주요 학습
- Discover tips, tricks, and best practices for the rebar modeling and detailing tools in Revit.
- Discover a variety of presentation techniques to show rebar clearly in both construction drawings and model views.
- Learn how rebar shapes work and how rebar reacts to changes of the host or other bars.
- Discover the various rebar project settings and select the best option for the task at hand.
- Ovidiu PAUNESCUAs a Senior Product Owner, Ovidiu has helped lead the development of Revit’s capabilities in rebar modeling and detailing for the past 9 years. Prior to joining Autodesk, he gained valuable experience working on the structural design and detailing for many large-scale building projects, using concrete and steel structures, both in Romania and internationally. Ovidiu holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest. He is a Revit Certified Professional for both the Structural and Architectural disciplines.
- Dan PeticilaDan Peticila is the Product Manager for Revit responsible for cast in place concrete, precast concrete and steel connections automation. Having a structural engineering background, he previously worked for national and international design companies, filling various coordination and engineering roles in concrete and steel projects. He holds a Master of Science degree in Structural Engineering from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania.
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