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How Maintenance Management + IoT Solutions Can Enable Smart Building for Building Owners

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Valuable BIM data developed for construction is frequently lost at Building Hand-over. Additionally, that same BIM data may not be accurate or include all points needed by the Facility Management teams. Lastly, whole building energy management systems can be excessive for some client needs. Learn how new integrated solutions can utilize construction BIM data to dramatically expedite Facilities Maintenance Management System (FMMS) implementation. See how BIM data can be normalized and verified using cloud based QA/QC tools prior to FMMS implementation. Understand how new wireless power sensing devices integrate with cloud FMMS to offer real-time alarm and reporting of critical equipment. This presentation will focus on the integration of these solutions as an example of how technology can be coupled to leverage cloud to cloud services for a more powerful business solution.


  • Understand how new systems allow direct data transfer of BIM construction and commissioning data to Cloud FMMS to accelerate implementation.
  • Discovering new technologies that aid QA/QC processes of Model data useable for FMMS workflows.
  • Finding out about wireless power sensing devices that integrate with FMMS and allow for power consumption analytics/reporting.
  • Learning how separate technical solutions can be integrated together to provide powerful systems for sensing, notifying, reporting and analysis of facility equipment power data.


  • Jeffrie McDonald
    Jeffrie McDonald, PMP, LEED<br/><br/>Advisor, CADsoft Consulting, Construction Technology Group<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Jeffrie is the Central Region Sales Advisor for the Construction Technology Group and lives in San Antonio Texas. He is involved in several regional BIM peer groups and enjoys supporting, learning from, and growing BIM communities across Texas. With 25 years of experience in the digital design/construction industry, he has worked as a Union Carpenter, corporate space planner, controls systems engineer, facility/asset manager, and construction manager. Jeffrie holds a BS in Interior Design from Florida State University, holds LEED credentials, is a Certified PMP, and will complete his AGC Lean Construction credentials this spring. Jeffrie enjoys traveling, swimming , and Yoga, across the United States.