- Why are Technical drawings the way they are? Where did the rules come from?
- What is a Technical drawing for? What does it need to do?
- What might replace the drawing? What has been tried so far? What succeeded (and what didn't!)?
- What could the future bring? What would a world look like without Technical drawings?
- Paul MunfordPaul Munford is a CAD geek, Customer Adoption Specialist for Informed Design and Autodesk Expert Elite Alumni. Based in the UK, Paul's background in manufacturing items for the construction industry gives him a foot in digital prototyping and a foot in Building Information Modeling (BIM). Paul was a speaker at Autodesk University for the first time in 2012, and he says it's the most fun anyone can have with 250 other people in the room.
- TQToni Qin
- Brent ScannellBrent an innovator, a strategist, and is the member of the product management team for 3ds Max. As an expert in 3D design systems, he leads software development engineers to solve industry and market problems by connecting people with purpose. He is a liaison with open standards development forums and participates in the Khronos 3D Formats and 3D Commerce working groups, and has a particular passion for emerging technology in the e-Commerce space.
- Luke MihelcicMarketing professional with 20+ years of experience solving customer challenges, educating end-users, communicating product values, and telling stories that inform and inspire.