- Learn what MBD means from an industry perspective
- Ascertain how MBD can benefit your design and manufacturing processes
- Understand Autodesk's product direction with MBD/3DA
- Help Autodesk develop long-range MBD vision
- AFAndrew FaixSenior Principal User eXperience Designer working on Inventor since R2 with sojourns on the AutoCAD and Fusion teams.
- SRSanjay RamaswamySanjay Ramaswamy is a product manager in the Inventor Product Group at Autodesk, Inc. He has been at the company for 15 years, holding various positions within the Inventor Team. He has a background in mechanical engineering, and he’s passionate about sales automation technologies and helping manufacturers transform their businesses by changing the way they interact with their customers.
- CGCharles GlancySanjay Ramaswamy is a Product Manager on the Inventor Product Line at Autodesk. He has been with the company for 16 years, and has held various roles on the Inventor product. His background is in Mechanical Engineering and CAD, and reguraly interacts with Autodesk's manufacturing customers.