
Innovative BIM Workflows for Industrialized Construction


Industrialized construction is becoming a household name within the building industry due to its advantages in improving productivity, quality, accuracy, and efficiency. To succeed in industrialized construction, applying innovative BIM workflows and using advanced technologies through all stages from design to production has been one of Nordic Office of Architecture’s most important strategies.

This article showcases a set of high-end prefabricated housing units. It provides insight into the Scandinavian way of industrialized construction, and how a cross-disciplinary collaboration with the software development team of Project Frog has enabled new possibilities to aid in DfMA and BIM workflows. This collaboration reflects on the challenges that architects and engineers have faced in the presence of repeating information, and provides a step-by-step workflow for similar projects (hotels, schools, office buildings, etc.).

High Performance Housing Development

Nordic is currently involved in a number of high-end housing developments which involve the design of several different residential unit typologies, and their repetition in alternative formations on a range of sites. This type of project deals with similar BIM challenges previously faced, and outlines the potential for a better, more efficient, quality assured workflow.

Related: Revit for Modular Design, Prefabrication, and Repetitive Layouts with Bridget White and Kristoffer Tungland

The residential units are categorized into base types, and their combinations can vary from one house to clusters of four houses. In this case, we will show four base types for analysis: the N1, N2, N3, and N4.


Alternative clusters or arrangements possible on different sites:


In assessing the different possible clusters, it is evident that the only real discrepancies between a house on the left, middle, or right are the conjoining conditions between the exterior walls.


Other than these areas, the residential units are identical (not considering client customization which comes in at a later time).

Within each design base type, there are several configurations available which include additional elements and certain deviations (carports, basement levels, extra windows or doors, longer base plans and terrace levels) which we call the subtypes. In analyzing the design at both a base type level and subtype level we can see a high level of design repetition, an identified potential for modular construction and subsequently an improved BIM process.


The usual BIM organization of these types of projects is chaotic. If you can imagine several architects involved at different times and with different developments, some for the design of the isolated residence base and subtype designs, others the clustering of housing on particular sites, and then others responsible for the customization of the residences to suit the particular site and client.

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Without well-organized data routines, a lot of repeated work and wasted time occurs where some team members are using groups or design options, with others preferring links. Mirrored and unmirrored...

The standard out-of-the-box workflows also do not allow for an appropriate level of detail at each phase to suit this type of project. After the development of the initial types, the combinations are then conceptually placed in subdivision formations and it is beneficial for us to show volumes here in these early phases. Ideally these volumes would act as placeholders for the developing designs which can be worked on simultaneously in another arena or file. In many situations, we are required to change between a volumetric design and a detailed design to show the right information at the right time.

Volumetric massing.
Detailed design.

In approaching the team at Project Frog to discuss our project and the potential for kit connect to adapt to the demands of our proposal, we had the following wish list:

  • Ability to show both volumetric representation and detailed design in the same arena

  • One source of truth: one place where we know the information is correct and up to date

  • Break down the residential units into master modules and be able to create deviations or presets that were intelligent in the way they would be update-able

  • Allow the potential for modules inside modules (residential unit = module, and groups of components inside module can also be modules)

  • Potential to create quantitative totals, price, and C02 emissions

  • Ability to work on the same modules from design through to construction (contractor involvement)

Some things on the list were already possible and others would require future development. In approaching the client, we proposed a methodology for assessing the project based around these focus points:

  • How can we save time on drawing things that are duplicated and be sure that the information is the same in every entity?

  • How can we better manage deviations inside duplicated sets of elements?

  • Can we prepare the model in a way which saves the contractor building up a new model for construction?

  • How can we align our model to the way the project will be constructed – proposing modular.

Step-by-Step Process

Analyze–Find opportunities for taking advantage of duplicated design and identify areas that could be considered for industrialized construction or modulation.

Systemize–Divide the different packages which were a result of the analysis phase. Find a robust system that can cope with eventual changes and developments in the project.

Categorize–Make a code system that can be used to describe the duplicated design or industrial packages, and which can tolerate new types and deviations.

Test phase–Integrate and test proposed methodology for improving project workflows associated with design repetition and industrialization. (In this case, new technology, kit connect, for the cloud-based handling of geometry and data.)

Summary–Compare the new workflow with the original workflows used previously and evaluate to form a list of pros and cons. Conclude and recommended way forward.

In the analysis of the N1, N2, N3, and N4 base types we could see repetition in layouts and the potential for optimzing construction methodologies.

As each base type could conform to four different subtypes, we analyzed the four subtypes of one base type (the N4) and aimed to be able to provide the same strategy for the other base type examples. In comparing the N4 sub types we could begin to configure a potential breakdown of repeating and potentially industrialized parts, that we could capitalize and align to using BIM.

The modules were separated by their potential to be industrialized or simply just act as repeated design. The modules where also chosen both because of their size (what can be transported from off-site factories) and adaptability to be used in other N housing layouts.

The modules chosen were:

  • Shell–Separated on the first and second level; potential for penalization stair; could be prefabricated off-site
  • Bathroom–Cross-disciplinary pod built off-site
  • Kitchen–Flat packed
  • Interior–First and second floor separated, design repetition
  • Carport–Evident in the N1-4C subtypes
  • Basement–Built on-site, evident in the N1-4K sub types
  • Roof–Three variations: tilted roof, A pitch roof, terrace roof


Important factors here were that the different modules could be used across base types, and that we would have the ability to update one module and then choose to automatically update all the other base and subtypes.

The next task was the systemization and categorization of the system so that the concept would show to be robust in all combinations and deviations.

Division concept with code letters to indicate module name.

A coding strategy combining the module name (and level if appropriate) with orientation ‘left’ (the type), the size of the module (‘standard’, ‘large,’ or ‘small’), and any deviations, for example an extra window, or any other type of component.


After the system was in place, we could begin testing by first publishing all the elements as parts into the cloud-based library before publishing the modules. System types (most but not all) and family types can be published. It is important to be aware of which elements and categories can be published before considering elements for modules.

It is important to also ensure the models are drawn in a way which enables the modules to be isolated; that is, disallowing joins where appropriate and ensuring all components that need to be published exist. A zero point strategy also needs to be considered. Each module will contain a relationship to a zero point or insertion point, and this should be placed at a location that will remain constant. An example of this is at the corners of framing. Modules can be swapped in and out relating to this point.


When the module is ready for publishing, the below workflow outlines kit connects main concepts of development. The modules are hosted in the cloud and can be shown in 3D or reduced to a bill of materials. The module is then available for use in other projects and formations and when updated we can inform multiple buildings simultaneously and be 100% sure we are presenting the same module in each design. Once hosted in the cloud, those with the correct access can pull the module into the module editor and add their discipline geometry.

Workflow – kit connect.

Below you can see the creation of the S01 module (shell level 1 module) and its subsequent presets or deviating shells. These presets take into account the changes needed where the module sits at a left, middle or right position. The windows and doors are shared so can be swapped out or turned on and off in the preset modules. A robust coding strategy ensures that others can understand the populated library of modules.

S01 module.

You have two different ways of viewing your modules in the projectas a conceptual volume or as a detailed module designand this means you can go back and forth depending on what your project delivery requires.

In the future, we are also hoping for quantitative information to be present as attached quantitative data for example C02 emissions. Any occurring deviations can be taken up in additional presets using the coding strategy to ensure others can understand the populated library.

After all modules and presets were published to the cloud, we could run a test assembly of a project we already had on file. For this project we needed seven modules and six additional presets.

Main module types.




Project formation.


After the testing phase, it was important for the client to understand why the current working methodology did not meet up to our expectations and compare those routines with kit connect. Comparing our wish list and the focus area for the testing process we mapped the comparison of the use of links, groups, design options and kit connect. The result showed that kit connect covered many more aspects of our desired workflow than any out-of-box tools.



Summary: Practical Tips and Tricks

1. Important factors to consider: coordinating the edges in which a module meets another module or any other geometry

2. Areas of potential change: try to predict any possible alterations, this will save you having to re formulate your coding strategy

3. Features: not all our desired features are available, but we are looking forward to a potential release of more system families being able to be shared, a module within a module, and quantitative calculations

4. At the moment the volume to detail change is module based, if it could be that modules could be imbedded in modules the residential unit could be a volume on its own

Software Developers’ Perspective


Data and Discovery with Customers in I.C.

1. Gathering and categorizing this data has defined KitConnect and its path

2. Discovery process unique (not limited) to:

a. I.C. process = accommodate company workflows and project specifics, etc.

b. I.C. process = what will be fabricated offset, the logistics of fabrication, assembly and VDC/DfMA workflows, etc.

c. Company workflows = what are the required internal BIM workflows, etc.

d. Project specifics = timelines, delivery methods, client requirements, file structure, BIM workflows, how will  collaborate be dealt with, etc.

How to Begin

1. Create a KitConnect Project

2. Assign users to the project

3. Connect Revit files to the project

Build Your Content

4. Publish, arrange and apply rule sets to your content

Use Your Content

5. Use and edit your content in Revit projects


The collaboration with the programing team of COWI and the software development team of Project Frog reflects on the challenges that architects and engineers have faced in the presence of repeating information.

One of the crucial things about developing technology is that we must start with the project team’s needs and then work backwards to the technology. We cannot start with the technology and then try to figure out where we are going to put it in our project. If we can only use one or two programs to overcome the challenges and one or a few clicks to rule it all, why do we need more?

We have chosen to unite with the programmers and software developers to overcome the defined challenges in our projects. Starting from the New Stavanger University Hospital project and then developing further for housing projects, our workflows and the experience of collaboration are highly recommended for similar projects focusing on industrialized construction, modular design, and repetitive layouts (hotels, schools, office buildings, etc.).

Learn more with the full class.

Soren Shen-Lung Lin completed his second master’s degree in Built Environment at Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in 2007. He is a qualified architect and specializes in built environment analysis and industrialization methodology. He is passionate about applying innovative methodologies and advanced technologies to large-scale projects. In Norway and abroad, Soren has worked on different large-scale projects including New Stavanger University Hospital, LHL Hospital Gardermoen, and Oslo Airport T2. He was one of the key specialists creating the industrialization methodology for the New Stavanger University Hospital project which won Autodesk’s AEC Excellence Award in 2018.

Bridget White is originally from New Zealand, and completed an honors degree in Architecture at Victoria University in 2006. After beginning her career working in New Zealand, she moved to Norway to start at one of the country's largest practices, Nordic Office of Architecture. She is a senior architect, BREEAM AP, BIM manager, and BIM coordinator for large-scale airports, hospitals, schools, national governmental facilities, and transportation hubs. She is the leader of a team of experts at Nordic using a wide range of Autodesk products and implementing new office workflows involving complex analysis, virtual reality, industrialization, integrated sustainability, and streamlining the flow of information between architects and the building industry.

Joining Project Frog in 2014 as the BIM manager, Steve DeWitt has 20 years of experience in design software and is a certified Autodesk Revit professional. His current focus is the development, utilization and implementation of KitConnect both internal and external to his company. Steve is a contributor to several AEC groups such as SF Computational Design Institute, Revit user Group (all over the United States), TAP’s, and Autodesk University. His recent position has allowed him to explore everything from how Revit can drive CNC machines to how Forge can drive intelligent collaboration methods.


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我们通过 Optimizely 测试站点上的新功能并自定义您对这些功能的体验。为此,我们将收集与您在站点中的活动相关的数据。此数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、您的 Autodesk ID 等。根据功能测试,您可能会体验不同版本的站点;或者,根据访问者属性,您可能会查看个性化内容。. Optimizely 隐私政策
我们通过 Amplitude 测试站点上的新功能并自定义您对这些功能的体验。为此,我们将收集与您在站点中的活动相关的数据。此数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、您的 Autodesk ID 等。根据功能测试,您可能会体验不同版本的站点;或者,根据访问者属性,您可能会查看个性化内容。. Amplitude 隐私政策
我们通过 Snowplow 收集与您在我们站点中的活动相关的数据。这可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、您的 Autodesk ID。我们使用此数据来衡量我们站点的性能并评估联机体验的难易程度,以便我们改进相关功能。此外,我们还将使用高级分析方法来优化电子邮件体验、客户支持体验和销售体验。. Snowplow 隐私政策
我们通过 UserVoice 收集与您在我们站点中的活动相关的数据。这可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、您的 Autodesk ID。我们使用此数据来衡量我们站点的性能并评估联机体验的难易程度,以便我们改进相关功能。此外,我们还将使用高级分析方法来优化电子邮件体验、客户支持体验和销售体验。. UserVoice 隐私政策
Clearbit 允许实时数据扩充,为客户提供个性化且相关的体验。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。Clearbit 隐私政策
YouTube 是一个视频共享平台,允许用户在我们的网站上查看和共享嵌入视频。YouTube 提供关于视频性能的观看指标。 YouTube 隐私政策



定制您的广告 – 允许我们为您提供针对性的广告

Adobe Analytics
我们通过 Adobe Analytics 收集与您在我们站点中的活动相关的数据。这可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、您的 Autodesk ID。我们使用此数据来衡量我们站点的性能并评估联机体验的难易程度,以便我们改进相关功能。此外,我们还将使用高级分析方法来优化电子邮件体验、客户支持体验和销售体验。. Adobe Analytics 隐私政策
Google Analytics (Web Analytics)
我们通过 Google Analytics (Web Analytics) 收集与您在我们站点中的活动相关的数据。这可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。我们使用此数据来衡量我们站点的性能并评估联机体验的难易程度,以便我们改进相关功能。此外,我们还将使用高级分析方法来优化电子邮件体验、客户支持体验和销售体验。. Google Analytics (Web Analytics) 隐私政策
我们通过 AdWords 在 AdWords 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 AdWords 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 AdWords 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 AdWords 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. AdWords 隐私政策
我们通过 Marketo 更及时地向您发送相关电子邮件内容。为此,我们收集与以下各项相关的数据:您的网络活动,您对我们所发送电子邮件的响应。收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、电子邮件打开率、单击的链接等。我们可能会将此数据与从其他信息源收集的数据相整合,以根据高级分析处理方法向您提供改进的销售体验或客户服务体验以及更相关的内容。. Marketo 隐私政策
我们通过 Doubleclick 在 Doubleclick 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Doubleclick 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Doubleclick 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Doubleclick 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Doubleclick 隐私政策
我们通过 HubSpot 更及时地向您发送相关电子邮件内容。为此,我们收集与以下各项相关的数据:您的网络活动,您对我们所发送电子邮件的响应。收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、电子邮件打开率、单击的链接等。. HubSpot 隐私政策
我们通过 Twitter 在 Twitter 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Twitter 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Twitter 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Twitter 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Twitter 隐私政策
我们通过 Facebook 在 Facebook 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Facebook 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Facebook 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Facebook 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Facebook 隐私政策
我们通过 LinkedIn 在 LinkedIn 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 LinkedIn 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 LinkedIn 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 LinkedIn 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. LinkedIn 隐私政策
Yahoo! Japan
我们通过 Yahoo! Japan 在 Yahoo! Japan 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Yahoo! Japan 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Yahoo! Japan 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Yahoo! Japan 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Yahoo! Japan 隐私政策
我们通过 Naver 在 Naver 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Naver 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Naver 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Naver 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Naver 隐私政策
我们通过 Quantcast 在 Quantcast 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Quantcast 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Quantcast 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Quantcast 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Quantcast 隐私政策
Call Tracking
我们通过 Call Tracking 为推广活动提供专属的电话号码。从而,使您可以更快地联系我们的支持人员并帮助我们更精确地评估我们的表现。我们可能会通过提供的电话号码收集与您在站点中的活动相关的数据。. Call Tracking 隐私政策
我们通过 Wunderkind 在 Wunderkind 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Wunderkind 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Wunderkind 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Wunderkind 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Wunderkind 隐私政策
ADC Media
我们通过 ADC Media 在 ADC Media 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 ADC Media 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 ADC Media 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 ADC Media 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. ADC Media 隐私政策
我们通过 AgrantSEM 在 AgrantSEM 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 AgrantSEM 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 AgrantSEM 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 AgrantSEM 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. AgrantSEM 隐私政策
我们通过 Bidtellect 在 Bidtellect 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Bidtellect 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Bidtellect 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Bidtellect 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Bidtellect 隐私政策
我们通过 Bing 在 Bing 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Bing 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Bing 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Bing 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Bing 隐私政策
我们通过 G2Crowd 在 G2Crowd 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 G2Crowd 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 G2Crowd 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 G2Crowd 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. G2Crowd 隐私政策
NMPI Display
我们通过 NMPI Display 在 NMPI Display 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 NMPI Display 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 NMPI Display 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 NMPI Display 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. NMPI Display 隐私政策
我们通过 VK 在 VK 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 VK 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 VK 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 VK 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. VK 隐私政策
Adobe Target
我们通过 Adobe Target 测试站点上的新功能并自定义您对这些功能的体验。为此,我们将收集与您在站点中的活动相关的数据。此数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID、您的 Autodesk ID 等。根据功能测试,您可能会体验不同版本的站点;或者,根据访问者属性,您可能会查看个性化内容。. Adobe Target 隐私政策
Google Analytics (Advertising)
我们通过 Google Analytics (Advertising) 在 Google Analytics (Advertising) 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Google Analytics (Advertising) 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Google Analytics (Advertising) 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Google Analytics (Advertising) 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Google Analytics (Advertising) 隐私政策
我们通过 Trendkite 在 Trendkite 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Trendkite 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Trendkite 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Trendkite 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Trendkite 隐私政策
我们通过 Hotjar 在 Hotjar 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Hotjar 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Hotjar 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Hotjar 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Hotjar 隐私政策
6 Sense
我们通过 6 Sense 在 6 Sense 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 6 Sense 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 6 Sense 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 6 Sense 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. 6 Sense 隐私政策
我们通过 Terminus 在 Terminus 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 Terminus 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 Terminus 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 Terminus 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. Terminus 隐私政策
我们通过 StackAdapt 在 StackAdapt 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 StackAdapt 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 StackAdapt 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 StackAdapt 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. StackAdapt 隐私政策
The Trade Desk
我们通过 The Trade Desk 在 The Trade Desk 提供支持的站点上投放数字广告。根据 The Trade Desk 数据以及我们收集的与您在站点中的活动相关的数据,有针对性地提供广告。我们收集的数据可能包含您访问的页面、您启动的试用版、您播放的视频、您购买的东西、您的 IP 地址或设备 ID。可能会将此信息与 The Trade Desk 收集的与您相关的数据相整合。我们利用发送给 The Trade Desk 的数据为您提供更具个性化的数字广告体验并向您展现相关性更强的广告。. The Trade Desk 隐私政策
We use RollWorks to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by RollWorks. Ads are based on both RollWorks data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that RollWorks has collected from you. We use the data that we provide to RollWorks to better customize your digital advertising experience and present you with more relevant ads. RollWorks Privacy Policy




我们重视隐私权。我们收集的数据可以帮助我们了解您对我们产品的使用情况、您可能感兴趣的信息以及我们可以在哪些方面做出改善以使您与 Autodesk 的沟通更为顺畅。

