AU Class
AU Class
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The Seven Deadly Sins of CAD and BIM Management.

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동영상, 발표 자료 및 배포 자료에서 키워드 검색:


Are you a glutton for the perfect CAD/BIM standard? Do you lust after other CAD/BIM managers who have the authority to get things done? Do project teams become greedy about their own standards, wrathfully rejecting the standardized and more efficient ways you proudly implement? You need not despair. This class will focus on ways to put yourself into the enviable position of having users who listen to you. Combining more than two decades of CAD, BIM, and IT support and management experience, plus years of working with numerous companies to help support their technical managers and staff, we will discuss the things nobody likes to talk about—the sins CAD and BIM managers commit while doing their jobs. What sins might you be guilty of, and what’s the path to righteousness? Join this session to learn some of the common pitfalls, missteps, and misconceptions that come with the job, and uncover why they happen, and learn how to avoid them.

주요 학습

  • Learn common missteps that CAD/BIM Managers often take
  • Learn about the importance of looking at the CAD/BIM manager job from multiple points of view
  • Discover strategies to avoid falling into traditional traps
  • Find out how not to be that support guy


  • Jason Kunkel 님의 아바타
    Jason Kunkel
    Jason has worked across the design and technology spectrum of the AEC industry for over 25 years. After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Architecture, he began his career as an architectural designer for a major mid-Atlantic architecture firm specializing in large, public sector projects. Discovering a passion and knack for technology, he migrated to the IT support world, spending over a decade as the Director of Information Technology, where he applied that passion to help architects and engineers leverage technology in new and exciting ways, and save time in the process. Working at CADD Microsystems, Jason has been able to apply his knowledge and experience to help a wider range of customers achieve the same goals. He is one of the founders of RevitRVA, a Revit user group in the central Virginia area, and has a wide array of knowledge and experience with both software and hardware to help companies improve their processes and work more effectively.
  • Donnie Gladfelter 님의 아바타
    Donnie Gladfelter
    Donnie Gladfelter is a globally recognized Autodesk expert with 25 years of experience in the AEC industry, driving innovation in technology, organizational, and talent development. As an Autodesk Certified Instructor and an award-winning Autodesk University speaker presenting for 18 consecutive years, he is a proven communicator able to captivate audiences exceeding 60,000 people with impactful presentations. Named one of Autodesk's Top 35 Young Designers Under 35, he is well known for The CAD Geek Blog (, six Autodesk Official Press books (AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT: No Experience Required), and contributions to industry publications including Autodesk’s Official AutoCAD Blog. Honored as an Autodesk Expert Elite Member, he specializes in crafting user-centered content and technology strategies that pursue intersections between people enablement, process development, and technology innovation.