AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

AutoLISP: The 21 Frequently Overlooked and Forgotten Functions



AutoLISP programming language has been around for decades, yet there are many functions that often go undiscovered or forgotten by veteran AutoLISP programmers. While there are hundreds of AutoLISP programming language functions (thousands, if you count ActiveX), this class will focus on 21 functions that new developers often overlook and that veteran programmers often forget. All of the functions fit into 1 of several different themes, including function execution, object creation and manipulation, and error handling. We will also discuss loading LISP files, accessing variable values, and configuring contextual help.


  • Discover the AutoLISP programming language functions that might make development easier
  • Discover the benefits to these functions
  • Discover how to implement the user of the function
  • Examine code samples for each function


  • Lee Ambrosius
    Lee Ambrosius is a Senior Principal Content Experience Designer at Autodesk, Inc., for the AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT products on Windows and Mac. He works primarily on the customization, developer, and CAD administration documentation along with the user documentation. Lee has presented at over 15 different Autodesk University events on a range of topics, from general AutoCAD customization to programming with the ObjectARX technology. He has authored several AutoCAD-related books, with his most recent projects being Discovering AutoCAD 2024, and AutoCAD Platform Customization: User Interface, AutoLISP, VBA, and Beyond. When Lee isn't writing, you can find him roaming various AutoCAD community forums, posting articles on his or the AutoCAD blog, or tweeting information regarding the AutoCAD product.