Key Learnings
- Learn how to identify the environmental challenges involved in 3D printing large-scale structures
- Learn how to identify the technical challenges involved in 3D printing large-scale structures.
- Discover different systems for the 3D printing of large-scale structures.
- Learn how to identify the possibilities of 3D printing in AEC.
- Negar KalantarDr. Negar Kalantar research and practice lie at the intersection of architecture, science, and engineering. Her current research focuses on applications of additive manufacturing technology (3-D printing) as a catalyst for innovation, to expand new ways of design in interactive and responsive environments. She is the head of Technology and Manufacturing at CREO, a Bio-Green Tech Startup based in the Bay Area. CREO is developing the next generation of Micro-Hydroponics which is based on direct infusion and sensing and utilizes growth algorithms. At Digital Craft Lab, her cross-disciplinary research is to bridge the recent advancements in additive and robotic manufacturing technologies with large-scale structures. She focuses on applications of robots in additive manufacturing technology as a catalyst for shifting not just how infrastructures are constructed today, but also transforming the way infrastructures are designed and built in the future from beginning to end. Kalantar is the recipient of several awards and grants, including Autodesk Technology Center Grant 2018, the Dornfeld Manufacturing Vision Award 2018, 2017 Montague Teaching Excellence Scholar Award, the National Science Foundation EAGER Award 2015 and 2018.
- PSPatrick SuermannDr. Patrick C. Suermann, PE, LEED AP, Lt Col, USAF, ret., is the Department Head of the largest Construction Science program in the nation at Texas A&M University. After retiring from the Air Force as the first ever Chief of Emergency Services & Engineering at the newly formed Headquarters Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (AFIMSC), Suermann’s last teaching position as Associate Professor of Civil and Env. Engineering at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) set him up for unique and far reaching partnerships inside academia and the federal government. He has experience in deployed and international construction, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Fire & Emergency Services, and Emergency Management. He was the 2016 AFIMSC STEM Outreach Award nominee to the Air Force Chief Scientist. Suermann is a leader in the BIM field as a listed author on all three NBIMS versions. Now, join him as he and the Aggie Space Alliance take America back to the moon – this time, to stay.
- KMKurt MaldovanKurt Maldovan serves as the Digital Delivery Global Solution Director for Jacobs. Kurt has broad market experience spanning healthcare, mission-critical, federal, intelligence, higher education, aviation, water-treatment, transportation, energy, and power generation. Kurt continues drive innovation by connecting, leading, and growing our internal capabilities and external market presence. He cultivates leaders supporting our Linear, Vertical, and Plant Information Modeling as well as Robotic Process Automation, Automated Design, and VR/AR initiatives. Kurt has presented at over 50 international conferences and is a recognized subject matter expert in BIM, Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR), and other emerging technologies.
- ZRZofia RybkowskiDr. Zofia K. Rybkowski is an Associate Professor in the Department of Construction Science of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University and holds an endowed Harold Adams Interdisciplinary Professorship. Her current research interest on innovations in construction, including automation and 3D-printing of large-scale structures in the built environment, is driven by a recognition that industry-wide transformations should be done in alignment with environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Dr. Rybkowski holds degrees from Stanford, Brown, Harvard, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and UC Berkeley, where she earned a PhD. Her interdisciplinary background facilitates system-level research intersecting disciplinary boundaries. She was awarded the Regan Interdisciplinary Faculty Prize in 2018, was named the Presidential Impact Fellow for the Texas A&M University’s College of Architecture in 2019.
- MFMehdi FarahbakhshMehdi is currently a researcher at the Center for Infrastructure Renewal, a Ph.D. candidate, and also a lecturer in the college of architecture at Texas A&M University. His research focuses on the robotic-assisted fabrication of scaffold-free shell structures, computational design, and digital fabrication technologies.
- NKNathan KingDr. Nathan King is the Senior Industry Engagement Manager for the Autodesk Technology Centers focusing on AEC where he develops research collaborations between Industry, Design Practice, and Academia. With master’s degrees in Architecture and Industrial Design, Nathan earned his Doctor of Design from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design with a focus on additive manufacturing and robotics in design and construction. As a designer, Nathan’s work spans the globe with built work in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Haiti, Sweden, Dominican Republic, United States, and beyond. Nathan is a faculty member at Virginia Tech where he teaches courses in Industrial Design, Architecture, Construction and Engineering, is Co-Director of the Center for Design Research (CDR); and regularly a visiting lecturer at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design focusing on topics relating to automation in design and construction.
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