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Turbo-Power Your Design Productivity with AutoCAD Mobile App on Windows 10

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AutoCAD mobile is a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that lets the same application run on all Windows 10 devices, including Surface and Windows tablets, laptops, and desktops. This blurring of the gap between mobile and desktop gives all users a cohesive experience with mobility in design—the best of both worlds: simplicity and operational ease, with a sensitive-touch interface and complete support for keyboard, mouse, and surface pen. In this class, we will demonstrate how you can boost productivity with the AutoCAD mobile app on Windows 10 devices. We will take a deep dive into the app's core features, including moving files into the app from any kind of storage; working with DWG™, PDF, and DXF files; and bringing mobility to drawings without maintaining multiple copies of the same drawing. We will also take a sneak peek into what's in store for the future with the AutoCAD mobile app on Windows 10 devices, including Microsoft Surface Hub.


  • Learn how to find AutoCAD mobile app on Windows store and install on multiple Windows devices such as PC, tablet, and phone
  • Learn how to get started with AutoCAD mobile UWP app, and how to open your own file in the app from local drive, along with how to connect and open drawings from your third-party cloud storage like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Learn how to precisely draw and edit a drawing on any Windows-based device, and how to download the DWG or PDF to print a drawing
  • Learn how and when to use AutoCAD mobile along with AutoCAD Desktop


  • Amarjeet Sonkar さんのアバター
    Amarjeet Sonkar
    Amarjeet Sonkar is a Sr. Principal UX Designer on the AutoCAD team, and has spent more than 10 years designing AutoCAD across different platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, UWP, and Web). Amarjeet is passionate about building a customer-centric AutoCAD ecosystem.
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      AMARJEET SONKAR: Hello, everyone. Thank you very much for joining this. I know it's like long day, and you must be tired, and hope you're having great day. In fact, I'm from Singapore. I took 24 hour flight to come here, still catching up with my jet lag.

      So, before I start, I just wanted to know how many of you know about AutoCAD mobile app. OK, good. Because, in this session, I will tell you about how you can get this AutoCAD mobile running on any Windows 10 device, whether you have the desktop PC, tablet, a laptop, or even two in one surface devices-- in fact, any Windows 10 device.

      My name is Amarjeet. I am a designer and product owner for AutoCAD mobile. Prior to AutoCAD mobile, I work for AutoCAD desktop, Windows and Mac. I'm passionate about exploring AutoCAD with the new technology, especially on the different devices. And, here, my team work on running the AutoCAD mobile on Surface Hub, which is Microsoft's big, 84 inch multi-touch screen.

      In fact, we have one of the Surface Hub in [INAUDIBLE] in our [? answer booth, ?] AutoCAD, so just, whenever you get time, go over there. Try it. It's a great experience-- all I can say, it's different. I know there will be a lot of caution, how you'll do the CAD on such a big-- with a touch screen-- but, definitely, it's a different experience.

      Agenda for this session-- I will just briefly cover about one AutoCAD experience, because we have now too many AutoCAD, like AutoCAD for Windows, Mac, and then the mobile, and now we have the web. So how they work together-- and then I'll talk about some of the workflows for the AutoCAD mobile. And then we'll wrap up the session with [? UWP ?] app, which is our Windows mobile app, the same what do you have on the iOS and Android. And I'll tell you how to get the app. And I'll talk about some of the key feature.

      Just for [? safe ?] [? harbor, ?] that's the standard stuff. So, not many of us can imagine how was the life before AutoCAD. Imagine creating a layout. For me, it sounds more like creating a piece of artwork. Imagine you created a layout with all hand drawn and with the precision. And, now, imagine, if you make a change, how expensive it will be.

      Then, in 1982, [? Autodesk ?] launched the very first version of AutoCAD, very much here in Las Vegas [? during ?] the COMDEX. And, in fact-- fun fact-- when the first version of AutoCAD came, it had [INAUDIBLE]. I tried to search all over what they had in this AutoCAD, and I couldn't find. But, I believe it must be talking about some of the command [? what ?] we had. Like, I believe we had only a bunch of command. So, it must be it's [? onboarding ?] cassette.

      In fact, this remind how much technologically we have become advanced. Now we have all the greatest tool, like the greatest AutoCAD. In fact, the AutoCAD-- it was so much like you can write your own [? routine. ?] You can run the list program. You can automate many other things. And you can build the things which we have only imagined in the past. One of the example I keep on giving, the Shanghai tower-- they use most of the Autodesk software, including the AutoCAD. It's a very complex building.

      But problem with AutoCAD desktop was it was desktop application. That means you have to work on the desk, which means pretty much in the office. But all the actions-- what are happening-- it's happening in the field. So, AutoCAD is disconnected from what happening in the field. And you need to take your DWG to the field so that you can see and validate the work.

      And the only way was to plot the drawing so you can print. It was expensive. It was a lot of manual process, very time consuming. And, in fact, I have [? been at ?] some of the companies where they print thousands of drawing. They have [INAUDIBLE] their own way to annotate, and then they have to educate other people in their company how to work with this annotation so that everybody can understand how other people have [INAUDIBLE] annotated on those drawings.

      Then, the digital revolution came. And then some tablet started coming up, so you can load your drawing as a PDF. But, still, you are not working with the DWG. You are not taking your DWG to field. Most of the work-- what, in field, you want to do, is creating the annotation, doing the markup. And, on the plotted one, you mostly do the markup, and then you go back in office and make those changes in your drawing.

      And then the actual computer revolution happened. Computer came to the mobile. mobile was always there, so I'm talking about the mobile phone. But, this time, it's a smartphone. So, computing came to the mobile, and people started doing serious stuff on the mobile phones.

      In 2004, mobile users has surpassed the desktop. That mean people are spending more time on the mobile devices. It happened for both good and bad-- good, now we got the smart computer in our hand-- bad, we kind of got addicted to it. And we have to compromise some of our social aspect. But, the best thing happened over the few years that they started building their trust. So you can do the things like the bank transaction, even the file transfer. So you started trusting these devices, these mobile devices.

      And that was the right time we took, because working with AutoCAD, working with DWG, is all about your trust with the device, like where you are storing your file. So, we launch our very first version of AutoCAD mobile on iPad. And here is a video when first time we sold this AutoCAD mobile to some of you here during the AU. And this was the reaction.


      - We want to try and look towards the future. We want our [INAUDIBLE] to go out to the field, see what they need to design, and put it on an iPad rather than on a piece of paper. We do see an opportunity, at least with AutoCAD mobile. Why not take that step out and just go straight to the iPad?

      - I think it's the ease of use. When I first downloaded the DWG viewer, it took me a little bit. This-- I figured it out within 10 minutes. I was amazed.

      - We were using 11 by 17s or 16 by 20s that were coming out of our design department and then sketching it up in different colored pencils. But, now we have the tablets, and that's moving back to where its roots were, of being able to click-go, click-move. The fact that you can go from here to there and get a called out dimension of how big that area is-- it allows you functionality but still allows you to have a virtual type board or a full fold out keyboard. This is the next generation. It revolutionized the game.

      - I'd looked at it before, because I thought it was interesting. That's why I attended this session, to really learn how to use it. Being able to carry around drawings on the phone for an iPad is really handy for me.

      - I'm using it on an iPhone, but we have Android users in our office. So, either way--

      - Being able to use geospatial drawings in here-- I can take a picture, add a note. I can do my annotations. It's all pretty quick. Just after 15 minutes of using it, I'm already excited to be able to use that and try to figure out how we can use that in our company, too.

      - We can sketch and make changes, and they can make notes. We can share the pad around the table. Now we're real time collaborating without having to have a live view on a portal or having extensive video conferencing. It's a wonderful end product and, if everyone can have the feasibility of using it for a small monetary price, I highly recommend doing it.


      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, imagine getting started with AutoCAD mobile in 15 minutes. And, if you compare it with the AutoCAD desktop, it takes years to build the experience with AutoCAD. So, many of you can ask-- OK, I can load my AutoCAD LT or AutoCAD full on the laptop and then take it in the field, so why I need the mobile? So, I'll talk about some of the workflow, why it's useful.

      And the idea is it's not trying to replace the AutoCAD desktop or even the AutoCAD LT. It's a companion so that, whenever you need AutoCAD, it's there. It's to support your workflows.

      So, first thing you can do is the viewing. Imagine, if you have a drawing, and it has some-- and you're working on a project, and it's having [? the ?] [? kind ?] [? of ?] drawing, and then each drawing had several layout. And, if you start printing, you will be like-- first of all, it's not feasible to print every layout. But, with AutoCAD mobile, you can load all those drawing, even if those drawing have the extra block, all the layers. Everything you can load to your mobile.

      And now, when you go in the field, all your drawings are at tap away, like just single tap. And you can open the drawing. You have the great [? fluidity. ?] You can see every detail. Of course, it's designed for the touch experience, so you can [? zoom, ?] pan with all the gesture support.

      Extracting information-- [? while ?] you plot drawings so that we can extract information in the field-- and then we can see it's matching with the drawing or not. Imagine, if you miss some dimension or some measurement in your plotted drawing. Now, if you need that information, you need to call somebody in the office and try to get it. It will take some time, but here, a tap away, you can get all the information, all the measurement you can do yourself.

      In fact, to support the [? test ?] devices, we have developed something called quick measure. So you just drag your finger across the screen. It will quickly show all the dimensions. So, most of time, what we do in the field is annotate. We create the [? reason ?] cloud. We add the text.

      And, traditionally, we have been doing that on the paper, mostly with the red pen, creating the [? reason ?] clouds and writing the notes. But, now, all those capabilities we have in the mobile. So, quickly, you can pull out the drawing. You can create the [? reason ?] cloud. You can add the text. And imagine somebody is working in a office. He can see the same drawing. So, you don't even have to communicate. He can see that in the real time.

      And we took the advantage of the mobile and, in fact, we added-- you can add image like xref. So, in field, you can take a picture. This is how it looks. And you cannot [? attach ?] [INAUDIBLE] so someone working in the office-- he can see the same image, and then he can get the idea. So, sometime you want to do small editing in a drawing. So, traditional way-- you need to go create the annotation. And then you go back to office, pull out that drawing, and then you need to remember where you have to make the change. Now, with the mobile, we have some basic capability of editing. So you can do a small editing on the field itself.

      Later, I'll give the demo for all these feature. And, also, you can initiate a drawing in an AutoCAD mobile. So, of course, you cannot do all what you're doing in the AutoCAD desktop with the new drawing, but you can do a lot with new drawing on the mobile itself. And we have seen, especially [INAUDIBLE], they use it a lot, because they create a drawing. And it gives the base to start the drawing, someone who is working in the office.

      So, rather than draw on the paper, and then go back, and try to explain, it's happening in the [? parallel. ?] Also, as I mentioned, the cross platform workflows, why you need the mobile, and if you have the full desktop-- so, imagine you created a drawing in the desktop. And now what you can do-- if you are going in the field, you can load all your drawing. If somebody is working in the field, you can see [? what he's ?] drawing. So, he can view it. He can see every detail. In fact, he can add the markup.

      And, if you want to do some light editing and do the editing also, if you have given the permission [? only-- ?] so, even if you're [INAUDIBLE], you can give him permission, whether to edit or not to edit, or just view the drawing. And then you can do the back and forth all without the paper. And, to do this, you need to be connected to internet, because you are talking about the file sharing.

      What if you are not connected to internet? We provide the option to download to offline. So, if you are going to the field, you can tap-- like, make these drawing available for offline use-- so you can carry them in the field, even if you're not having the internet. You can do everything. And, once you go online, all those changes will sync back. So, the source [? of truth ?] will get updated.

      And, same if you initiated the drawing on the mobile-- you can go back and forth, and pretty much you can collaborate in the real time. And, again, you need to be connected to internet for the data transfer. In addition to this mobile application, we recently will launch our new version of AutoCAD for web. So, AutoCAD is now truly available without boundaries of devices.

      So, in fact, even if you don't have the mobile app, or even you don't have the desktop application loaded anywhere, you can simply go to any computer. You can open browser. And then you can type [INAUDIBLE], and you'll log in with your credential. Then you can see all your drawing there [INAUDIBLE]. So, in fact, you don't need any AutoCAD application to see your drawing. You can pretty much see from everywhere.

      So, we have been talking about devices like mobile devices and then this PC and tablet. But, what about the new generation devices? Mostly, I call them hybrid devices. They are not truly desktop. They are not truly tablet also. They are in between the Microsoft Surface Pro, Surface Book, and new generation tablet. And they work with everything. They work with all kind of input media. So, they work with the mouse, keyboard. At the same time, they work with the touch, surface pen, a stylus, and even the new kind of devices like the Surface style.

      So, when you're working with a mouse, you can see where you are clicking. It's very precise. But, with the touch, it's a different story, because touch cover a lot of real estate on the screen. So, we have been working a lot to optimize the whole application AutoCAD mobile for the touch experience so that you can get the best experience on the touch screen, even on the bigger devices.

      So, same AutoCAD mobile app, what you have for iOS Android-- now you can download on any Windows 10 device. So, even on your desktop, when you're working with-- it doesn't need to be touch screen. Even if you worked with a keyboard mouse, still you can get this AutoCAD mobile application.

      So, let me show you the application. How does it look? And this will be kind of interactive demo, so feel free to ask the question in between. So, this is the Microsoft new device. It's a Surface Go. It comes with the keyboard. So, if you have the keyboard mouse, you can work with the keyboard mouse like the normal computer. Otherwise, you can take out-- now it's a tablet, so I have my tablet now.

      So, here's the application. So, you can see I have the AutoCAD mobile. Of [? course, ?] that is stating its a development version, so you can ignore that. So, when I launch the application, this is my home screen where I have all my file, because they already have been working. So, I have all my file. But, when you create a new account, you go for first time. You won't be having all this, because you need to get your files. I'll talk about how you can get those file.

      But, just to give you the overview-- so, you can load tons of drawing, because these devices really comes with lots of memories. We have different kind of views so that quickly you can see them. So, if you have a lot of drawings, list view can come very handy.

      And, also, you can get a lot of file information. So, on the [? file ?] itself-- like here, itself, you can-- this is the feature I was talking about, like sharing. So, if you want-- so, I have selected this drawing, ACM test drawing. So, if I want to send it to one of my colleague, and I just want him to see the drawing, not to make any change, I will send him as a reviewer. So, I'll just add him the email address. So, he will get an email. So, if he have the mobile application, he can open in that. Otherwise, he can go in the browser, and he can see that drawing.

      But, if I want him to edit the drawings, I can give him the full permission, so he can do everything with the drawing. And I can share the drawing as a collaborator. As I said, you can download for offline. So, this is the feature. So, if I'm going in the field, I don't have internet connection, I can simply tap on download for offline. So, I can go anywhere, even if not connected. I can still open the drawing and do everything. Of course, we have some other features, so you can even rename and delete.

      We have basic support. Like, if you want to reach out to us, you can reach out directly if you have an issue with drawing, like if something stuck or something not working. And now let's talk about how to get file. Because, first time when you come here, you won't be having any file. You will be just having the sample drawing so that you can explore.

      So, get your file. Windows is great, because it's not like iOS. Here you have the full file system, so you have the full control. You can navigate through your folder. You can open any drawing. So, when you say it's open [? in Android ?] because this is the Cloud application. So, it will take that drawing, and it will upload to the Autodesk server so that you get a copy in the Cloud. So, now you'll be walking on the Cloud file, not the one you have in the local drive.

      Otherwise, if you're a have your drawing in any of the third party Cloud, which you have been using, like the Google Drive drop-box or OneDrive, and even the OneDrive for business-- and, in fact, in future we are going to add more third party Cloud support. So, you can add that. Here, I have added my OneDrive, so I can go, and I can see all my drawings here. And, anytime, if I want, I can just simply tap on this one, and this will disconnect my whole drive [? thing, ?] and this folder will be gone from here.

      And, if I want to initiate a drawing from here, I can simply tap on this create new drawing. But, before this, let me show you-- depending on what is your screen size, it will [? adapt ?] the user interface. So, if you have this small tablet, it will look more like the mobile friendly, something like this. And, if you have the big-- like, what we have been talking about, like the small four inch tablet up to 84 inch devices-- you'll get the same kind of experience of working with this application.

      So, when you create a new drawing, of course it's a Cloud application, so it's having auto save. So, you need to give the name to the drawing. So, let's create a drawing. I want to say AU. OK. So, now it's creating a new drawing in the server. And you don't have to save it manually, because it's Cloud application keep on saving. So, even if somebody is having the same account open on some other place, he can see this drawing. And he can see all the changes in the real time.

      So, now this is my canvas, the same AutoCAD canvas. And now I have all my basic tools over here. And, also, I have some of the controls, like the layer. And, also, every time you create the template, we provide the standard block, so you can work with the blocks. All the layouts are there. You can see the property if you select object.

      So, quickly, let me show you some of the tools which you can work with. So, we have the basic drawing tools. So, you can work with the line, poly-line, rectangle. So, let me show if I create a rectangle-- and AutoCAD is all about the accuracy. So, when you create the drawing with the touch, first of all you don't know what happening below the finger. So, you cannot see pretty much everything, so that's why we had given this keyboard drafting. So, you can enter accurate dimension over there, and you can create your more accurate geometry. So, if I say like 200.5-- so I can be more accurate. And, also, with pretty much all the tools, we had given this.

      Then we have all the annotate tools. So, if you want to create the [? revision ?] Cloud, you can quickly create the [? revision ?] Cloud here. And all these tool developed especially for the touch experience. So, if you want to create a text, you can go ahead and launch the default system keyboard, and you can add the text over here. And all this being synced, so somebody is accessing this drawing-- he can see all these changes, whatever you are doing.

      And, also, if you want to work with the layers, you can quickly create a layer here. You can give the name to the layer. All other control we have, like turning on-off-- even for individual layer, you can see all the control over here. And let me open a drawing and then show some of the features, like how they work. So, you can see, like, if I got a drawing from the desktop, and now I open that drawing here in AutoCAD mobile application-- for example, this is one complex drawing.

      So, first of all, you can see every detail. So, if you are doing just the viewing, you can pretty much see everything. And you can see all the layers here. You can control the layers. So, if I want to turn of architecture, or turn on-- so you can do that.

      Also, if I have blocks in this drawing, I can see all these blocks. I can [? reuse ?] them. If I want to add more block, I can do that. If I have multiple layout, I can see all the layout. And I can see all my layout here. So, pretty much, you can see everything, whatever you had in the drawing. We do support 3D drawing, also, but just for viewing purpose. You cannot edit our create the 3D drawing, but you can view everything in the 3D drawing.

      So, let me go back to the model. And, now, if I select the object, I can see all the object property. And, in fact, I can change the layer and color other stuff. And we have all the drawing properties, so you can see all the units. If you want to change on the fly, you can change them, and also all the objects now. And grid you can control from here.

      And let's talk about some of the annotation tool, so like the markup tool, text. You have insert photo. So, if I want to insert, because most of these devices-- they comes with the camera, so I can just take the picture. And then I can attach here. So, let's skip that, because [INAUDIBLE] attach it as an extra file. [? I just ?] need to upload it to Cloud so that, people who are accessing this drawing, they can also see that image.

      Measurement tool-- all we have-- I just wanted to show you the quick measure, which we developed especially for the mobile. So, I can just keep on dragging, and then it will update [INAUDIBLE]. In fact, this got really tons of geometry, so it's a bit slow. But, if you have the simple geometry, it can just drag it. And then you can see all the measurement.

      So, let me open another drawing. So, let's try to create a simple drawing. So, I can start with polyline, and then I can tap. And, also, you can see all the [? snap. ?] It's helped me to be [? auto-puller, ?] so that I can really quickly draw them. And, if I want to change it to 150, I can just do. And I can say done. And, so, you can see-- and, if I made the mistake, I can do the undo so it's gone.

      Also, editing tools are contextual, because it's a mobile. So, real estate space is really limited, so we have optimized. So, only when you select the object, you can see that editing tools, because it starts with the drawing tool. And let me go back. So, if I create a geometry-- now I want to do the offset. To get the offset, because the offset is the editing tool, its user interface is slightly different from the desktop. Because, sometimes, if you're coming from desktop, you expect to see all the editing tool and other drawing tool together. But here, for the mobile, we have separated them. And, if I want to create the offset, I can simply tap. After selecting the object, I can see the preview, and it's done.

      So, another interesting tool I want to show you is about the trim. So, let's see. I've created this geometry and one more. OK, so we have developed this quick trim tool, so it's work more like the eraser. So, I can just swipe, and [? its ?] trim is done. I don't have to select the object, and then the cutting object, and then do all the trimming operation.

      So, we tried to simplify the experience for the touch, especially on the mobile devices. And now we have all this. As I'm explaining everything with the touch-- but all this you can do with the mouse and keyboard also, because this is the same mobile application running, which runs on any mobile device.

      Any question? OK, great. We are doing good. So, let me get back to my presentation. Yeah, so, if you have AutoCAD subscription, you get access to our web and mobile application. So, if you have, let's say, desktop subscription, you have full editing capability. But, if you don't have AutoCAD subscription, still you can download this application. You will get as a free viewer.

      So, imagine your client or your friend is working, and you want to share the drawing. He can just simply download the application. He can create the Autodesk account, and he can get started. He will get only permission to see the drawing. I don't know why it's showing this one. Let me go back to this.

      Yeah, so, about the subscription-- the mobile application can be used as a stand alone, also, even if you don't have desktop subscription. But it's just that desktop subscription-- it gives you free access to the entire mobile application. If you want full access to the mobile application, we have offering from the store, from the Apple Store or Microsoft store. You can buy the subscription, which is $5 per month, something like that. You can get all these feature which I just now demoed.

      So, if you're wondering why do we have this AutoCAD mobile application, why I need this one-- for example, when you want to make some notes, you use the notepad. You don't use the Word document for everything. Similarly, here, if you want to view a drawing, or quickly open a drawing, you don't need to load the entire AutoCAD. For example, you want to make some quick change in your drawing, or you just want to view, or you want to see some layout, this is much faster, because it's a mobile application. It's literally like the [? 50mb ?] application. You can download anywhere, and you can just fire up the drawing.

      Yeah, so that's pretty much about AutoCAD mobile, and now I'm open for the question.

      AUDIENCE: What about [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, it does support [INAUDIBLE]. So, if you have a drawing which has the [INAUDIBLE], and you have uploaded it along with the drawing-- so, imagine if you're working with the Dropbox, and in the folder you have all your xref. So, it remember those part, and it will open that drawing. But you cannot create the xref in our next version.

      So, let me show you what we're working in our next version. Currently, this one is in beta, so you can see [? the other ?] one. And we are trying to bring the desktop core engine-- what we had earlier-- what I gave you the demo-- this is the application which we have [? until ?] now. But now, this application, we are updating with the real AutoCAD desktop core engine.

      And we are getting the same kind of fidelity. So, in fact, we are working to have the better xref support with this new beta version. And just let me show you the same drawing on the same one, so you can see the fidelity. It's much faster. So, basically, now the desktop application is running on the mobile and the web with this new beta version. So, you can see it's pretty smooth, the same kind of desktop experience you are getting on the mobile.

      And, with this, now we are bringing more and more desktop feature to the AutoCAD mobile and the web, including the xref. So, in the next version we are releasing, where you can start [? attaching ?] the xref in the mobile-- so imagine the part is broken. You can find the file, and you can attach in the mobile itself. Yeah.

      AUDIENCE: Can you see [INAUDIBLE] data or survey data [? within this? ?]


      AUDIENCE: Or survey data-- [INAUDIBLE] [? Can you work ?] that? [INAUDIBLE] 3D drawing on a network or [? even just on a ?] [INAUDIBLE].

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Yeah. Yeah, you can view it. It support all the [INAUDIBLE] files, so all the verticals, even like the mechanical and civil. Civil 3D data-- probably it will show only the view only. You cannot edit them.


      AMARJEET SONKAR: No. I mean, still we are evolving this mobile. Like I said, we build a new engine just now. We got the desktop engine working on the web and mobile. So that's down the path, probably. It's good feedback. We'll give it to our product management. Thank you.

      AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] Civil 3D [INAUDIBLE] [? not support ?] [? it. ?] So, you can't really view that data.

      AMARJEET SONKAR: No, so it will be missing those, all the object [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah.

      AUDIENCE: Can you import and export GIS data [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: GIS data-- no, it works only with the DWG files. So, if you have-- [? complete ?] support only the DWG, PDF files, and the Exif.

      AUDIENCE: Maybe I missed it, but how much of this is on the Cloud, or how much of the program itself is on the Cloud, and how much is on the device?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, code engine is running on the device, so it's taking the full capability of device, so that's why even all the [? hybrid ?] drawings you can open. That's for the mobile. It's not like the web, because the web is like everything need to be downloaded every time you open the drawing. So, compared to the web, mobile application is much faster, because you don't need to download every time the core engine like AutoCAD whenever you are opening the drawing. But all the files need to be in the Cloud, because this is the fully Cloud application.

      So, even if you are opening from my folder, like you going into the C drive and open a drawing, first it will upload the drawing to Autodesk drive, to our network. And then it will download that. That's why, when you open it [INAUDIBLE] at source, it takes time to opening. Because first it's uploading, and then it's downloading. Yeah.

      AUDIENCE: When you start a new drawing in the mobile app, can you start with a [INAUDIBLE] so it has a certain set of layers [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, that's why I showed it has the functionality. Like, if you have uploaded that template, you can duplicate that template, and always you can work. But you can [? access ?] your own tablet. [? That's ?] [INAUDIBLE] is there, like you create a copy of your template so that you keep on working on that. Yes?

      AUDIENCE: And this all has to go on a Cloud? There are no security protocols or anything like that for this?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, all the security, because we [? are believing ?] you're working with your own Cloud storage-- like, if you're working for OneDrive for business, they have to [? take it. ?]

      AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] on the Cloud.

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Yeah, in that case, no. It doesn't like-- you have to trust on Autodesk, like if you are ready to upload your DWG to the Autodesk drive. Yeah.

      AUDIENCE: Is this [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Yeah, you got the code name. Sorry? What was your question?


      AMARJEET SONKAR: Fabric?


      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, just now, the one I demoed-- the beta one-- that's the fabric where we are bringing the desktop engine to the mobile.


      AMARJEET SONKAR: So, once we get the [? features ?] [? party, ?] we'll get rid of the old engine, and we'll replace entire thing with this new engine.

      AUDIENCE: What about [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: We are far away from that. We are starting again from the basics, so we [? talking ?] [? about ?] basic tool. And, once we have all this necessary feature, then we'll talk about this customization and other thing.

      AUDIENCE: You showed where you can download drawings [INAUDIBLE] Google Drive. You had some other options there. Are there any future plans to connect it to [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Not now, but probably I can give this feedback to our product managers. Thank you, yeah. So, it's just free application. Just give it a try, because I'm sure everyone will be having Windows 10. You just go to the store, download, and just give it a try. Yes.

      AUDIENCE: And maybe I missed it, but what about for [? the iPhone ?] or the iPad support? Is it similar?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Yeah, it's the same application. That's why I started with the mobile application, so same what you see in the iOS. And, in fact, it's a multi-device support. So, even if you are using an iOS like an iPhone, same log-in you can use on any of the Windows system. So, imagine if you have iPhone, and you have laptop. So, whatever you're doing on the laptop with this application, you can see on the phone. Yeah.

      AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] version changes-- how does that get handled by [? web ?] and mobile? Because I don't know if you guys are going to make [? a change again or ?] [? something. ?]

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Yeah, we'll make change.

      AUDIENCE: So, how does that get handled? The day you launch that new version [INAUDIBLE].

      AMARJEET SONKAR: Yeah, so, every time we update the DWG, we have to do week of work to make sure that all the drawings are working with this.

      AUDIENCE: Does this allow you to go backwards compatibility when that happens, or are you stuck with data [INAUDIBLE] format, or are you stuck with [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: No, so it's support like all the versions also, the older one.

      AUDIENCE: If you get it [INAUDIBLE], what does it give you? Does it give you options to go back to the version prior to [INAUDIBLE]?

      AMARJEET SONKAR: No, it [INAUDIBLE] in the latest one. It's a mobile application, and so we don't give lots of flexibility in this one. Because, if you give more flexibility, it will make whole thing complex, especially on the mobile devices like the iPhone and all. We really struggling with the space, because we want to maximize the canvas space. We don't want to give a lot of control. Still, we are experimenting how we can bring the [? common ?] [? line, ?] because [? common ?] [? line-- ?] it's based on the keyboard. So, that's a challenge. Thank you very much.
