주요 학습
- Learn about the legal issues presented by 3DP/AM and the historic and established analyses of legal theory
- Discover how 3DP/AM can actually present new opportunities that make products and ideas safer and more reliable
- Share your experiences and knowledge with your trade industry groups and regulators
- Learn how to focus on your partner contracts and business relationships now to define the roles for the future
- PCPatrick ComerfordPatrick Comerford is a seasoned litigator and counselor with broad experience representing commercial airlines, industrial manufacturers, consumer product manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and insurers in all aspects of litigation. He formed the Advanced Manufacturing Practice Group at McCarter & English, LLP. He has been a leader in the additive manufacturing/3D printing legal field as a speaker, author, and advisor since 2011. He counseled software clients through the implementation of the country’s first 3D scan / 3D print kiosk service for a major national retailer. Patrick is a member of the Committee on Additive Manufacturing for the American Society for Testing and Materials. He has presented on legal issues surrounding additive manufacturing / 3D printing for International Trademark Association; American Bar Association; Autodesk, Inc.; Stratasys, Ltd.; Santa Clara Law Review; GSMI Professional Conferences; Carnegie Mellon University; and University of Connecticut. And he will be presenting at the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium at University of Texas at Austin in August 2015.