주요 학습
- Wettbewerbsvorteil durch Forge in D&M
- Wie starte ich mit Forge Mass Customization
- Welche Bedeutung hat das Ökosystem ( ISVs , Kunden ) für erfolgreiche Cloud Initiativen mit Forge
- Wo finde ich Unterstützung : System Integrationspartner, Code Samples , Blogs und mehr.
- Peter SchlipfPeter Schlipf – economist by education- supports all Forge and Autodesk Developer related business activities in Europe , ME and Africa. Peter started back in 2001 at Autodesk, has a sales background at Autodesk and other Tech companies like IBM, Acronis and Telecommunication organisations. Peter studied in Munich, Regensburg and Neuchâtel, lives in Munich and is based at the Autodesk Munich office in Germany. He is expert in Autodesk Forge program and ecosystem, multilingual and experienced in event marketing, sales organisation and product design theory. His international partner network is a key element supporting actual and future Forge Developers. When not travelling or presenting online Peter likes to spend his time on the water or in the nearby mountains.
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