AU Class
AU Class
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From Design to Fabrication: An Introduction to Fabrication in Revit MEP

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동영상, 발표 자료 및 배포 자료에서 키워드 검색:


This will be a hands-on introduction to the world of fabrication with Revit MEP software. Familiarize yourself with the fabrication possibilities introduced in Revit MEP 2016 software, such as how to manage and create fabrication content. We will also take a look into possible Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows for fabricators.

주요 학습

  • Learn how to utilize the fabrication abilities in Revit MEP
  • Learn how to collaborate with existing fabrication solutions
  • Learn how to manage and create fabrication content
  • Discover the differences between families and fabrication parts


  • Thomas Gregersen 님의 아바타
    Thomas Gregersen
    Proud father of 3 wonderful children, longtime Autodesk Technical Specialist and LUMAtic. I like cooking, technology gadgets and board games.
  • Michael Göhring 님의 아바타
    Michael Göhring
    Michael Goehring works in Central Europe as a technical specialist for the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing industry. His interest in new technologies, combined with industry know enables him to decide about what's helping his customers to become more successful. A good combination of deep technical knowledge and explanation skills make him a good teacher on topics where he is subject matter expert.