Additive manufacturing (AM), better known as 3D printing, is disrupting the manufacturing industry. Its capabilities and build processes make additive technologies ideal for applications such as light-weighting and component consolidation. In order to fully capitalize on the awesome power of AM, an understanding of the technology and its limitations is crucial. However, this is not a natural skill for most designers and engineers. Since AM is so new and different from traditional manufacturing, it comes with a completely different set of design considerations. When properly understood and applied, design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) can vastly improve printing times and it results in higher-quality parts. This class will focus on general design practices that apply to all types of AM, including metal (SLM) and polymer materials.
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Key Learnings
- Learn how to modify existing designs to optimize for the additive build process.
- Discover the right and the wrong way to lightweight a part.
- Learn how part orientation can affect build quality and success.
- Learn about when the printing process will fail before trying to build a part.
- AMAnthony MuzzilloAnthony Muzzillo is a Principal tech consultant in the GCD team at Autodesk, Inc. He has been with Autodesk for 7 years after it acquired his former company, Magestic Systems. Muzzillo has working in the manufacturing industry for 15 years in total. His current focus is additive manufacturing primarily polymer and metal 3D printing
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Session ID: 2025-02-26:e72489011696a33cbb060694 Player Element ID: au-brightcove-video-6203556476001
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