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Virtual Reality Applications in Transportation Design Education

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Vehicle design requires the development of virtual and physical tridimensional models to translate concepts generated by freehand drawing and renderings. This iterative process is very valuable but highly resource-consuming in time, cost, and effort-not only in the modeling process itself, but also in learning time, prototyping, and finishing. With schools tied to the duration of academic terms and student budgets, projects are limited to only CAD and/or scale physical models. However, recently available virtual reality (VR) devices offer alternatives to bridge that gap, enabling full-size 3D drawing exploration and visualization of CAD in small and full scale. This session will discuss the use of VR software and Maya software for initial exploration, as well as VRED software for visualization of vehicle concepts using the HTC Vibe. It describes where in the design process these tools are used, as well as the setup used at the Transportation Design Program at the University of Cincinnati.

Key Learnings

  • Envision the workflow of virtual reality application to automotive design exploration
  • Learn how to obtain the setup to replicate the described experience
  • Learn to use VRED for virtual reality visualization
  • Obtain vital information to generate better validation of automotive concepts in shorter time spans


  • Фотография профиля Juan Antonio Islas Munoz
    Juan Antonio Islas Munoz
    Juan Antonio Islas Munoz is an Assistant Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Montreal. Previous to this appointment, he led the Transportation Design program and co-founded of the Future Mobility Center at the Ullman School of Design (University of Cincinnati). He played a major role in developing new design workflows for the automotive industry, in collaboration with leading automotive companies in the USA. He has also pioneered the use of new technologies in the field of transportation design that are now increasingly becoming the new standard in the field. Over the years, Juan Antonio worked has led numerous design-led strategic foresight projects for companies such as P&G, Pfizer, Boeing, Ford, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, General Motors, and Hankook.