AU Class
AU Class
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How Can Generative Design Impact the Water Industry?

이 강의 공유하기
동영상, 발표 자료 및 배포 자료에서 키워드 검색:


This will be a roundtable discussion to review and understand what is achievable when we apply the principles of generative design to the water industry. What does the future hold, and what are the immediate steps required to realize the potential that generative design can bring? This facilitated discussion will explore the definition of generative design, the environment it’s being applied to in this instance, the key fundamental principles, and the potential benefits it can yield.

주요 학습

  • Understand the principles of generative design
  • Understand what could be achieved if we applied these principles
  • Discuss the necessary short-, medium-, and long-terms goals
  • Discover key takeaway points to influence the adoption of Generative Design


  • John Whelan
    John Whelan has, primarily been working in the Water Industry for over 20 years. John started his career as a draftsman before continuing his progression into an engineering role in 2000. John has worked on local authority projects as well international design and construction Projects. In his current role as a Design Manager, John is responsible for the technical and engineering elements of clean Water Treatment projects in Anglian Waters @One Alliance. In addition to his current role his career highlights have included being the design lead on a 20 MLD Water Treatment works in the UK and the M&E Project Manager for a large shipyard project in the Middle East.
