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One Year Later: Migrating to AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise Electric

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At AU 2012, Andy Morsell of Autodesk Consulting and John Keith of Independence Power and Light (IPL) in Independence, Missouri, presented a class about migrating a medium-sized municipal electric utility to AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise Electric while the project was still underway. Here we are 1 year later! This year, we present the completed application, which is in production use. Our roundtable session discusses the challenges we faced when interfacing with other systems and integrating with processes and workflows employed at IPL. We discuss the custom Autodesk® Infrastructure Map Server and Autodesk Consulting Mobile Viewer applications deployed at IPL. Interfaces include a service for receiving updates from their custom information system and interfaces to legacy systems that need to remain functional while they are being replaced. We also discuss MultiSpeak® exports to IPL's Milsoft DisSPatch® outage management system.

Key Learnings

  • List the business needs driving migration needs
  • Identify potential business areas where project problems might arise
  • Describe challenges you might encounter when interfacing with other systems
  • Identify challenges faced during production rollout of a new application


  • Andy Morsell
    This will be Andy's 13th consecutive year presenting at Autodesk University! Andy is a consultant in the Americas Utilities and Telecom Consulting group of Global Services at Autodesk. He has more than 15 years of management, programming, and customization experience in the Autodesk® reseller, training, and developer communities; and he previously owned and operated Spatial Integrators, Inc., a private GIS and CAD consulting firm. Prior to working in the GIS and CAD consulting fields, Andy worked in the civil, environmental, and geotechnical industry as a project engineer, and was involved in all phases of field data collection and design. He earned a bachelor's degree in geology and master's degree in geologic engineering, and is a registered civil engineer.
    John has worked for Independence Power & Light for 13 years as GIS/CAD Supervisor. He currently serves as project manager for the implementation of IPL's AutoCAD Map 3D/Topobase initiative. This class is a follow up to last years class where both he and Andy Morsell discussed the challenges of migrating to a new enterprise GIS system, away from IPL's homegrown legacy GIS and other systems. This round table event will discuss challenges and successes of migrating to the new GIS system that have occurred within the past twelve months and what will be the challenges of integrating and interfacing with other systems that are vital to the utility.