주요 학습
- Identify when to use viscoelastic residual stress calculation
- Explain the influence of mold deflection on pressure, shrinkage, and warpage prediction
- Enable a wall slip calculation to simulate jetting effects
- Perform a 3D flow analysis which can capture shear heating induced flow imbalances
- Franco CostaDr. Franco Costa is Research Director for Moldflow injection molding simulation at Autodesk, Inc. With 29 years of experience with Moldflow simulation software, he has contributed to the technologies of 3D flow simulations, thermal analysis, crystallization analysis, structural analysis, final net-part shape prediction, and Multiphysics for the plastic injection molding simulation industry. Franco has moved through roles as a research engineer, Development Team leader, and manager, and he directs research projects for the Autodesk Moldflow group as well as acting as an internal reviewer and technology architect. Franco has presented at academic conferences in the field of polymer processing. He also acts as a referee on international journals and often presents overviews of Simulation Moldflow research-technology directions at Simulation Moldflow user meetings. Franco is based in the Autodesk Research and Development Center in Melbourne, Australia.
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