Key Learnings
- Discover why tolerance causes problems when assembling components
- Discover how Inventor Tolerance Analysis can help
- Learn how to analysis native and non-native assemblies for tolerance stack-up problems with Inventor Tolerance Analysis
- Learn how to interpret and report on Tolerance Analysis results to benefit manufacturing processes
- SWStephen WerstStephen Werst has 25 years of experience in dimensional management and software product management. He has been involved in a diverse range of products from infrared imaging systems for various airborne platforms while at Texas Instruments and later Raytheon Systems to software at the infrastructure of cellular networks. Stephen has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington and a M.S. in Engineering Management from Southern Methodist University.
- Paul MunfordPaul Munford is a CAD geek, Customer Adoption Specialist for Informed Design and Autodesk Expert Elite Alumni. Based in the UK, Paul's background in manufacturing items for the construction industry gives him a foot in digital prototyping and a foot in Building Information Modeling (BIM). Paul was a speaker at Autodesk University for the first time in 2012, and he says it's the most fun anyone can have with 250 other people in the room.
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