AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Autodesk Virtual Reality Workflows for Architects



This class will cover how you can use several autodesk software including revit, 3ds max, navisworks and InfraWorks for use in Autodesks Revit live and Stingray (3ds Max Interactive).

This will include the basics on how to get started, and best settings for a VR experience including lighting, materials and cameras.

There will also be workflows on how best to get authoring data intoStingray (3ds Max Interactive) how to work with templates and have live links back to the authoring software for design changes.

The class will cover a section on vray materials and how they work with Stingray (3ds Max Interactive) and how to get photorealistic VR environments with core settings, light probes, and light baking.


  • Learn how to get into VR quickly
  • Learn photorealistic VR setups
  • Discover best practices for interoperability
  • Learn about VR settings


  • Sam Macalister 的头像
    Sam Macalister
    I am an Architect & BIM technical specialist for Autodesk Australia based in Sydney, Australia. I have designed buildings in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Middle East, India & Australia working mainly in Healthcare, Education & Residential design.