Key Learnings
- Learn about a formalized ECO approval and hand-off process
- Learn about long-term tracking and storage of vendor ECOs
- Learn about the single source of information
- Learn about the linked process between vendor ECO and in-house ECO
- CPChristopher PasternakChris is a graduate of Purdue University with a degree in Organizational Leadership. He started his career as a designer in the Automotive industry working in seat systems, window systems and fuel systems. Chris has received multiple patents for his work in automotive. Chris learned AutoCAD way back with version 2.0. During his career Chris learned many other systems including SDRC I-DEAS, Unigraphics and Catia. Most of his work was in I-DEAS and he got pretty good at it, eventually becoming a presenter and key note speaker at The SDRC ICCON conference (much like AU). The second 1/2 of his career has been spent in the medical device industry with Ascensia (formerly Bayer) Diabetes care, moving from Design into Systems Management. At Ascensia Chris lead the move from a paper EC system into SAP and finally into Fusion Lifecycle. Currently Ascensia is expanding the use of Fusion well beyond the initial EC process into scheduling and Quality.
- SCStephanie ChrismanStephanie is a PLM Analyst in Engineering Services at Ascensia Diabetes Care. She spent 20 years in marine and metal fabrication which included welding, scheduling, estimating and eventually IT, as well as more than 10 years as a SolidWorks designer. While working with SolidWorks, she developed department standards and procedures and built a framework of design tables that cut modeling/detailing time for in-house product by half. Stephanie was the engineering lead in moving a paper EC process to Infor Visual and led the project to reimplement Visual alongside a DB upgrade from SQLBase to SQLServer. Ascensia implemented Fusion Lifecycle in August 2017 for EC and is expanding its use to Quality and project scoping and scheduling.
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