Key Learnings
- Learn how to capitalize on SimStudio Tools or Surface Wrapping for Simulation CFD to reach the desired simulation goals
- Discover which advanced turbulence models should be used for aerodynamics analysis
- Discover how best to implement new mesh adaption tools to eliminate the guess work from meshing complex aerodynamics models
- Learn how to extract accurate steady state or transient wall force results efficiently from different areas of a complex model
- RARoyce AbelAs the technical support manager at Autodesk, Inc., for the Simulation Team, Royce Abel oversees all simulation technical support in the Americas. Before that he spent 8 years supporting Simulation CFD software as the WW knowledge domain expert with a mix of sales, consulting, quality assurance, API development, validation, and technical writing. He developed the Autodesk Help Webinar series, starting with the Simulation CFD software product line with rave reviews (you can listen to an example on YouTube: Before joining Autodesk he worked with companies like Impact Technologies; Lockheed Martin; General Electric; Lutron Electronics, Inc.; and Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc. These experiences gave him a breadth of experience around condition-based monitoring and prognostics of industrial machinery, structural analysis, signal processing, manufacturing, design, carbon nanotubes, electrostatics, and automation. He has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology.