AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Woodworking and Fabrication: Technology Meets Tradition—Unique Methods And Workflows

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동영상, 발표 자료 및 배포 자료에서 키워드 검색:


This class provides not only the techniques but the actual working methods and workflows that are used by the top performers in the woodworking and fabrication industry. Software and processes exist that, when working properly together, can perform the tedious steps in a fraction of the time. This class focuses on the how-to, and provides actual workflows that are not out-of-the-box. Learn about unique construction procedures that use the latest versions of AutoCAD® software, Revit®-based software, Inventor® software, and computer-aided manufacturing tools (CAM). Through demonstration and lecture, the class presents methods for the wood trades—tasks that usually take days for architects, designers, engineers, fabricators, and model makers to complete can be cut down to hours. Also using the latest tools in solid-assembly modeling and woodworking-specific feature-recognition technology, we demonstrate how to get from a completely assembled 3D model to machine-ready, nested, NC code with almost no user intervention (controlling machinery).

주요 학습

  • Identify core Autodesk products that work together
  • Identify the necessary workflow for designing wood products
  • Apply best practices for wood development
  • Apply best practices for CNC integration


  • Steven Widom
    Steve is the senior solutions engineer and CTO for Widom Associates, an Autodesk® Consulting Value Added Reseller based in Northport, New York. He has used Autodesk software since 1984 in the fabrication, manufacturing and architectural fields as a trainer, consultant and application expert. He provides custom classes and support for Autodesk Suites, Inventor® AutoCAD® 3D andAutoCAD® Revit specific to the metal, plastic, wood and architectural industries.With a specific interest in the woodworking fabrication field - Architectural , millwork , furniture fabrication , case goods , stair development , dorr and window has over 30 years of teaching/consulting experience. In his life before computers, Steve designed and manufactured juried, award-winning custom-hardwood furnitureas well as designing and building custom homes.