- Learn about planning and discover effective practices for suite and individual deployments
- Learn how to use the deployment wizard to meet your company's needs
- Prepare simple batch scripts to deploy your "weapons"
- Discover method(s) for uninstalling previous releases and/or unused software, and learn how to 'weaponize' them
- BBBrett BarkmanBrett Barkman is the design technologies administrator at Jedson Engineering, Inc. in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a graduate of Purdue University, where he was intrigued by technology as a whole before it evolved into that which we benefit from today. He started out in the manufacturing industry as a draftsman, machine programmer, and mechanical designer. After switching to the architecture, engineering, and construction industry, he became a CAD manager and an all-around help-desk guru. When he realized that he had a knack for showing colleagues how to use all kinds of software more efficiently he became a trainer for a technical college, an interior design college, and an online school, focusing on AutoCAD software and Revit software. As BIM became more prevalent he went back into the field to help architecture and engineering firms implement those technologies, and he also became a Microsoft SharePoint software specialist along the way. He continues to serve as the answer man for many of the software tools his company uses today.