AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

The Asset Paradigm: Maximizing the Value of BIM for Facilities Management and O&M



As Building Information Modeling (BIM) has matured, we have gained the ability to link and integrate data from the BIM model to many other systems. This class focuses on integrating BIM with facilities management (FM) and operations and maintenance (O&M). The class describes how we include the FM team during design to enable full integration of systems, as well as integrating facility data to enable access to information from many standard FM products. We review an example of how we applied data to the BIM model and delivered it to the FM products, enabling a familiar interface for FM and O&M managers to manage the facility after construction. We also look at using virtual FM, which enables a facility to be tested during design and construction. This is a must-attend class for building owners and facility managers who want to maximize the benefits of BIM from design to asset management.


  • Communicate your BIM vision to consultants and contractors
  • Determine which information is important and structure a workflow that allows information flow
  • Work with multiple parties to understand requirements for FM and O&M systems
  • Integrate BIM data into facility data systems


  • Andrew Hill
    Andrew is the APAC BIM Practice Leader for Autodesk. He is responsibilities include setting the strategies and processes to implement BIM with clients across the APAC region and providing the best solution to deliver on requirements. Andrew is also forming part of a global BIM committee which will look at strategies and best practices from all geographies to ensure there is consistency in BIM deliverables and maximum value. Andrew uses this global information to assess the maturity of many organizations in the APAC region and set the frameworks for maximizing ROI. Previously Andrew was the Chief Operating Officer of CSi Global Services. In this capacity he was responsible for all of the deliverables of a highly skilled team in relation to the implementation and adoption of BIM for construction and infrastructure projects globally. Andrew has been working with CADD & design technology for over 20 years starting out in the mechanical area before studying civil, structural and mechanical engineering. Andrew has lectured both at university and technical college in engineering and run the design teams for a large consulting engineering company in the mechanical, civil and structural disciplines. Andrew now works with some of the leading companies globally as well as owners and governments in a thought leadership capacity and has been recognised for this expertise in delivering process change management solutions to an international clientele.