, then those metrics will be applicable as well.
And then lastly is that the world is really asking for it. There's a few sources you can quote out there. And the first number I want to highlight here is that about half of the world population is threatened by extreme weather. And this means floods. This means sea level rise, droughts, or wildfires.
There's also the fact that about 1 in 10 people in the world don't have access to clean water or sanitation systems. And the size of the global infrastructure gap over the next 15 years or so is until 2040 is estimated to be $15 trillion. So this is the size of-- this is the market size. If you're launching a new product, this is the market opportunity for you.
And the numbers are also backed by personal experiences. And I hope you've seen that to some extent or another. I personally have. I'm living in Florida at the moment. And I see how there's more frequent-- more and more frequent floodings, up to the point that insurance companies are leaving the market. And the premiums are becoming more and more expensive because of the frequent floods.
In a trip to Kenya with Engineers Without Warning-- Engineers Without Borders, I saw how students in high schools didn't have any means of clean water, sanitation systems, which led to waterborne diseases, and unfortunately, sometimes even death. And while I was working in New York for five, or seven, or six years, I spent all of that time dedicated to a project that was solely dedicated to improving and strengthening the wastewater infrastructure in the city to make it more resilient against floods and sea level rise.
So I hope that these numbers and these trends that we've been talking about let you see that while there's a need for sustainability. It's also-- it's an opportunity. And it's also a need. So let's take a look now at the Envision. Let's talk about what is Envision and how you can use it to your advantage.
And Envision is actually a program that was developed in conjunction of Harvard University and ISI, which is the Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure back in 2012. And that-- ISI is backed by some other organizations in the industry, which you might have heard like ASEC or ASCE. And Envision is a framework to measure sustainability metrics and criteria which they use through credits.
And so really, this program, it's all about the credits. They have splitted the credits into five categories, quality of life, leadership, resource allocation, natural world, and climate and resilience. In all of those categories, the credits in them add up to 64. And you can get a maximum of 1,000 points.
And so depending on the circumstances of your project, it may qualify for specific credits. It's up to you to make that justification and provide the supporting documentation to get those points. And we're really seeing all different types of projects registered for the Envision program, projects in the public sector, in the private sector, projects that have a construction value of $1 million or multi-billion dollars, projects in the water space, in the transportation space, telecommunication space, energy.
It's really a wide range of projects that qualify for it because when you're talking about sustainability and all of these categories, there's a broad quantity of metrics that you can track. So you as an engineer can use the Envision program to provide a new service to your customer that helps them meet their sustainability goals. And customers or the owners are using this program to enforce requirements in RPs and proposals for-- to make sure that companies have the right capabilities for the projects and their work.
And so as much as it is about the credits, it's also how many your project can attain. Each credit has a different level of achievement, which goes from improved through restorative. And as you go up the chain, you're getting-- you're getting more points. And depending on the ratio of how many points your project achieves out of the total applicable points, you'll get a different award level, which can be verified, silver, gold, or platinum.
And we're going to see soon some-- I want to give you some real life examples of projects that-- and what they did to achieve some of these verification levels. And so here's the key that I really want to point out about the Envision program and water solutions. There's a total of 1,000 points that you can achieve with the credits.
And about 25% of those points are related or are coming from water credits. And so just to give you an idea of what these credits involve, there's things like construction safety, earthwork, energy, how much energy your project is consuming or how much CO2 its emitting to the atmosphere, how much water your project is consuming or conserving, and how resilient is your project against climate.
So considering the fact that even if your project is not strictly related to water, you're probably going to have all of these things. You're going to be moving earthwork around. You're going to be consuming energy, water. And you have-- you're going to have to take a look at how resilient your project is.
You already can achieve about 23% of those points or more if you have less applicable credits to your project with the water solutions in some of the content of the presentation we're going to see today. So again, back to the point that I want to widen-- I want you to widen the vision that all of the projects can take advantage of the solutions in what we're seeing today.
And so you as a designer can really offer this as new services to customers to help them meet their sustainability goals, which they can also take advantage of tax credits, which are coming in the form of rebates or refunds. When they're able to show, at the federal or state level, that their projects meet certain sustainability criteria.
And we're actually seeing some cities already enforcing the Envision framework for their projects, like the city of Los Angeles, or the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department. And there's a trend. Will Envision be enforced nationwide or worldwide in the future? We don't know. I think the key part here is that we're already seeing some cities making the move and enforcing them. And so by you already taking part of this framework are putting your company in a very advantageous position.
So now, let's go and talk about what. What are Autodesk water solutions? And how-- and what can you do to meet your sustainability goals? The main vision for Autodesk water solutions are that they are connected in such a way that all of the project phases are integrated. And that data can flow from phase to phase very seamlessly.
We spoke about this last year at AU with the vision of platform and format specifically for the AEC industry. And this year, there were some progress made for it. There's still some time until this vision is fully realized. And this is general idea. And so you probably have heard some of the most common tools in the water space, like InfoWorks, or Civil 3D. There's the Innovyze portfolio also that was purchased recently and then ACC.
Which all of those are really just a small subset of all of the tools that want-- that are available. And I want you to imagine the possibilities of the different things that you can accomplish with all of those solutions and even more so once they are connected and this vision of format is fully realized.
Now in terms of the core water solutions portfolio, there's a few tools that are more commonly used. And for networks, or whether that's water distribution, or wastewater, or storms, or flood, or if you're talking about treatment of water, wastewater, or industrial. In the planning phase, you're probably going to be dealing with Recap, InfoWorks to build your conceptual models, and perhaps some of the Innovyze tools.
And as you go into design and you refine that, you're going to be using Civil 3D and Revit. And then as you move into construction, leveraging some models of ACC, like out of the-- like the BUILD module or the Takeoff module. And then once the project is commissioned, depending on the contract requirements, you might end up yourself having to create a digital twin with Autodesk Tandem or the Info 360 suite, which helps facilitate the operations and maintenance phase.
And really, all across the project, you can leverage ACC as your common data environment and data repository to store all of the information of your projects. So let's move into the last section of the presentation here and talk about the credits, and tools, and give you some use cases. I want to put everything together. I want to grab a sustainability metric with a credit, specific credit of the Envision program, and also an Autodesk water solution.
Put them together, and see how we can use that solution to meet the-- that satisfy the criteria and can meet the sustainability goals. So let's take a look at that. I'm bringing three examples to you. And the first one is the credit of monitor water systems. And this credit asks you to show that your project is able to monitor capabilities of either for water quantity or water quality.
And it also asks you to show that your project has the ability to monitor that water in real time, such that you can use that data to improve quality, or reduce the consumption, or the leakage of your project. And the way that this credit is structured is that depending on the percentage of water that's in your project you're able to monitor and show you have monitoring capabilities, you get more points.
So you start with 50%. And it goes all the way up to 95%, where you get the maximum number of points if you're also able to show that in addition to monitoring, you can do that in real time. It's not just-- it's not enough to have the sensor out in the field. You need to be able to show that you can, in real time, extract that data and put it somewhere to do something with it.
And so I want to show you how with Info 360 asset, which is part of the Info 360 cloud, you can achieve part of this criteria in terms of monitoring something about your water in real time, a parameter about your water in real time. Here specifically, we're talking about quality. And so you can see how you can put-- create a model of your network in Info 360 asset, such that you can have that interface in the map.
And then you can create a sensor. You can configure a sensor for a specific parameter. It can be pH. It can be temperature. It can be turbidity. And configure the data in such a way that it's pulling out from the sensor and then connect it to an asset, tag it to an asset. So you know where that data belongs to. And then where you're back in your map interface, you can search for that sensor either through the name of the sensor itself or the asset name, which will show you all of the sensors that are connected to it.
And then ultimately, see an historical or a real-time chart of how that parameter is changing. In terms of quantity, if we're looking at quantity, we can do something similar with Info 360 asset by calculating mass balances. And in here, we're also leveraging sensors. We can have sensors to measure flow, pressure, velocity. That gives an idea of what is happening with the amount of water in their system.
And if we know where our water is coming from, if we know where our water is going, and where it is being stored, we can import all the information into Info 360 asset. And it will calculate for us the mass balance for a specific time range. Or it can be in real time. And then that data will be displayed in a chart, so in the dashboard mode.
So we can very quickly start gathering some conclusions about our system. Is there any leakage? Is there any loss of pressure? What is happening to the water in my system? And so a water facility in South Carolina in the Hardeeville area achieved this and was able to show that they have the real-time water monitoring capabilities. And they were awarded the bronze-- the bronze level verification through the Envision program. So that's one case that implemented this successfully.
Then the second credit is called manage stormwater. And this credit asks you to show how your project is able to infiltrate, reuse, or treat the stormwater runoff of a specific local event. And it also asks you to show that your project is not exceeding the rate or the quantity of the existing conditions. Basically that it's not worsening the state when there was no development in that project area.
And the way this credit is structured is that depending on how stringent that local rainfall event or designed storm that you choose to show that your project can meet that criteria, you're getting more points. Starting with a two-year designed storm, all the way up until a 100-year designed storm, which is the more stringent scenario.
And so here we're seeing Info Drainage in action. And a system that has different pieces of sustainable infrastructure. We see cellular storage. We see a dry pond. We see [? swells. ?] And all of these pieces of sustainable infrastructure can be configured. You can change the design parameter to make sure that they fit the size of your project.
You're also able then to download local rainfall data right within from Info Drainage. You can specify which designed storms you want to use for your simulation. And then once you have all of that data within Info Drainage, run your simulation and see how those influence-- how your system is behaving. Is it being able to manage all of the stormwater runoff? Are there any floods in any part of the project? And use this as a documentation or proof to show how your project is handling that.
We also need to show that for this credit, that the project is not worsening the existing conditions. And Info Drainage has what it's called phases, which are different proposals or different scenarios. You can have the scenario of pre-development, kind of the existing condition. And you can have the scenario of past development.
And so when you run the simulation through both of those phases, then you're able to create reports for those scenarios, and choose specific metrics that you want to see, and very quickly compare, and tell right away the difference and how your project is better or not than the existing conditions. And so in Atlanta, there's a four-- a part called Fourth Ward that was redeveloped entirely to make it an open space for the community.
And at the same time, it was able to use green infrastructure. So it manages the water on site, instead of discharging it to the networks. And that project was able to achieve a gold verification level from the Envision program.
And then the last credit over here is the assess climate change. And this credit asks you to conduct a study of what are the threats to your project because of climate change. And once you've done that study and have your threats, it asks you as well to determine what the risks are over the project life because of those threats.
And this credit, the way you get more points is depending on how wide you do the study. If you're only looking at your project, you get 8 points. If you look at your system, you get more points. And if you look at your community, which is a larger study area, you get even more points.
The maximum number of points, though, you get when you're able to show that you have shared that knowledge with the community and other stakeholders. It's not just enough to do the study. They give you credit if you have taken the extra effort to spread the word and make the stakeholders aware of the threats.
And so here we can see, again, with Info Drainage, how we're looking at a specific part of our network. We are concentrated on at the project level only, rather than the system. And we were downloading the rainfall from Australia. So this project is located in a different region, where we're also able to access and download rainfall data, another advantage that Info Drainage provides you. Getting access to all of that right from within the tool.
And you can run the simulation using that rainfall data and create 2D visualizations that really help you understand what is happening with the water. Is my water flooding somewhere in my project? Are some of my manholes surcharge? How is my water moving over the area of the project? And you can see those animations that really help you understand what is going based on that rainfall event.
Then if we're talking about the system level, we're using a tool-- a more robust tool like InfoWorks like InfoWorks ICM, which allows us to do more robust simulations and also, at the same time, create these 2D visualizations that show us where and how the water is flowing through the system.
We can take a look at the different pipes and see how the water is flowing and start drawing conclusions up there, at the same time, creating documentation to prove how our system manages this rainfall event. And then at the last level, the largest one is a community level.
We can use InfoWorks to very quickly create a 3D model by defining the extent of our project. And once we have that, we can use different plugins that can be included in InfoWorks to do other types of analysis. So in this case, we're seeing the flood simulation plugin, which is sold separately from InfoWorks, where you can define the inflow areas, the outflow areas.
You can add also rainfall data and perform simulations that allow you to understand how would the water behave in the nearby communities. And you can see this based on water elevations, based on velocities, based on depth. And then start creating those simulations that help you also as documentations.
So those are the three credits that I wanted to show today in this case. There was also a water resource recovery facility in Virginia that was able to achieve the platinum verification through the Envision program because once they realized their site was at risk of flooding, they covered their open tanks, their treatment tanks with a roof, such that it would be more resilient and watertight.
And at the same time, they used that roof, they redeveloped it as an open space for the community, creating a field where people could do sports, and run, and created kind of like a park. And that counts for sustainability as well when you're creating open spaces that the community can enjoy.
So I really hope the content of this presentation was useful and valuable to you. And that now we're walking away more confident in terms of how we can-- why sustainability is important today, how we can use the Envision framework to our advantage, and what Autodesk water solutions can do to help us meet our sustainability goals. Thank you very much. And see you next time.