Key Learnings
- 配管設計に従事するエンジニアがシステムを形成する際、省資源化 省エネルギー化 脱炭素社会への貢献を目標に設計行為を行うことが出来ます。
- BIMパラメータの設定により、計算結果を導き出すプロセスが効率化します。
- Fabricationへデータをつなげることで製作フェーズの精度が向上します
- 配管の運転状態の管理 異常の検知にはスマート化によるデータの収集が大切です。
- 秀敬 谷内HIDETAKA YACHI currently services as a BIM manager at SHINRYO CORPORATION where worked in building facility construction as a BIM Specialist. He has passionate of BIM and loves good BIM practices and enjoys exploring new features and workflows. He has been an experienced field representative at the building facility construction sites, and implemented ideas using BIM in the project that he was in charge of. As the BIM Promotion Office, He have created use cases which utilized Revit data on the theme of devising business processes and deploying them in many projects. buildingSMARTJAPAN MEP and Environment Subcommittee Chairman. Japan Construction Training Center BIM Course Instructor
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