주요 학습
- Collaboration in a true BIM sense
- Integrated Project team set up
- The real use of a Project Execution Plan
- Communication tips for BIM Managers - get your team on your side.
- JJJustin JamesJustin has been in our industry for over 25years, having climbed the ranks after his apprenticeship in the UK to BSE engineer, to lead coordinator and then to project management, he took his skills from the UK to Australia in the late 90’s for 2 years, he then moved to Canada in 09’ running & co-writing the 1st BIM 101 sessions. After establishing a reputation in the industry, REACH was founded in 2013 providing BIM education as part of the shift in industry process, now REACH has broadened its services to encompass all virtual design fields. As a post Executive Director of aceBIM, Justin still volunteers with this excellent association. His passion is in education and providing a new generation of engineers to enhance the industries future, making them the new leaders in infrastructure design through new collaborative and technological methods.
- SCScott ChattertonScott Chatterton is the BIM and Quality Control manager for CEI Architecture, one of Canada's leading architectural firms for public and commercial projects. Scott has over 20 years of industry experience and has a long history of using Autodesk products as an architectural technician, Autodesk-certified AEC instructor and recently a member of the Autodesk Expert Elite program. Scott's experience as a CAD manager, BIM manager and now also the Quality control Manager has provided him with a variety of skills and experience on BIM and it's impact on a Architectural firm. Scott has previous experience as an authorized, certified instructor of the Revit and AutoCAD product line, specializing in architectural design, and is currently a certified professional in both Revit and AutoCAD and building performance analysis and is a member of the Expert Elite Program. Visit him online at http://bim4scottc.blogspot.com and on Twitter @BIM4ScottC.