AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Virtual Reality in the Real World: Transmedia, Planes, and Automobiles

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동영상, 발표 자료 및 배포 자료에서 키워드 검색:


Virtual reality (VR) has been brought to the forefront recently with Oculus VR's Oculus Rift. In this class we will discuss how the emerging technologies around head-mounted displays have reignited VR for those of us in visualization, media, and marketing. We will showcase tips and techniques to use in VR projects, and we'll discuss how this technology can raise the bar in your own projects. We will base the class around profile projects, including the VR Red Bull Air Race experience and stand. This experience started with highly accurate LiDAR (light detection and ranging) scans of the racecourse. Following that, 3ds Max software was used to texturize the models, and then Unreal Engine 4 was used for creation. A physical stand was also designed and engineered by taking 3ds Max software plans back through AutoCAD software and straight to manufacture. The project was also released on mobile platforms, including the new 3D-printed Altergaze mobile-phone VR accessory. We will discuss this device and what it means for rapid prototyping and the open hardware revolution.

주요 학습

  • Learn about the future of virtual reality and head-mounted displays
  • Learn how to use 3ds Max software as a design-to-manufacture tool
  • Understand the use of 3ds Max software to real-time renderers
  • Gain an understanding of 3D printing and open hardware


  • Solomon Rogers
    Sol Rogers has grown Rewind year after year into an industry-leading tribe of vibrant creatives producing world-class virtual reality, animation, and creative-technology installations. He is regularly asked to speak at high-profile international events.
